November 2010 Blog Posts (65)

Gail Porter's alopecia returns, etc.

Not sure how many of you have heard but the well known Gail Porter who had sported a full head of short blond hair this past summer after a bout with alopecia since 2005 is now experiencing hair loss again. The article was posted at (search for the latest news about Gail Porter) and focuses on alopecia being caused by stress (which still has not been proven and is believed to be a doctor's excuse for not knowing the cause). Apart from… Continue

Added by Carol on November 30, 2010 at 4:28pm — 3 Comments

Who would have thought (Not I)

I decided this morning I am DONE drawing on eyebrows. Eye shadow a little foundation is all I need. No more worrying about smudged eyebrows on hot days! I am sitting at work and I could care less about them. LOL I am sooo happy to just be me. I thought to myself people must think I have no self-esteem just to walk out no wig no eyebrow, BUT ITS ACTUALLY the opposite! I have been happier, bolder, feeling good about my appearance, and have a greater self esteem!! (I thought this would never… Continue

Added by Sam Sam on November 30, 2010 at 11:32am — 7 Comments

Interesting turn

I stopped wearing my wigs this past summer because they were too hot and uncomfortable. It was a major step for me and have continued to be conflicted about it. The ER where I work is always cold and I expect it to be even colder this winter. I was talking to some of my co-workers about starting to wear a wig again because my head is always cold. Everyone chimed in that I shouldn't do it. They all said I looked way better with my head bald. I was really surprised by their… Continue

Added by Karen Grevious on November 30, 2010 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

I'm a Princess!

I really want to go into a store and pull off my bandana . I could wear my tiara . lol . I'm bald .... And I'm a princess ! HA ! : P I have been thinking about this for a while & I really want to do it . I think I'm going to make me a shirt saying something about alopecia . And I want it to say " Yes, I'm bald . And I'm a princess ! " I can make me some cards or something with my story & have a friend go with me. Just a thought . What do you think ? Oh yeah , I shaved my head again . Go… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on November 30, 2010 at 2:18am — 5 Comments

To cut or not to cut - that is the question

My daughter's trich continues and her hairline continues to get higher and higher. As you can see from these pictures, there is not much left of the back of her hair - it's strip about 1 inch wide at the back. The top of her hair - if I bunch it together - is about 2.5 inches wide.

Her hair is getting to the point where it's starting to look awkward.

Side of Head

Back of Head with hair pulled up just to show how thin… Continue

Added by Sandi Walmsley on November 29, 2010 at 11:35pm — No Comments

My Cruise

I met fellow alopecian,Susan from North Carolina. I hope she reads this and friends me on facebook Linda Fahey Carraway. There were 3 of us on The Navigator of the seas,myself susan and the lady I came with my daughters mother in law. I think our kids are domed to be bald someday. My soninlaw is very close and his brother is there! I had a wonderful time went bald mostly and not one person flinched,I think people are so used to cancer patients they just assume thats who you are. Only 1 person… Continue

Added by linda carraway on November 29, 2010 at 10:41am — No Comments

I am happy today

today was my first day to go out without my wig

Although I do have lots of these small/ big bald spots every where on my head I decided to go without my wig.

I wanted to be me.

I was really afraid, because I hate it when people look at me with those eyes that are full of pity and mercy.

At the begining I felt that every one is looking at me but then I said to myself " Einas you look gerat with hair and without hair if the others dont accept you the way you…

Added by Einas Eilabouni on November 28, 2010 at 3:59am — 6 Comments

accepting alopecia n hair growing back

i no its gud to accept ur alopecia i now am starting 2 n it feels much beter, when i read that a few mths ago i 4ght im never goin 2 b able but i am!! but lets not b scared 2 say that 4 many ppl hair grows back!!!!!!!!!!:)

Added by caroline knight on November 25, 2010 at 7:50pm — No Comments

Thank goodness 4 AW

im so glad i found this site havin alopecia wud b much harder 2 cope wiv wiv out it '''''''''''''so every1 remember we hav each other n we have all inevitably grown as ppl because off it n are very special if my hair grows bak i have promised myself i wont forget wot havin alopecia has taught me X

Added by caroline knight on November 25, 2010 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

Staying put?

Does anyone wear a bonded system that lasts a few weeks at a time? Only I will be shaving the res of my hair off in January/February and hope to God it stays on and doesn't come off until I take it off. Also, can you really have hot summer holidays on a beach and sweat and will it still stay on!! Would really appreciate your views to all the people wearing a bonded system. Any tips would be great, many thanks all :-)

Added by dannii on November 25, 2010 at 2:53pm — 8 Comments

Trying to hold on

Hey everyone ! In this blog I'm just letting everything out . I went to the dermatologist on Nov. 8th . I went hoping to get a prescription for a humar hair wig . I got into the room , He came in , looked at my head & told me some treatment options . He wants me to try a cream but it might do a rash on my head . ( OH JOY !) We didn't get to ask him about the wig . I left the office walking down the hall crying . I was so dissapointed . The whole point for going to the dermatologist was to… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on November 24, 2010 at 7:30pm — 9 Comments

Is there any hope for me?

I have a question regarding AA what are the chances of having it rather widespread, and then for the hair to come back? Is it possible to just have it once in your life and for it never to return? or are the chances of that very slim? I AM DESPARATE for some hope cant think of having to deal with this torment for the rest of my life please help. Clare Majka

Added by clare majka on November 24, 2010 at 6:30pm — 9 Comments

Heated up over wigs

There are a lot of things I thought were just my "issues" before coming onto this site. For instance, wearing unbearably hot, uncomfortable wigs in the middle of summer, sweating out from under them to maintain the anonymity the wig provides. Sometimes I find myself at the gym, doggedly tramping on the treadmill, my face tomato red and swollen, while the hair on my wig is "just so"... I mean, I look like a person flogging themselves at the gym and getting results--and that is the goal, right?… Continue

Added by Virginia Olivera Manley on November 24, 2010 at 5:39am — 10 Comments

No more eyelashes!

When I was two years old I lost all of my hair including my eyelashes.

By the time I was in elementary school I got pink eye ALL the time because bacteria could get in my eyes due to the fact that I didn't have eyelashes. So, after several cases of pink eye, my body decided that I needed my eyelashes and they grew back.

16 years later.. I guess my body decided I don't need them anymore because guess what? As of today (November 23rd, 2010) my last eyelash just fell… Continue

Added by Erika Vincent on November 23, 2010 at 11:34pm — 4 Comments

Blog Number One.

Haven't done this in....ever perhaps?

Crazy year and FINALLY settled in Syracuse, NY, which btw is FANTASTIC when I'm from southwest Florida. *shrug* What can I say, I left because the weather there sucks. Its too damn cold down there! =P

I've been here since the 2nd of the month, still kinda adjusting to not knowing anyone out here besides my big brother, or knowing where anything is. I've never been one to cover my head(too vain for the tanline I guess) but I'm learning… Continue

Added by Kira on November 23, 2010 at 11:21pm — No Comments


With Thanksgiving coming up soon, I wanted to write about what I am thankful for in my life. I am very thankful that I have all my limbs and they function properly. I have a friend who broke her hip at age 26 and she is on a long road to recovery, and I think that could have been me. I am thankful that I still have both my parents and two step-parents. My parents are very supportive and I am lucky to have them in my life. I am thankful to have my job until January. I will be getting laid off… Continue

Added by Alliegator on November 22, 2010 at 10:27am — 2 Comments

4 years and still in denial.

I am still struggling with coming to terms with having alopecia in general (after 4years),and now I'm struggling to accept (specifically),AU. I had AT at first (maybe before spring/and in 09) and this past spring/summer all of a sudden, no eyelashes,eyebrows,no hair on my head or the rest of my body. It came as a big shock because I had been using Shumuel Gonen's hair up treatment ( herbal gels). I asked him to send me another order of it and he said no, that I wasn't using the products… Continue

Added by Alexis on November 22, 2010 at 1:00am — 10 Comments

Should I stop with the steroid shots?

HI i am new to the website and would like some advice on whether i should stop with the shots to my scalp.I have had 6 treatments and have some peach fuzz but my hair is still falling out is normal? will it continue to fall out even though i am getting the shots? Is it worth it to go through the pain or should i let the alopecia run its course i have lost a lot of hair still have a little at the back and sides thinking about shaving it off but i am terrified dont know what to do… Continue

Added by clare majka on November 21, 2010 at 8:31am — 8 Comments

Join our group - 'Be the Change'

Are you a teenager living with alopecia? Then perhaps you will consider joining our new group "BE THE CHANGE". A group to empower individuals and raise self - awareness in teenagers and young adults. Though this is a London based group you do not need to be in London to join and connect with other like minded individuals. This group is all about you the individual and your asperations and most importantly living your best life! Look forward to seeing you there...

Added by Jack Gs Mum on November 19, 2010 at 4:36am — No Comments

Life is funny

Life is funny sometimes ( who am I kidding, its funny most times ) As I was going thru my nightly ritual before bed, you know the stuff....teeth brushed, face washed, I was looking at my reflection and thinking "WOW I am happy." 2 1/5 months ago I took back control of my hair loss and shaved it off. Wow has really been only that long?? Since that day, for the most part, I have been happy. For the first time in the 27 years of having alopecia I not bothered by it. Yah sure there are days where I… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on November 19, 2010 at 1:03am — 2 Comments

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