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Everyone's coping mechanism is different - although hard - ACCEPTANCE

Happy Thursday! I have not been on the site for awhile. I have eyelashes, brows, etc. I am 59 years old/young.  In this pic I am wearing a wig OR I call them my "Girlfriends".   I have been dealing with my alopecia for several years.  Last June and in memory of my BFF losing her fight to the Big C I shaved it OFF.  So this month is my anniversary. I watch her fight so hard.  She never knew about my condition and so I shared it with her. I had not shaved my head…


Added by SouthPAW on June 11, 2015 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

....and the sun will shine again!

Hello My Fellow Hair Challenged Friends,

Yes-I have a story. We ALL have a story regarding how and when it began. My alopecia started 16 years ago, I was 25 and noticed two hairless spots on my otherwise hairy head. My derm diagnosed me swiftly and coldly; injections began. Regrowth, fall out, repeat. And then one day it became clear that mine was a losing battle. A Freedom Wig came, and eventually tattooed eyebrows...Although I detest them, I'm known to put on false lashes now and…


Added by julie on June 11, 2015 at 12:25pm — 1 Comment


I think the best option for any person with hair loss is to do what feels good to them, no one has the right to dictate to anyone how they should feel.

We as a society are so quick to point out to women that we need hair to make us feel feminine, sadly most

people don't realize that femininity comes from within, it's about being true to yourself, finding your inner

strength and self respect and being proud of who you are inside. Then and only Then will your outer self be…


Added by Perfectly, Imperfect on June 11, 2015 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Has anyone ever been kicked out of a place for hiding your head by wearing a head covering?

I have been wearing a nice beanie to cover my AA patches in between shaves.

I don't go out in public with a wig though I've been seriously considering 1 lately.

I just cover my head outside.

I was kicked out of a courtroom today because I would not remove my head covering in front of a room full of strangers.

I was mandated to "take it off or go pay the fine for the ticket". They wouldn't even grant me an audience with the solicitor in the hall way.

I paid…


Added by Deejay on June 10, 2015 at 6:00pm — 27 Comments

Finish strong beautiful baldness

Presently, I am dealing with some huge challenges that make me feel like I am running a marathon, but I am determined to finish strong; even if tears are streaming down my face.

I was at the beauty shop talking with a woman about covering up this bald patch, and pricing hair pieces. She told me I have beautiful hair. I was choked up with emotion, and quietly said, "thank you" fighting back tears, and left. I was taken by surprise with the emotion seeping up from within me. I felt…


Added by Kitra on June 9, 2015 at 12:30am — No Comments


My eyebrows are all gone except for a few stray hairs. I do a pretty good job painting them on for work, but it's time consuming. I just stopped wearing them to the gym. I just took up dragon boat paddling, and I'm going browless to that. I think it was harder to lose my eyebrows than my hair. I used to have beautiful eyebrows...

Added by Chris on June 8, 2015 at 8:30pm — 4 Comments

Caitlyn Jenner

So the first thing I noticed about Caitlyn Jenner's photo shoot was her long gorgeous hair. I wondered if it's her natural hair or if she bought it (and if she did where did she buy it?!) I also noticed with interest that she chose long flowing hair because in our culture, like it or not (and I don't like it!) long hair is associated with femininity. 

I could identify with her in some ways. I am having some very nice professional photos made this weekend of me with no wigs, nothing on…


Added by Bridgid Weber on June 3, 2015 at 11:30pm — 37 Comments

I'm done with sad

I'm interested in what coping rituals people use. I have a nightly bathroom mirror "face off" where I REALLY look at myself, and dare myself to be more than just "ok" with it. I'm considering some kind of undercut and just embracing it. I'm an aging, GEN X punk girl. I just want to stop hiding it all together, and just put it out there, right in everyone's face.

Added by Chris on June 1, 2015 at 9:00pm — 18 Comments

"Rules of the game"...Take 20

I've had alopecia for 10 years now.  The past five have been alopecia universalis.  This school year, I changed school districts to be closer to home.  It turned out to be a much less stressful job and very fulfilling.  Two or three months ago, we started noticing "peach fuzz" on my face and part of my head.  When I had alopecia areta, it was common for fuzz to come and go, so I didn't think much of it.  But it hasn't gone anywhere this time, and it is getting longer.  My sidewalls are still…


Added by Bonnie on May 30, 2015 at 6:41pm — 1 Comment

Hair loss can quickly become a obsession

As I sit here writing my first thought down on the Alopecia network, my cat trying to get me to get off the computer so she can have all the attention, I wonder , is God trying to tell me something? I still can remember the day when I was 16, my mother took me to see a endroconologist (if thats how you spell it) because I was experiencing abnormal hair growth where hair should be growing on my body, acne, and (surprise) hair loss.

"Your hair is thinning." He said. No, duh.



Added by Dragongirl on May 29, 2015 at 9:34pm — 1 Comment

My very good no hair day

I did it! I went out to Panera with my 28 yr old daughter with nothing on my head! We had a bad storm and I had on my really good wig today. So I decided just to go in "topless". And life went on. The girl behind the counter looked a little wide eyed at me but I just looked straight into her eyes and gave my warmest smile. She asked how I was doing and seemed stunned when I said, "I'm doing great, how about you?" I do think I look better with hair, but I also think I look better with makeup. I… Continue

Added by Bridgid Weber on May 26, 2015 at 11:37pm — 4 Comments

No shame

I just changed my screen name from blondie49 to my real name. Instinctively I have tried to hide my hair loss for so long that I never considered just using my actual name. It's ironic that my first response would be to hide even on a forum such as this. I recently "came out" on Facebook about my hair loss. I have met with nothing but support and encouragement and I wish I'd done it sooner. Why oh why for so many years did I feel shame about my hair loss? I didn't choose it. It chose me and by… Continue

Added by Bridgid Weber on May 25, 2015 at 6:26pm — 1 Comment

First time in public without a wig or hairpiece

Yesterday I rode a roller coaster. For the first time in 20 years I did something super fun and active without worrying that my scalp concealer(dermatch and Fullmore spray were my favorites in the early yrs of my hair loss) was running down my face as I sweated or that my expensive hair would fly off my head. I did wear a turban because it was a sunny day in Gatlinburg TN where I was vacationing. I am very fair skinned and can get s sunburn just thinking about the sun too much. I did mentally… Continue

Added by Bridgid Weber on May 25, 2015 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Tingling feet!

I have recently been diagnosed with FFA and have learnt a lot from reading members' posts - thank you everyone, especially Debs for the very useful factsheet.

Alongside my hair loss (eyebrows and about 1.5 cm at hairline so far), for the last 9 months or so I have been suffering from tingling of the soles of my feet.  Blood tests have not identified anything, and I just wondered whether it might be linked to the FFA.  Has anyone else experienced this?

Added by JanS on May 23, 2015 at 2:00pm — No Comments


Hi All,

Who's going to the NAAF Conference this year?

Hoping to meet lots of new people there.

NAAF's always a good time!

June 25th-28th 2015 in sunny Southern California.

Added by JeffreySF on May 13, 2015 at 9:00pm — 6 Comments

NPC national level bikini competitor with AA. Don't let anything hold you back! My story.

Hello fellow AA friends,

I just wanted to share my story. I have had AA since I was 8 and every year it gets worse! I now have to wear a full wig everyday. I use a lace wig that I glue on and sleep in. Like most people with AA I was nervous around new people and most of the time just wanted to hide! One day in 2011 I decided I'm not going to care what people think anymore! I signed up for NPC bikini competition. I was so nervous not to go up in front of 100's of people in a swimsuit but to… Continue

Added by Elaine on May 13, 2015 at 12:55am — 9 Comments

Xeljanz for alopecia

Some doctors are now prescribing Xeljanz (Tofacitinib) for Alopecia, with great results. Problem is it's cost. It can run upwards of $2k per month or $24k per year, and most insurance plans won't cover it because its not yet a recognized treatment for Alopecia. But the more people who try it and get results, the more likely the medical community will recognize it as a legitimate treatment and insurance companies may start covering the cost. I urge everyone to discuss with their…


Added by Anisha on May 12, 2015 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Chronic telogen effluvium after IUD birth control and stress

here we go again! round 2. I was in a domestically abusive relationship about 5 years ago it kicked off hair loss it was extreme stress at its worst!!! a year after the relationship ended i noticed my hair texture was changing, it felt weird so weird i would keep running my hands through it the density of it changed, it felt weak and fake then came the shedding :( i was so miserable it shed all the time i could not take it anymore i figured hey i will shave it and it will grow back. I shaved…


Added by Hosch on May 12, 2015 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

Anyone who has had patchy hair loss for a long time... total hair loss?

How long does it take for hair to grow back in the different patches on average? I've found things that say 3 months? I know this condition is unpredictable. I just feel lost in not knowing what is normal progression. My daughter had one very small spot in the end of November that grew to a quarter in January over night. It was then unchanged until the end of March when it again grew. This time much larger and again over night. That same time frame the center of the large spot has minimal…


Added by JessicaU on May 12, 2015 at 12:43am — 4 Comments


Has anyone tried revitalash? Just wondering if it's worth a try ??

Added by Kat on May 7, 2015 at 12:07pm — 2 Comments

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