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Tattoo eyebrows

I'm getting more and more interested in tattooed eyebrows. I live in Northeast Ohio. Do anyone have any suggestions?

Added by Royce D Eggleston on July 21, 2013 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment


Am looking for people to just chat to about alopeica for me talking bout things makes it a bit easier to cope with. Anyone else agree?

Added by Gill on July 21, 2013 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Any other symptoms?

I have had AA for about 10 years. Like everyone else I went through the depression. Actually, I didn't worry about it until I started reading things online and then freaked out. Since then I have come to terms and realized since I have to have a disease I am very happy to have alopecia. However, this is not my reason for posting today.

I was curious to see if anyone else experiences any other symptoms of an autoimmune disease. Does anyone else find bruises on themselves and not know… Continue

Added by Kathyk on July 21, 2013 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

Feeling down

hello my hair has started falling out recently now i have a spot the size of an soft ball on the back of my head. i went to the doctor and he did test and everything was fine in my blood work. now hes sending me to a dermatologist. the doctor said i have alopecia. i am scared of what he will find out. the more it falls out the more depressed i get. now im being point and snickered at and my bandanas are being made fun of being called chef at work

Added by bobbi on July 21, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

Do they go together?

Hi I am just curious to those on tis site if any other members has Fibromyalgia as well as any form of alopecia?

I live with both conditions in severe forms.

I know some hair loss years ago was stress related but the facts on Fibro are a little anecdotal.

Hair loss made me lose a lot of self confidence and alo the rest at one point.

I have a loving close family but they cannot imagine the real me inside .

Should any reading this have FMS also or know anyone…


Added by skit on July 21, 2013 at 6:02am — 8 Comments

Russianhair site ordering experience?

I am looking for the best quality custom wig. I have had many wigs and European works best for me. I have a Follea lifestyle which I had to have lined in silk because of so much inversion (hair coming back into cap). So I would not get another. Though it looks very natural.
Heard about and was hoping to get some current feedback! How long does wig last, density, or any other tips on ordering?
Thanks so much!!!!

Added by glowgirl on July 20, 2013 at 3:09pm — 1 Comment

Quick question

Hello, everyone! Really quick question ... I have full eyelashes on my left eye and zero eyelashes on my right eye. (Looks awkward) I wear false eyelashes on my right top lid which can get the job done, but have nothing for my bottom lid. Does anybody have any ideas so that my two eyes can be as even looking as possible? Thanks!


Added by Kevin H on July 19, 2013 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

It's been 3 months

Hi there,

I've been reading a bit on here and elsewhere and I was wondering if anyone has experienced as "much" Alopecia in such short time as me.

It all started in April, on the 19th, this year with a spot the size of a 1 Euro coin and it grew pretty fast. I discovered the spot on a friday and it doubled in size over the weekend. By the end of May it had grown so much that I could no longer cover it with my own hair, since the spot was right on top of my head.

I tired…


Added by Ulli on July 19, 2013 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Aint life a b##ch!

I have read a few blogs of late, some of which have inspired me (a least to some degree anyway). So I thought I might share my story, and hope that in knowing there is one more just like you might be of comfort to someone out there.

I have AU, not uncommon amongst members of our elite group of streamlined beauties. But on the up side, my hair has started coming back. While I am pleased that it is returning, the patchy effect even after I have shaved looks some what worse than when I…


Added by Gary on July 19, 2013 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

This is to all of you Dealing with Alopecia , Both Joyous & Painful of All Age Groups!!

I have read blogs that were insightful, informing, and raising my spirits blogs and have been up & down emotional roller coaster! Especially, when you read blogs that are depressing, heartfelt, and almost suicidal breaking points at times! Thank You Sincerely for sharing your deepest pain, fears, tears,joys and pleasures!

Looking For Faith & Found it Surrounds Me!

I know you hear me,I know your there, But in my heart some things in life are just not fair. If I look… Continue

Added by JEANETTE on July 18, 2013 at 3:49pm — No Comments

Does anyone know of any good salons in Vancouver, BC doing hair extensions?

I have been battling with Alopecia for 2 years now. My hair has become so thin that at times you can see the scalp through my hair when I wear it down OR up. I am considering getting hair extension to create more fullness. I have never had them before, so I am a little lost as to which ones are the best, affordable ones in the Vancouver (or lower mainland) area.

Can anyone help me with this? Your comments are highly appreciated! Thank you!!

Added by Ladyloss on July 17, 2013 at 10:47pm — 3 Comments

Positive side to alopecia

Just a a few thoughts, after a night out on Saturday I have realised that I have way more compliments since having Alopecia than ever before! My wig looks glam, along with my eyelashes and I have the smoothest legs without the hassle of waxing:)

I have had many hard times and still do but with each day I realise having AU is not the end of the world and there are many people out there who are less fortunate than me.

Added by Hannah on July 17, 2013 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

Is acceptance the same as giving up?

I’m a 32 year old South African female. I have lived with Alopecia Areata since I was 22 however for the most part I didn’t worry about it as it was just small patches here or there that came and went and were easily hidden.

For the past 2.5 yrs one patch has become a second patch & a third and they have all become friends…spreading up from my neckline and sides to the top of my head. Daily I am losing more hair and its getting more and more difficult to hide. Basically I have…


Added by Kim on July 17, 2013 at 8:00am — 39 Comments

Semi-permanent eyebrows

I am from Chicago IL and am looking for a semi permanent eyebrow specialists in the area or surrounding states. Any suggestions or recommendations??

Added by Michael Dominguez on July 16, 2013 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Trick #2

So I return to my dermatologist this week to see what he has next in his bag of tricks for me. We have just tried a round of steroid injections once a week for three weeks to try to "trick" my immune system and shut it down with zero improvement. He mentioned that next time we will try to take the opposite approach and "rev it up"??? Anyone tried this and what does it entail. I haven't been able to find any information on the internet. I was only diagnosed five months ago so I am still…


Added by bamakelly on July 16, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments


Does anyone in Colorado know of a good doctor? I feel like I need to push this lupus thing. The last place I went didn't feel like I needed to worry about it but I still feel like there is something else wrong with me..

Added by Jen on July 15, 2013 at 9:01pm — 2 Comments

Getting together the Portuguese "alopecians"

HI everyone! First of all, thans for the existance of this web site once again... it's really important for us to have someone "like us" to talk to.... to share our doubts and fears, to share our vitories and new challenges! I'm portugese and here in my country with don't have yet any kinf of association or nacional support group... Like in many many countries and states, i think that we should have one! becaus of that i'm trying to difuse this new facebook group that i created in order to…


Added by Catia on July 15, 2013 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Life sentence

Hello everyone, The last 4 years have been the most difficult of my life. I had my 4th child at age 39. The hairloss started soon thereafter. Having the love child was supposed to be the best thing but it soon turned into a nightmare. Even during the pregnancy things started to change in my relationship. My baby was born at 32 weeks and in turn missed out on that all important bonding. Instead she spent 3 weeks in hospital being looked after by nurses and doctors. I had 3 teenagers at home and… Continue

Added by Petra on July 15, 2013 at 5:28am — 3 Comments

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

I remember the first time I saw my bald reflection looking back at me and thinking what a great shaped head I had. Of course I looked completely unlike anything I had ever seen in the mirror previously but I didn’t look like the hideous pictures on the doctors hand outs and at that moment, I just assumed this is how I’d look for a while until it all grew back. I felt happier at that moment than I had done for the previous few weeks having had to watch my hair thin and fall out, I felt in…


Added by Kate on July 13, 2013 at 9:30pm — 7 Comments

Be strong


Pease take one day at a time. It is not the end of the world. You will survive this one. I wish you great luck to fight this and get the best of it. You can talk to me any time you like to.


Added by Nick Saund on July 13, 2013 at 5:59pm — 1 Comment

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