All Blog Posts (5,825)

Following orders but losing the battle

I do a lot of reading on this site, but I haven't written much. Now...I think it's time to change. I need to dig in and talk with others about their journeys with this disease. I thought I had 'accepted' (if you can ever really accept it) this disease and was ready to hit it head on. In the past 2 years (November will be 2 years that I noticed the first spot) I've foamed, lasored, creamed and injected my head with everything perscribed. My derm has me taking enough vitamins to constitute a full… Continue

Added by BT on October 9, 2010 at 9:48pm — 5 Comments

The new routine

It's been a while since I've been to AW, but I recently decided to open my own photography studio. Things with that are going great, already had our first shoot.

Since my last post, however, I have developed a new technique to shaving my head, which has dropped the time considerably. And this time, it's done all in the shower. This by no means is a guide, just how I preform the shave... Maybe it will help you maybe it won't. Either way, good luck shaving your head.

I run a… Continue

Added by Aaron on October 9, 2010 at 2:37pm — 5 Comments

1 year anniversary of my daughter's alopecia

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of when my daughter's hair started falling out. She told me this yesterday and wanted to contact some of the friends that helped her the most last year. She lost all of her beautiful waist lenth hair in 2 weeks. She was a highschool senior. She continued to cheer, party, do well in school and live a normal life. I shed alot of tears and have bought 8 wigs from all different makers and spent hours researching the disease. This site helped so much. Her boyfriend… Continue

Added by Karen Smith on October 9, 2010 at 10:25am — 1 Comment

Has anyone ever been affected on only one side of the head?

I have a question. Has anyone ever been affected on only one side of the head. My right side has gotten so thin, especially around the hairline and my left side is as thick as ever. No signs of alopecia on the left side. I just find it strange. It makes me wonder if it is something else.

Added by Kristi Kelly on October 8, 2010 at 11:25pm — 1 Comment

My story with AA, as it begins

I had been noticing substancial hair loss over the past several months. My hair had finally gotten very long and I loved it, but something changed. I felt like my hair wasn't getting any longer over the past few months. I thought that maybe it just was because it was thin. I found myself having to clean out a completely full brush every time I brushed my hair. It was everywhere: on the couch, all over my car, on the floor, filling up the vaccuum cleaner, and stopping up our drains. My… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on October 8, 2010 at 6:26pm — 8 Comments

Biopsy update!

Ok guys, so here I am today freaking out once again..I just called to see if my results for my biopsy are back cause now it is going on 2 weeks and a half...The women told me that my biopsy is still pending, and asked her specifically what they are looking for, and she said alopecia..I continued to ask her what else they look for and did not give me specifics, but told me that they look for a few things...My dr never told me exactly what they look for as well, which really bothers me..Does… Continue

Added by Trish on October 8, 2010 at 1:44pm — 7 Comments

Bob cut bridal hair diva

Hello everyone,
I am looking for bridal hairstyles for a bob cut wig. My best friend is getting married and i am in the bridal party. Being as how the wig is short there is not much i can do with it, but i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to put in it i.e. barrettes, pins etc to make it more festive for the occasion. The wig is a synthetic monofilament wig. If you have any pics they would be most appreciated! :)Thank you in advance.

Added by soniamarry on October 8, 2010 at 7:50am — 2 Comments

My apologies to all

I posted a rather upsetting blog yesterday and I noticed today that it "mysteriously" disappeared. I don't know if someone asked that it be taken down since it was kind of a very telling blog or if the website somehow deleted it. I don't know but I want to apologize if it hurt anyone to hear how upset I am and how badly I am handling the scalp pain and not liking myself or how I look. Today was a bad day. I had to leave work and may take a few days off. I woke up this morning with a numb and… Continue

Added by Julie Koch on October 7, 2010 at 8:21pm — 20 Comments

More hair shedding! Depression is getting worse

Ok, so more and more of my hair is coming out and I am getting scared I am going to lose all of it...I have been using the olux foam as the Dr prescribed and it does not seem to be helping...It has been a month and see no change or regrowth, in fact I have gotten two more spots..Has anyone ever experienced more itchying and hair loss while using the Olux foam? Also, head seems to be red and irritated more so than before, not sure if it's from the foam or just my body...Around the patches I can… Continue

Added by Trish on October 7, 2010 at 1:01pm — 17 Comments

Alopecia sucess stories

I'm new to the site as well as new to this condition. I noticed my hair thinning rapidly a month ago and a few weeks later my fiance saw my first bald spot. After finding a few more I had my fiance shave my head.

I would appreciate hearing a few of your success stories of how your hair came back, how quickly, ect.

Thank you
Rachel :D

Added by Rachel Rei on October 6, 2010 at 8:25pm — 3 Comments

What type of hairloss do I have?

He everyone, I have had hairloss for a while now but I still don't know what I truely have. I just wanted to see what you all thought. I had very very thick hair before all of this. I started to lose it in clumps all over my scalp and I had 1 bald spot when it first started. Then the bald spot grew back but my hair continued to shed from all over. It just seems much much thinner then it did. About 9 after the hair started my eyelashes, nose hairs, vellus hairs , well hair from all over started… Continue

Added by Erin Barber on October 6, 2010 at 5:27pm — 4 Comments

Eye lubricating gel makes eyelashes grow

As I had no eyelashes or eyebrows my optician advised me to wear my glasses all the time to protect my eyes and also to use a lubricating gel at night and drops during the day. I had been using the gel for a while when I started to grow eye-lashes (now don't get too excited as they are very sparse and thin but they are eyelashes!!). I didn't connect the growth with the eye gel until I read that cosmetic companies are producing mascara with an ingredient in that is also in the gel [apparently… Continue

Added by Diana Hastings on October 6, 2010 at 5:08pm — 3 Comments

First blog~

I'll start my first blog by introducing myself I guess. I'm Davis, a 19 year old girl from Alberta Canada. I was first diagnosed with alopecia when I was 3 years old, I was getting my haircut and the hair dresser noticed a small bald patch in the back of my head. My mum took me to our family physician who told us about alopecia, and what it was. But we live in such a small community and it was so long ago, there wasn't much information on it. For the last 16 years, I've tried different… Continue

Added by Davis McConney-Goode on October 6, 2010 at 3:59pm — 2 Comments

Can anyone give me pointers?

Hi everyone!
I am new here and I just wanted some advice! I am looking for any suggestions of how to be supportive of my friend who has alopecia. What is something you wish your loved ones did more of to help you? Also what is something you wish they did less of?
Thanks for the help!

Added by abbey on October 5, 2010 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments


I am not sure whether to be thrilled or angry.

When I was diagnosed with AGA in February, the dermatologist said there was no need for a biopsy or blood tests because it was such a clear case of AGA. Seeing as through he is "the best" in the state, I took him at his word. When I had made the appointment with him, I had also made an appointment with a hair transplant specialist and realised last month that it was due.

When I went to see her last month, she asked for biopsy… Continue

Added by Michelle L on October 5, 2010 at 9:48pm — 9 Comments

Have AA. How much more hair am I going to lose?

I found out in July I have a AA, I have a large spot and 7 other spots the size of a quarter. Does anyone with AA have that many? I am having a pity party for me and can not stop crying between the losing of handfuls of hair to my head itching and all the bald spots I feel like I am about two seconds from going over the edge. Two of the 7 showed up over the weekend. The only positive thing is I have stuble all over my hair and around 75% of my hair. I know AA is unpredictable and is different… Continue

Added by Kimberly Duncan on October 5, 2010 at 5:13pm — 2 Comments

AW Moms in NY City

Hi There,

Anyone with kids with Alopecia in the NY City area? I live in the Bronx and would love for my daughter to meet other kids around her age with the same condition.

Added by CHARLENE WILSON (Chayenne's Mom) on October 5, 2010 at 10:43am — 4 Comments

Please help me

I am 30 years old and just recently been diagnosed with alopecia areata. I have several very small spots on the right side of my head. The bad thing is that they are near the hair line and will be hard to disguise if it gets worse. I really need some encouragement. After looking through this site I feel like I really have no right to get on here and complain about my head when there are so many more of you on here with a much more complex condition than mine. I just keep crying and looking in… Continue

Added by Kristi Kelly on October 4, 2010 at 10:43pm — 10 Comments

When will it end!

Ok, so It has been one month since I discovered my bald patch and found two more there after very quickly..I have used CLOBETASOL for 14 days and stopped for a few, but within the time of stopping my hair would fall out in clumps..I started to use it again, but I noticed my head is red and itchy and will not give..Why is my bald spots red and itchy? I see some correlation between my head being red and itchy and my hair coming out in clumps..When will it stop being red and itchy? I think if it… Continue

Added by Trish on October 4, 2010 at 2:43pm — 3 Comments

Your thoughts on AA and health insurance for the self-employed

Argh! I'm really stuck. I've had AA for 3.5 years now and until recently, had been spot-free since Xmas of last year. There is a 3cm on the top side of my scalp and I already went in to receive my requisite injections. Prior to this I had completely changed my diet and upon discovering that I'm anemic I am also Gluten and Dairy Intolerant.

We all know AA is sporadic, right?!! DH is on the verge of possibly being self-employed. So now we have to figure out the health… Continue

Added by Georgie on October 4, 2010 at 1:15pm — 1 Comment

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