Featured Blog Posts – October 2008 Archive (85)

Are we in Control ???

Yesterday, while rummaging through my closet looking for Winter shoes I wondered is Alopecia my burden or had I let it burden me? I thought I was lucky I learned to take this negative and turn it into a positive. While there are definately days when I would rather be quote "normal" I have done all the things that I wanted to do. I thought does everyone on this site now that this is not a reason to wallow in shame but to accept the challenge and continue to fight. I think are we not all… Continue

Added by Trina on October 31, 2008 at 9:05am — 5 Comments

What's playing on your page?

I’ve discovered some addictive music playlists while surfing Alopecia World. I’d like to not only thank you all for such wonderful listening experiences, but also invite you to tell us in your reply to this blog what’s currently playing on your profile. Perhaps some other members would enjoy listening in. If you don’t have a playlist, go to Playlist.com and get one like my… Continue

Added by rj, Co-founder on October 30, 2008 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Looking Professional

So, I went to a meeting tonight with a group I am involved in here at my college (Society of Women Engineers). Tonight's meeting was all about how to write resumes and what to expect/be prepared for when having interviews. It was very helpful since about 20 of us are going to the national conference in Baltimore, MD next week. One of the things she mentioned (which was kinda to be expected) was about hair. It was basically the obvious no unnatural colors. It made me start thinking because I… Continue

Added by Kristen Ridenhour on October 29, 2008 at 11:36pm — 2 Comments

Random thoughts as I get ready for bed

Okay, so every once in a while I end up with too many thoughts to keep to myself, so I have to put them all down in my online journal and let you guys get a glimpse into the inner workings of my mind. So as my mind wanders, please feel free to let yours wander as well:

My head is so tender when my hair is growing back in (like it is right now) that I can barely stand it. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to do to relieve it?

I have noticed that scalp massages do a… Continue

Added by kastababy on October 29, 2008 at 11:09pm — 4 Comments

The Success Story (mine.)

I was only four when I was in the bathroom, my mom brushing my hair as I stood on a stool to see myself in a mirror. "Life couldn't get any better", I thought, watching through the mirror as my mother ran the brush through my short brown hair. Little did I know my perception of life itself was about to change.

"Kristin.." my mom looked me in the eye through the mirror, "are you pulling your hair?" I answered no, not really sure how honest the answer was.

After that day my mom and I… Continue

Added by Kristin on October 29, 2008 at 10:53pm — 3 Comments


I shaved my head for the first time this evening.
I discovered bald spots that I didn't even know I had.
23 in total (some very small, others... not so small).


Added by Melody on October 29, 2008 at 8:46pm — 6 Comments

Negative feedback on wig

I got a new and first wig and wore it for the first day in public and at church. Most people didn't say anything but kind of looked at me a little differently. A lady at my church made the comment "you're wearing a wig" after someone asked who did my hair. I about broke down at church. I then explained to them that my hair had been falling out since my 3rd heart surgery and I had lost alot of it this week. I am not sure if I will be able to make it back to my church again. This profile pic is… Continue

Added by Dawn on October 29, 2008 at 8:30pm — 12 Comments

Alopecia Support Group

Hello Everyone!!!

After doing some research in my home area, I have found there to be no support groups in my area.

Therefore, I am hoping to start a Alopecia Support Group in Monroe, NY 10950.

If anyone is interested, please send me a note!


Have a great day!


Added by Shannon on October 28, 2008 at 7:32pm — 3 Comments

Still "wigging out" here in the south...... NOT


Still wearing the wig but ready after football season is over to go for the short look.

Methotraxate is helping with the RA as well as the Autoimmune AA. I have short black and gray hair all over my head now. Praise God! This is a pattern as I very well know. Every 2 years I experience a stressful period and it all comes out again.... But this time I am ok....

Hope all is well with each of you-- I still check in however daily I see the way things are happening in the… Continue

Added by Billie on October 28, 2008 at 11:30am — 1 Comment


ok all, i did it again!!!

i shaved my head that is!!

it's feels great, and this time i'm not worried if anyone knows i'm wearing a wig.

this time i welcome questions and looks, it gives me the oppertunity to tell anyone who is interested that i have Alopecia Areata and what that means. That I'm not sick and it is a disease that affects your hair only and can happen to almost anyone, but at the same time is very rare.

This is my way to get it out there… Continue

Added by Jessica on October 27, 2008 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

It's Been Awhile.

It's been awhile since I've blogged on here. My Mom was here for about a month, helping me out with my treatments, it was amazing having her here. So sad to see her go. I had such a good time with her though. For my birthday she got me tickets to see Girlicious, we were in front row! It was amazing.

So about my alopecia..I recently discovered, i am now losing some of my eyelashes :( I just wish this would all end. Anyways, Just letting everyone know whats going on...Here's a picture of me… Continue

Added by Chelsea McGee on October 27, 2008 at 7:06pm — 1 Comment

I Did It!!!!

I got my first wig and I love it!!! The lady I got it from also did the cut in. It was really nice as she has alopecia herself and is a hairdresser. I look like I did 6 years ago before the hairloss started. I haven't really worn it out yet. I plan on wearing it out tomorrow. I am a little nervous as what to say to people at church when they ask. Any suggestions? I was thinking about saying I got it colored and got some extensions. I will post some pictures soon!!!

Added by Dawn on October 27, 2008 at 3:55pm — 4 Comments

need advice about an itchy scalp

I know this may have already been covered but my itchy scalp is driving me crazy!!

i already have dry skin pretty bad so i'm not sure if thats just all it is or what the deal is. I absolutely hate washing my head because it itches so bad afterwards when i put my wig back on. My scalp cannot handle anything on it. lotion makes me itch like crazy, any type of hat or scarf. every wig i have ever tried has made me itch like mad. I wear three head caps under my wig just to protect my head… Continue

Added by Amber on October 26, 2008 at 11:50pm — 2 Comments

Finding the humor

I come from a family that likes to laugh. We believe that humor can help heal whatever ails you (I don't mean to make my family sound like saints in all my posts, I just love them very dearly).

For a long time it was hard for any of us to find humor in what was happening to me. Here I was 12 years old going bald, crying myself to sleep or getting lost in this horrible spiral of depression.

I remember the day before I got my first wig. I was sitting in the living room at… Continue

Added by Stephanie on October 26, 2008 at 10:40am — 5 Comments

Calling All Florida Alopecians!

Good Morning,

I joined Alopecia World several months ago and am THRILLED to hear all the optimism from fellow Alopecians! I'd really love to talk/meet with more fellow Alopecians from Florida. Is anyone out there? I'd love to hear about choices in hair replacement, going swimming, dealing with the heat etc....

I'm also very excited about partnering with a local hair restoration co. specializing in medical hair loss. Although selling real estate is my focus, I'm looking… Continue

Added by edie1122 on October 26, 2008 at 9:30am — 8 Comments


you know how your just so busy sometimes or you are thinking about other things so much that your bald head isnt something u really think about. then one day while doing something or getting out of the shower or sitting down at the computer a thought washes over you. I'm so different to so many people i know. I'm female and dont have a single hair on my entire body and some people who have met me dont have a clue. I dont go on rides or swim, i avoid rain and wind, and i dont wear my hair up...… Continue

Added by Alison on October 25, 2008 at 10:44am — 3 Comments

Bio Matrix

Anyone have a glued-on lace wig? I do. I love it. Well, I haven't seen anyone with a bio-matrix except for a few people I have noticed or met.


Added by Shana and Taylor on October 25, 2008 at 10:07am — 8 Comments

NEW: Chat anywhere in Alopecia World!

Alopecia World has a new chat feature that can be accessed from any page in Alopecia World.

This means that you can visit any page on Alopecia Worldwhile continuing to chat with other members who are online and available to chat.

You can also engage with "private chat" with other members.

Just go to any page on Alopecia World and you'll see the chat option in the far right column.

Give it a try today and let us know what you think of the new and…


Added by Alopecia World on October 23, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Vaccum wigs.

So I've been thinking about vaccum wigs lately. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about them. Are they human hair or synthetic? How much do they cost? Where can I get one? If anyone could answer any of these questions or supply me with a few options I would be overly greatful! Hope ya'll are having a great day! XOXO!

Added by Tiffany on October 23, 2008 at 12:04pm — 2 Comments

alopecia and me

so i'm 23 now about to turn 24 in november. i was 12 when i lost my eyebrows, i didnt really think anything of it since i have fair hair and skin it wasnt that noticable. at 14 i got my first patch, small. i went to a dermatologist but i already knew i had alopecia before he said a word. he said i should go on cortisone, 3 months later was almost bald with only hair at the top and bottom of my head.

i shaved my head after getting my first wig, i think it was one of the most freeing… Continue

Added by Alison on October 23, 2008 at 10:10am — 6 Comments

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