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Bald scuba diving

I'm heading out (pun intended) next week for my first scuba diving trip since losing all my hair exactly a year ago, and I wanted to let everyone know I won't be in Internet contact for a few weeks.

As I've been doing at home for many months, I'll be bald the entire trip, except when I need a scarf or hat on my head for warmth or sun protection. I anticipate that my bald head will be a subject of interest for a very short while at the dive resort and on the boats with the other… Continue

Added by Mary on February 4, 2009 at 12:42am — 10 Comments

Oh My God!

I've been altering my life bit by bit since I got alopecia. First, it was no meat or dairy ,then no gluten or eggs, excercising everday too.

Just recently I went off the birth control pill the doctor prescribed to regulate some girl troubles. I went through some terrible withdrawl from having virtually no hormones, and now things have gotten better. So good infact I've gotten some regrowth, Small patches of sparse hair. That hair wasn't there before, I'm sure of it.

I'm not getting… Continue

Added by Amber Lounder on February 3, 2009 at 1:24pm — 3 Comments

Random Meeting

So i headed to Las Vegas for the super bowl and UFC fight this weekend. And one of my friends got us in a club at a diffrent hotel. So we are dancing having fun and i see this bald head in the crowd. I see them all the time but this was for sure a alopecia bald head. I was like cool some one else with alopecia is here. a little but later i see him again and i'm like wait i this face but wasnt sure why. Then ding he regonizes me too. I knew him from the NAAF conference in DC 2 years ago. We sat… Continue

Added by Jennifer on February 2, 2009 at 8:35am — No Comments

steroid creams: good or evil?

So. I'm turning 20 in two days.

a few weeks ago i thought my hair stopped falling out around the patch, finally..

i was stoked!

but i guess i was terribly wrong... the last few days it's been falling out around the bottom like crazy!

i decided to stop using the fluocionide steroid cream... i have a gut feeling that it may be the cause.

i haven't developed any new patches or thinning... but what's next? what's the score here? when is my hair gonna stop falling out?… Continue

Added by tat on February 1, 2009 at 2:11pm — 2 Comments

A lot going on

I don't know if it's a blessing or a bad thing, but over the last several months, I've kinda' put my alopecia in the back of my mind (as much as I could) to focus on the holidays and work... And a bout of stomach flu.

I just haven't had much time to sit and do anything but work.

I got a new wig from Revlon, and I LOVE. It. I'll post pictures soon, I promise.

Added by Stephanie on January 31, 2009 at 1:55pm — No Comments

New Dermatologist :-)

I went yesterday to a new derm due to ins changes. I like her, and she said this: my 2nd spot will probably respond well to treatment since the other one is almost completely grown back (it's about 4 inches long). She said she is giving me a new cream/gel which is a Category 2 on the strong scale, my other cream she said was like a 6 (1 being the best). She also said that due to my age of onset and the circumstances surrounding the hair loss, it is highly unlikely I will lose all of my hair. So… Continue

Added by Amy on January 31, 2009 at 1:14pm — No Comments

25 Truths About Me.

I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to practice being transparent. A good friend was recently transparent and revealed a lot of truth about himself. I'm just gonna be honest with who I really am. muhahaha.

1. I am the biggest crybaby. I cry over everything and about everything. A leaf falls and I cry.

2. I am a people pleaser and will run myself into the ground just to make somebody happy. I commit to things i cannot do and struggle with telling people the… Continue

Added by Amber on January 31, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

New to Alopecia World!!

Hi Everyone...

I'm new to alopecia world and I'm open to making new friends and hearing everyone's story...Add me as a friend...I would love to share my journey with alopecia with you all....!!!

Added by Montoya Grant on January 30, 2009 at 10:24pm — 3 Comments

Bathroom crying

Today was I really great hair day. Otherwise not so good.

Came to school where I have work-practice on the schools TV-station. All the editing rooms were taken, the girl who is suppose to help me with the things we filmed didn’t want to and I had a Italian test that went really bad. Nothing was going smoothly and in the middle of it I started to think back to high school and probably one of the worst things that happened there. And I feel I have to get it out… Continue

Added by Johanna on January 30, 2009 at 11:57am — 3 Comments

Health conditions, related to Alopecia or not???? And dealing with daily pain.

Hello everyone......Just out of curiosity, I have had some health issues over the years, and was just curious as to if anyone else has had them as well, and if there are possible links to alopecia.

I know alot of the things that have happened to me was hereditary (im not such a great Firstly was the hysterectomy. I had endomitriosis, as did my mother and grandmother, and all of us ended up with the hyster. by the age of 26. This one still saddens me! Dont get me wrong, I… Continue

Added by Theresa on January 30, 2009 at 11:24am — 4 Comments

a little about my life!!

Firstly I just want to say, this is an awesome site! Wish I would have found it much sooner!


I don't know what its like to have ever had hair. My parents have told me, that I did have some hair when I was born. Apparently, I was nearly 7 weeks early when I made my splash into the world. Shortly afterwards the doctor came to my parents room and said we need to talk.

Ofcourse with that statement, my parents were terrified. The doctor explained that I have some… Continue

Added by Theresa on January 29, 2009 at 10:05am — 4 Comments

Super Bowl!!

Going to be an awesome weekend in Pittsburgh! When the Steelers go to the Super Bowl
it brings the city to life. Its a holiday atomsphere with family members returning
to watch the game here. Good food, good drink and parties. Now if the Steeler
secondary can stop the Kurt Warner and his wide
receivers there could/should be a victory sunday!

Added by Galvin on January 29, 2009 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

A new start

Wow. I googled my disease and found this community, full of people going trough things I've experienced too. I've never met someone who been diagnosed with alopecia, I've never met a person who actually heard of it before! Exept for the doctor I went to when I was thritheen and wondering what the h*ll was going on with my hair.

In the spring 2003 my friend was going to braid my hair during an artclass and found a naked spot above my left ear. The feeling under my… Continue

Added by Johanna on January 29, 2009 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

Good News Maybe

I had mentioned before that I had Alopecia as a child and had complete regrowth until I was 30 years old. Well as a child my mom had taken me to a tricologist and she was able to help me. Since then she (the tricologist ) has passed away. Since this has all happened to me again, I have found that her son has continued her business, not exactly in the same fashion, but for the most part. Anyway, I looked him up and talked to him for a while, I sent them some bloodwork and talked to him today, he… Continue

Added by Jamie on January 29, 2009 at 1:49am — 6 Comments

Normal Teen

I am a teen suffering alopecia areata. I almost try to live a normal life.even though i suffer AA my friends except me so does my boyfriend.he just cares that i don't have an asthma attack because i also suffer from chronic asthma .but for teens who does have alopecia its okay people will like you for who you are.
Kids who have AA or different alopecia should be proud of who they are.

Added by Aja Eliazar on January 28, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

a friendly alopecia scenario

Hey all,

In my posts I wrote about how my hair is coming back. However, right now I'm as bald as can be! All of the hair growing progress is gone.

Its a relief to not have patches to shave off anymore. Its official... I enjoy being bald more so than having hair.

The Story:

Yesterday, my professor, fellow students, and I were waiting in the hallway for a classroom to open up. My professor made a comment about nicely groomed eyebrows. I explained that I drew them… Continue

Added by Stacie Duda on January 28, 2009 at 4:48pm — 2 Comments

End of an era...

Yesterday, Loretto High School announced it will be closing its doors in June.

Since I heard the news, I feel like I've been walking around in a daze for the whole day. I'm trying to make sense of how to exist in a world where Loretto doesn't. It's hard to explain to people who don't or have not experienced it themselves, but the impact of Loretto closing is larger than I think anyone could imagine. It sounds cheesy and sounds cliché, but those four years I was there were truly the… Continue

Added by traci on January 28, 2009 at 3:49pm — 3 Comments

The new treatment. (DCP)

On the 21st January 2009,

I started DCP well getting sensitized to it, today 28th a week on had no reaction,

go back to hospital on the 4th february.

well its now 01 April 09,

still having treatment its going well. I will say the first few weeks were hell...Blisters and a head that if i had stuck it under the cold tap you could have got a red hot bath. Got really god growth at the back and were i was sensitized,

The right hand side is a stubbon bugger, but we will… Continue

Added by mandy on January 28, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments


I'm so proud of my Jessica and how well she is handling loosing her hair. I'm thankful that the process has been slow (allowing her time to slowly adjust), that she has this place to come to see photos of beautiful people so she isn't feeling so alone, and that she's completely healthy! As problems go in this world I'll take ALOPECIA any day of the year.

Added by KIM - Jessica's Mom on January 27, 2009 at 3:33pm — 5 Comments


Yesterday i found what looks to me like a new spot ..after months of not having any!:(

This is a poem i wrote about Alopecia i apologize if it is a bit depressing.

here it goes...

Back to Before

Just as my life began to feel whole again there you came trampling back in.

How am i suppose to have faith or even believe? When it is you that can make every bit of happiness leave.

The fear you evoke my mind you provoke. How my heart fell to the floor.… Continue

Added by Lacey on January 27, 2009 at 9:58am — 8 Comments

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