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Hey everyone! :)

Hi - I was actually looking for exercise caps when I found this website. I have been dealing with baldness for the past 10 years. My hair got excessively thin when I was in my mid 20's. It has been pretty rough having to wear wigs. I went to see a doctor but he just shrugged it off as hereditary baldness. My paternal grandmother has excessively thin hair and I look like my late father with regards to my balding. My ex husband accepted it and I have had a couple of boyfriends that accepted it… Continue

Added by Chellie Bell on October 10, 2011 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

What did you do?

i want to know if anyone has actually recovered from AA and seen their hair again?
i want to know if i should just give up and face that fact that i will have no hair for the rest of my life... im only 16 years old :(

Added by sarah bradley on October 10, 2011 at 6:00am — 6 Comments

He left. I wish he would come back

Well if anyone read this i will really appreciate any comment am also new to this well here goes..This is my story i am 20 years old my bf is 27 he has Alopecia Universalis since he was 10 years old first his eyebrow fell and than all the rest.He was always going on doctors to find out more for his condition(bk to my story)We started dating soon after we have meet, we got engaged and started living together for 3 and half years, month a go nightmare happened..He started relation with me only… Continue

Added by Julija on October 9, 2011 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

I was so embarrassed!

Hi Everyone, I had the most embarrassing thing happen this morning! My worst nightmare came true! I’ve been seeing this guy for about 2 years now. We don’t get to see each other every often due to the distance we live from each other. I’ve told him on and off that I’ve been having issues with my hair falling out but he didn’t know I bought an integrated wig a few months ago to cover three bald spots I have on top of my head. Well, we were making love this morning and my hair piece came loose… Continue

Added by FANCY1024 on October 8, 2011 at 12:30pm — 9 Comments


hi i was wanting advice from anyone who has had to deal with negative reactions from their kids with dealing with alopecia. my eldest boy is 12 and he is mortified that i might go totally bald.tact isn't his strong point as he has asperger syndrome but it really hurts and i don't want to be an embarrassment to him.i tried a wig on and he covered his eyes and said i looked terrible and i should get a wig that looks just like my old hair.i was dealing with this quite well until this happened!any… Continue

Added by laura on October 8, 2011 at 8:30am — 5 Comments

Just because

My husband and I had an unexpected date night. While I waited for our table, he went next door to the bookstore. He took a bit longer than expected and I waited patiently at our table. He later snuck behind me and handed me a greeting card with a glass heart on it. The envelope read “Just Because!”

The card inside read:

When I think of… Continue

Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on October 8, 2011 at 12:30am — 7 Comments


Hi again! I'm doing a Senior project on alopecia. I think I've mentioned that in my first blog. If any of you wouldn't mind being interviewed please contact me. It's just a few simple questions that would help me with my project. I would very much appreciate it :D
Please and thank you :)

Added by Julie on October 7, 2011 at 11:10pm — 5 Comments

A breakup during hairloss

I don't know about you, but I find that hair loss makes things like this even harder.

I had a few months of stability in my hair loss, and even some regrowth. Then, it started up again. It's now going strong, yet I still look presentable. Well, just about. Last night, my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me. This is so devastating to me. I cried all night last night, a little this morning and I feel like part of me is dead at the moment. I don't believe we broke up because of my… Continue

Added by Lili on October 7, 2011 at 8:30pm — 12 Comments

Didnt expect that to happen

Didnt expect that to happen. I spend more and more time walking and carrying on thru life as a bald woman. And mostly I succeed. Today was the first time that I went into the mall without any head covering and I held my head high and didnt care about the stares I received or what others might have thought. And I did receive some odd looks, but I was ok with it. On a Friday afternoon, the mall as expected was pretty busy and still I chose to go in and continue with my shopping.

After I left… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on October 7, 2011 at 6:51pm — 3 Comments

Cross-eyed...baldness - They are assets

I have what they call lazy eyes, but the more common term is crossed-eyes. All my life my eyes have been this way. When I tried to get them corrected I kept hearing the same refrain, "Well you have good control over your eyes." What is that! I wanted my eyes to control themselves.

After going to several different doctors, none who knew each other, I reconciled myself to the fact that these eyes were going to be with me always. If you look at my pictures you don't know that I have crossed… Continue

Added by Jacqui on October 7, 2011 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Thank you for sharing

May I start by saying are already doing something positive towards dealing with Alopecia and your're talking about it. It's important that you find someone you can confide in and share your worries. There's no hard and fast rule when it comes to dealing with a life changing condition...Alopecia isn't dangerous or life threatening but it is certainly life changing. You have a an amazing strength within you, you probably just can't see it yet as you're scared,… Continue

Added by Karena Moore-Millar on October 7, 2011 at 3:34am — No Comments

1 in 100

I recently became involved in a book project about breast cancer survivors. Although I don't have cancer, those with Alopceia often are approached with that very question. The author invited me to participate in order to represent one of the struggles many women go through in dealing with this disease. I'm also thrilled at the fact that this book will help bring more awareness about this condition. It was very empowering to write my story and recall the stages I went through on my journey.… Continue

Added by Laura Dasi on October 7, 2011 at 1:23am — 5 Comments

Guys and women, nights out and parties

you would have to be deluded if thought it made no difference.

I've had alopecia for a few yrs now (I'm 24) and I'm going to be frank and a bit crude,

when I had hair I would be able to get most girls I wanted and have girls after me on a night out etc with ease, (no ego boost haha)

also randoms on facebook would message me for chats etc. My body was slim/normal btw.

fastforward to alopecia, well what a difference, I mean yes the odd girl but feel like ur… Continue

Added by Nick on October 6, 2011 at 3:30pm — 10 Comments

Hair systems

I just joined this group. I was reading Britney's comment on her hair system. I have a bald head and no eyelashes also. As of 3 mths ago. I want hair that stays on longer than my wig.

I have been to Hair Club but not for a bonded system. I think they are too expensive.

Your information was very helpful. I am going to go to a place close to where i live in Leawood, KS called Arista. they have hair systems for women called Virtuesse, sounds like it may be the bonding… Continue

Added by Leslie Mader on October 6, 2011 at 12:03pm — No Comments

AGA and being pregnant

Anyone out there with AGA and didn't have any problems with hair loss after the baby was born?????? I am 7 months pregnant and really nervous what the future holds after I deliver my baby boy. I have herd many different stories from people that don't have AGA. They grew more hair when pregnant and weren't shedding at all. A few others lost a lot a couple months after the baby was born. Looking to see if anyone with AGA had a baby and the hair loss stayed the same.

Added by Michelle on October 6, 2011 at 9:44am — 4 Comments

Today I confess

Hi! I'm Julie. I'm 17 years old and a Senior in high school. Pretty new to this. Never blogged, but "facebook-ed" plenty of times :D hahaI've had alopecia totalis for 14 years now. I never wanted anyone to know that I had this condition.

When I was in elementary, kindergarten to 6th grade, I always hid under my little white hat. I got teased, I always wanted to stay home. Since 4th grade I've been afriad of what others thought of me. 5th grade someone asked if I had cancer because their… Continue

Added by Julie on October 5, 2011 at 7:40pm — 4 Comments

Through my eyes

first off i do not have alopecia but i live with it every day. my wife has it. this is for all the women and men out there that have alopecia with someone in there life that loves them take a minute everyday and look at yourself through their eyes and know that you are beautiful.... what i see when i look at my wife is her beautiful smile and eyes the way she carries herself.... i just urge you to see yourself as i see you and that is perfect.... and all the single people out there don't… Continue

Added by michael on October 5, 2011 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

My full head of hair :)

Just posting my new hair, ALL MINE regrowth that has come in quite quickly too. Here's hoping it will stay. :)

Added by lynne on October 5, 2011 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

It's our inner beauty that counts?

If there is one belief that I would really like to see us alopecian challenge, is when we start referring to our inner beauty as if our outer beauty couldn’t exist anymore.

I think that the thing that brings me the most joy is when an alopecian can truly start to see their beauty again. But, over and over again, I see us making comments like, “it’s our inner beauty, not our outer beauty that counts”, as if we have forfeit our rights to be beautiful the moment we lost our…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on October 5, 2011 at 2:00am — 17 Comments

Love is not a follicle thing

When my boyfriend and I started dating, he nicknamed me ‘Blondie’ and told me he loved my hair.

Three months into the relationship, I discovered my first bald patch. It didn’t even occur to me not to tell him - I rang him in a panic, blurting that my hair was falling out.

He knows more than anyone how important hair can be - he adores his wild mop of curls and spends a small fortune on products. After listening to me freaking out, he gave me a hug and accompanied me to the… Continue

Added by AJ on October 4, 2011 at 5:00pm — 9 Comments

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