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Another new derm

Took my son to the derm yesterday for some better answers. She ordered the tests that I wanted and said we could do the biopsy whenever I was ready. I went ahead and held off on the biopsy for now only because I'm scared it will encourage another spot to start. His last spot started from a major head bump. He had a huge knot after the bump, its actually still there 2 months later, plus the new spot that started where he bumped his head. So because of that I'm afraid for now. She did say that… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 5, 2009 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Fix what's in your head to cure what's on it

Hello very interesting news about the treatment of alopecia. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is helping many with alopecia. Although stress is a most probably a contributing factor to alopecia; ongoing stress or more specifically situation related stress- anxiety is a big obstacle why hair takes time to regrow. This anxiety state adds to our unwell health and increases our stress hormones stunting hair growth.

If we feel quite self conscious and avoid doing things as of alopecia… Continue

Added by carl on September 5, 2009 at 5:39am — 1 Comment

1st bald pic. Ahhhh!

A short background. I went completely bald in 7th and 8th grade when I first lost my hair. I got my first wig in high school and have worn one ever since. Although I'm pretty open about my friends knowing about my AU, I only go bald in the privacy of my own home and only in front of a select few.

Anyway...recently on facebook I reconnected with a lot of old friends from grade school. Today I noticed one of those people posted some pictures of all of us back in grade school days and… Continue

Added by Jill on September 4, 2009 at 6:42pm — No Comments


I am suffering from postpartum depression, I'm obsessing over my son's hair loss, and when I'm not obsessing over him I freaking out over the biopsy I have to have next week. Why me? What did I do to deserve this. Its like God telling me I was too happy in life and was getting too comfortable with things going well. So haha joke is on me.

Its all I can do to get in the shower each day. I drag myself out of bed and walk downstairs with my stomach in my throat that there will be a new… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 4, 2009 at 12:17pm — 5 Comments

Nervous! TO shave or NOT to shave with the wig?

I just bought a wig (human hair) but its monofiliment I am not sure that is the best wig to get .... is it easy to wear do i shave my head with it? or do i leave hair so i can pin it in.. if so should i cut my hair short. ... Kinda freaking out because i wish i had someone with me that knows and has gone through this already to help me! My family is being supportive finally but, they don't know what is best or whatever!

please help me figure out if i should shave my… Continue

Added by Ann Laurie on September 4, 2009 at 11:34am — 6 Comments

The other side of fear

The first time I left the house without my wig I literally stood at the door with my hand on the knob totally frozen for about five minutes. I knew once I walked out that door everyone would not only know my “secret,” but would now see it. There was a big difference between telling and showing somebody my alopecia.

To this day, I am still sometimes surprised that I opened the door and walked out of the house. I remember my heart was pounding and, I wanted to run back…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 4, 2009 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

Up and down... but not beaten [Parental advisory...contains strong language]

Dear Blog,

Another 2 week(ish) update...

My spots are now in double figures and now not just confined to the back of my head thanks to a new spot on the top of my head which I found tonight. I'm trying to keep myself busy so that I don't dwell on or cry about this latest development. That's ten spots now in sizes ranging from a small dot to fairly large patches. Up until June this year I only had one large spot. This has really been a sh*t 3 months.

Treatment… Continue

Added by Robert on September 3, 2009 at 4:18pm — 3 Comments

How to deal with this?!

I have no idea. I wish I knew. My friends don't understand. All I hear is "its just hair". I hate hearing that. I know its just hair. I know I should be grateful that their is nothing seriously wrong with my child, that he is still healthy. But I'm angry and sad. I want to know how to get past the anger and the sadness and learn to live with the fact that my child might lose all of his hair. I want to look at him and just see him and not see the new hair loss. Not feel that pit of my stomach… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 3, 2009 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Losing eyebrows....HELP!

I am starting to lose my eyebrows in addition to my hair :(. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as replacement for eyebrows??

Thank you

Added by Donna DeHoog on September 3, 2009 at 10:56am — 5 Comments

Vacuum wigs

Does anyone have any experience with vacuum wigs? Are they hot? Do they truly stay on your head? Do they look natural? What about the part line? Can you wear them without bangs and still look natural?


Added by Donna DeHoog on September 3, 2009 at 10:54am — 1 Comment

My year of growth seems to be coming to an end :( ?

OK everyone.....I need a pick me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my free ride with the new hair growth maybe over. I had to go off the methotrexate for 3 weeks this summer due to high ALT and AST numbers (liver function enzymes)

I have been back on and off it for the last couple of weeks, trying to watch the liver numbers. In the last 2 weeks my hair has been thinning steadily and I have about 10 or more crop circles ranging from dime to quarter size.....had kenalog shots two weeks ago in the… Continue

Added by Kim Culberson on September 3, 2009 at 1:34am — 1 Comment

Never ending story!

Well..Its been a while since I got on here, but I wanted to update my stuff! I did have three spot and they were getting bigger and bigger and then I had cortisone shots and the clobetasol gel! Well, the shots made my scalp way too thin and he said that I could not have any more shots for at least two years! So then it was a waiting game to see how it would turn out. The hair started growing back really fast and good! I was so excited! But last night I was looking in the mirror and saw a spot… Continue

Added by Misty Boggs on September 2, 2009 at 11:23pm — 4 Comments

Suppurt groups in Canada

Hello everyone

I have noticed that there is so much available (in the way of support groups, functions, activities, etc.),in the United States however, we live in British Columbia, Canada and would LOVE to have the support here. I feel like I'm failing my little girls needs and it would be amazing if we had some connections close to us. Is there anyone that knows of anything here in B.C. or any other province in Canada ????????? We would appreciate any help that we could get. Thank you in… Continue

Added by Taylor-Jean on September 2, 2009 at 6:58pm — 1 Comment

Empower myself

I told my family... friends, and anyone who wants to know in my life that I have Alopecia and I got this back... and I thought my fellow prisoners of Hair would apreciate it!

(Adam Deming)

Lol, as if you need hair to be beautiful. You were, you are, you will be.

So shave it off with defiance, as if you were overthrowing the repressive Hair government whose power seat rests atop your crown!

Storm the castle gates with torches and pitchforks, letting… Continue

Added by Ann Laurie on September 2, 2009 at 3:14pm — 8 Comments

My first 'Bald' date!

I've been in a elationship for the past 10 years and it recently ended. During that relationship I'd lost al my hair so my partner had gone through al the trauma and supported me through it. Now I found myself single and bald and dating seemed completely daunting. Then a ew weeks ago I met someone on facebook ompletely by accident - a friend of a friend. We ended up chatting and found we had loads in common so he asked me on a date! I asumed he knew about my baldnes because of my profile… Continue

Added by Emily Horsley on September 2, 2009 at 1:45pm — 4 Comments

Gluten free=hair slowly coming back

Well I haven't been on in a while but summer has been busy I guess. Just thought I'd try the blog and let you all know that I went gluten free about 3.5 months ago and have had hair grow back in places that weren't responding to steroid injections. I have a few eyelashes that have decided to stick around and am hoping the rest will join soon:) In the past, they would come in as little stubbles and then fall out a few weeks later but these have grown quite long and have maintained longer than… Continue

Added by Amanda on September 1, 2009 at 11:56pm — 3 Comments

New Wig Itch

Just a quick question. Does anyone else experience itching on the scalp with new wigs? Also was wondering if they might treat the wigs with something that might cause the itching?

Added by Annette Stewart on September 1, 2009 at 8:22pm — No Comments

I'm wondering if anyone has done business with Joseph Paris in Manhattan?

I requested information from his website and he called me today. His products (wigs) are so impressive that I have to check it out a little further. I'm only 4 hours from NY so I'll make the ride to see his wigs before I order, but I was hoping that someone may have one of his wigs to show out here.

I was very impressed with my entire conversation with him. I felt comfortable discussing my alopecia with him and not pressured at all into setting up an… Continue

Added by Karen on September 1, 2009 at 5:42pm — 3 Comments

Kentucky Resources

Hello~ I am new to this site and wanted to see if anyone had good resources in or around the Louisville area in regards to salons, hair replacement, dermatologists, support groups, etc. I have had AA for about a year now and am researching the different support groups and options available. Thanks so much! This is a great site :)

Added by Jean on September 1, 2009 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment

Skin feels weird, like a plucked chicken

as our chicago weather is starting to cool off, i am wearing a bit more clothes that i have during summer. I guess since my molting in the spring had progressed to full blown AU, i realize that my skin has gotten soooo terribly sensitive as fabric rubs against it. has anybody else felt this strange sensation? It is almost like my body down layed a cushion between my skin and my clothes and now it is all gone!!!!!!!! EGADSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like a plucked chicken!

Added by brenda kay on August 31, 2009 at 5:49pm — 2 Comments

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