All Blog Posts (5,825)

fell out again, oh well. still have good news!

I was having such great progress with the hair growth for long time. Currently, it is cram time at school. Its my last year as an undergraduate. There is too much to do in such a little time. I've lost sleep, increased stress, decreased physical activity, and completely did a 180 downward spiral because of school. Its the stress. That's what causes my hairloss. My hormones are out of whack because of my irregular sleeping patterns, therefore, putting stress on my body. I don't sleep. I nap here… Continue

Added by Stacie Duda on December 9, 2008 at 4:22pm — 5 Comments

Rename it, and they will come

When it comes to disease, rename it, and they will come

‘Hyperhidrosis’ sexier than ‘excessive perspiration’

Teresa Smith

Canwest News Services

Monday, December 08, 2008

New terms for familiar ailments can result in more people seeking medication, says a study released Monday by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton.

The study looked at the…


Added by rj, Co-founder on December 9, 2008 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

Just thought that this might be interesting to read....

Dr Sinclair is Australia's leading man in the alopecia department

Added by Karen on December 9, 2008 at 12:34am — No Comments

Tomorrow is a big day for Merari!

Hi everyone this is Jennifer, Merari's aunt. I just wanted to share with all of you that tomorrow is a big day for Merari, she will have her first wig consultation. This is a bitter sweet moment for me and I think for my sister Miraida as well.Merari seems to be excited about it! But us big people are still trying to get our heads around this whole thing. You see we just recently started to talk about the idea of Merari possibly wearing a wig. We knew at some point we would have to talk about… Continue

Added by Merari's Page on December 8, 2008 at 6:05pm — 4 Comments


I havent blogged for awhile..Some great news tho. My eyelashes are fine..Maybe I was just seeing things I dont know. I went to Edmonton for three days, and found a beautiful house!! We move in Dec.27th. Im soo excited. I also bought a new wig, that I'm absolutely in love with!! Things are looking up!

Today is a good day. Im okay with being an alopecian. I have friends and family that love me unconditionally and support me, while I go through this lifelong journey. I couldnt be happier at… Continue

Added by Chelsea McGee on December 8, 2008 at 1:58pm — 3 Comments

Michigan.. Winter.. Cold..

Lets see... Michigan winters suck... not only that I'm freaking bald on top of it... thats ridiculous.

Do I wear a hat? Check $15

Scarf? Check $5

Gloves? Check $10

Jacket? Check $35

Feeling the icy wind cut through the layers of clothes to your neck that sends chills down your spine....


Well still the same shit different day going on here.

Except I still have small strands of white whispys coming in...

But when I go… Continue

Added by suzie on December 7, 2008 at 9:42pm — 2 Comments

Hi every one.

I am so sorry if you have been commenting me and do not know this but I do not have alopecia I am just a member to help support a really great friend.So I am so sorry If I did not tell you before.

Added by Kelsey on December 7, 2008 at 3:14pm — 5 Comments


I usually blog about my hair, but today there are other things on my mind that I would like to share....both heartwarming and exiting also a bit sad,

I miss my momma, six years ago today she passed away suddenly. At the time I was 17, my older sister 19, and two younger brothers, 10 & 11. It wasnt a car crash or a murder, It was a illness no one was aware of, bacterial endocraditis (i think i spelled that right) She had an infection inside her heart that created a small hole in her… Continue

Added by May on December 6, 2008 at 1:34pm — 1 Comment

Things Alopecians Like #8

Carefree cooking! No worries about stray hair falling into the main dish.

Added by Jill on December 6, 2008 at 9:04am — 2 Comments


i've never really thought about this before but reading other girls blogs on here got me thinking about the time i got alopecia i was 14 and i left school at 16 and spiralled into depression until about 18-19

but u know what it was when it should have happened, i know i'm only 24 but i would not be the person i am today with out my alopecia and i'm sure most people on here would feel the same. we see things different its not so much about how you look, you never take ur health for granted… Continue

Added by Alison on December 5, 2008 at 10:09pm — 3 Comments

The Memory Remains

The Memory Remains

Have I mentioned God convicting me of myself and transforming me into himself? Just in case I haven't here it goes.

Since this whole nightmare began. hhmm let's see how long has it been now? it will be 6 months tomorrow. I keep telling myself everything's gonna be ok. God is in control. for five of those months i had no job sending my credit and financial status down, down, down, to the center of the earth. where i am slowly starting to crawl towards the… Continue

Added by Amber on December 5, 2008 at 1:34am — No Comments

No coffee necessary

so this morning was really know sometimes you just have one of those mornings that feels like an entire day - all before you go to work. today was one of those mornings. I woke up late to begin with and had a class that was scheduled for earlier than normal. as I was getting dressed, I realized that the make-up powder that I use to draw on my eyebrows was GONE! WHAT!?!?!?! 3 seconds later, my doorbell rings. It is the woman that used to live downstairs from me. It was really great… Continue

Added by Rachel on December 4, 2008 at 11:01pm — 3 Comments


OMFG TOMMY FOUND OUT I LIKE HIM Dx but its all good. he said "don't think that i don't like u either. ur my best friend but i could see that changing in a good way sometime. but not right now." and he also said once "i wish i could find a girl tht was jst wat i want her to be. srry random jst started thinking." and evryone says he was talking about me! even perfect strangers i meet online! I WENT ICE SKATING WITH TOMMY SARA MADI SPENCER AND JASON LAST WEEKEND! OH EM GEE! TOMMY KEPT TICKLING ME!… Continue

Added by Courtney on December 4, 2008 at 5:31pm — No Comments


I firmly believed I had reached a place of genuine acceptance. A place where it was no longer "Why me? Who is this foreign creature staring at me in the mirror?" but "I am beautiful and I am the same Val that I was with hair". Yesterday evening shattered this impression. I was at Bible Study at church, a place I had not gone in a while. I kept making excuses that really covered up how embarrassed I was and the fact that I did not love the new Val. Last night I decided it was long past time to… Continue

Added by Val on December 4, 2008 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Hair or no hair, it sure is cold in Scotland today!!!!!!!

I drove up to Scotland this morning. Boy is it cold up here today.

The weather was terrible on the way up with lots of rain in Lancashire then lots of snow through Cumbria. It really was a bad journey but then again not as bad as it could have been. The temperature has been really cold so I am just so glad that I have a thin covering of hair at the moment. To be completely hairless is not too good when it’s so cold. Roll on next spring when it will get warm enough to have no… Continue

Added by Ray on December 4, 2008 at 2:28pm — 1 Comment

Awarenes not Ignorance

I'm trying to bring awareness to those who lack the knowledge of what Alopecia is and how it affects those(children to adults) who live with it everyday of their lives.

So, I've started a discussion via (I'm an active member)to ask the website to ad Alopecia to their list of causes.

Join/discuss with me ...… Continue

Added by Jade J'adore on December 3, 2008 at 3:18pm — No Comments

A Total Conundrum

Okay so last night I was in the shower and got to thinking ( oh I know, best place to be contemplating huh?) So anyway I was washing my face and making sure I got my new temporary tatoo eyebrows all off and thought- sometimes I just feel so fake! I am totally cool with my appearance don't get me wrong. I wear my wig and make-up to work and special nights out. Other than that it is a baseball cap or just my shiny bald head LOL. But there is this feeling I get when I meet people that don't know I… Continue

Added by Mari on December 3, 2008 at 10:47am — 9 Comments

And another....

It is a human hair wig. I realized that one of these days, I was going to forget to take off the other ones at work and melt it (synthetic). Now, I don't have to worry about it!

Added by Rachel on December 2, 2008 at 11:14pm — 4 Comments

Would anyone like to speak at my school for a program???

Hello everyone!

So as I said before, I attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. I would like to have a program (event) next semester (spring 09) focused on "What is beautiful." (got the idea from a vid I saw). I think that it would be a great idea to spread some awareness on campus. I've only met one person (my roomate) that knows what Alopecia is, and that's because her sister has it. Basically, I would like to have a panel also including maybe 3 young ladies and maybe a man,… Continue

Added by Darlenys on December 2, 2008 at 9:21pm — 4 Comments

Flo & Me

Today I wore Flo, my wig, and we had a blast!

I was so excited that those who did not know what I have been going through did not know that she was a wig. That really boosted my confidence today.

However, that does not hold a candle to the compliment I received today. I am really open about the AA. If anyone asks why I have on a hat I tell them that I have AA. Pretty quickly all the little old men and ladies at the retirement community where I work knew and most were really… Continue

Added by Val on December 2, 2008 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

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