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The Office episode where character shaves her head

Did anyone see the January 10 episode of "The Office", entitled "Lice"? If not - you can watch the whole thing here:

If you do not want SPOILERS, STOP READING this until after you've watched the episode. I'm about to tell what happens....

The office floozy, Meredith, is discovered to have head lice. It actually was likely brought to the office by Pam via her…


Added by Mary on January 15, 2013 at 11:20pm — 1 Comment

The Bald Mannequin Project!

Tired of seeing all those bald mannequins in the clothing stores and windows and thinking "Why do the fashion world and advertising media think FAKE bald women are so beautiful, but never use REAL bald women?" Maybe we can change that.


Step 1: Go to the mall to one of the many stores featuring bald mannequins. BE BALD (very important step).

Step 2: Put on the same outfit that the mannequin is wearing, or stay in your own fashionable…


Added by Mary on January 15, 2013 at 5:55pm — 7 Comments

My 5th anniversary of the woman I am now - thanks to being bald!

January 30 will be 5 years since the day I took control of my fast-departing hair, and shaved my head. Universalis followed shortly. I'd like to share what I've learned, and how being bald has affected me. Here's a photo taken on January 30, 2008, shortly after I shaved my head.

I began going out in public bald only a few months after shaving. I took "baby steps" to…


Added by Mary on January 15, 2013 at 2:00pm — 13 Comments

Regrowth possibilities

Question on hair regrowth. No hair for two n half years. Yesterday my husband found 6 hairs on the side of my head and some of my eyebrows are coming back. I was so excited. On closer inspection my sister found an area on the top with several black hairs. I have no hair on my entire body, but the ones mentioned above. My thyroid is finally leveled. What are the chances that all my hair will come back?

Added by zeida on January 14, 2013 at 5:58pm — 2 Comments

Where are the friends now?

I have noticed that after I have told people I have known for years about my AA they just don't bother with me anymore it's like I have a virus they are going to catch of me. I feel so alone at times I try to be my bubbly self when I am around people as to not be a burdan are they scared of me or what. I am not sure if anyone else has had this happen but it is very hurtfull it just makes you feel so rejected from sociaty like I'm a lepper or something. And if I hear one more comment it's…


Added by Annette on January 12, 2013 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

My story

i have had alopecia for bout 2 years it was connected to my asthma found a wee patch went into denial n tried to sort it myself by the time i faced up to it majority of my hair had fallin out got treatment in needed a wig was able to stop wearin the wig just before xmas but started findin wee patches after xmas hoping it dosnt decide to fall out again

Added by ruth on January 12, 2013 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Wow this is hard

Wow this experience has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through. A little over a year ago I got a concussion and was having trouble coping with some of the ongoing symptoms so I finally broke and gave into getting help and was put on an anti anxiety med and sleep med. Things were finally starting to settle down for me, but then I realized about four months into the med my hair was starting to fall out, and I was getting a burning or tingling in my scalp. The shed started in September…


Added by Jan on January 12, 2013 at 2:52pm — 2 Comments

Need some advice!

Hi all

It's been a while since I have been on here, I have some solid hair growth in the initial area that fell out and it looks good, the rest is growing in patches. I cut the rest of all the straggly bits of hair which I'm glad because it has been really hot these past few weeks. I have had some good comments from those that have seen it, though I still have to wear my wig. Id say I need another 6 months for it to all grow and cover my head. Taking this step by step. :-)



Added by Blue tulip on January 12, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

Australian Alopecia

So I don't really know what to write on here lol. Kinda joined this site to see how many Australians suffer from this disorder. I'm 24, male and have Alopecia Universalis. I've had it for roughly 2 years now. I suffer from a form of rumertoidal arthritis and the medication I take for that lowers my immune system. Myself and my arthritis dr believe that is the cause of my Alopecia. I've seen doctors, dermatologists etc about it but no positive outcomes from there visits.

Lately there… Continue

Added by Walker on January 11, 2013 at 2:13am — 8 Comments

Dairy free/gluten free

I've decided to try a dairy and gluten free diet(or at least cut them out considerably). I'm a big believer that your diet has a lot to do with the way your body reacts to an already existing problem. I'm mostly trying to cut out inflammatories because even before AA appeared in my life I've always had skin problems (rashes, itchiness, dryness) that I believe are connected to my diet. If it doesn't help my AA at least I'll be healthier! My question is for anyone who has tried a diet like…


Added by Katelyn on January 9, 2013 at 6:30pm — 16 Comments

Please help!

Have been losing my hair for 2 years. My husband also has MPB. Now my one year old is losing his hair. I am freaking out, don't know what to do. Any one have experience with ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS that caused their hair loss? I am starting to think our apartment has something in it that is causing hair loss. The water? Mold? I don't know where to start. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Added by Michelle on January 8, 2013 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Just want to ask

I am a little confused when you start to lose your hair does it come out in clumps or small amounts I had only 2 small circles then my hair was falling from everywhere I still have about 10 percent of my hair but now it seems to be growing back. It has been about 10 or 11 weeks from when it first started so if anyone can answer I would appreciate some feed back.

Added by Annette on January 8, 2013 at 7:04am — 11 Comments

First Ann Arbor, MI Alopecia Support Group Meeting, Saturday, Jan. 12!

The first Ann Arbor, MI Alopecia Support Group Meeting is coming Saturday January 12 (See below for details). RSVP if you plan to attend. I hope to see you there!

Saturday, JANUARY 12, 2013
1PM – 3PM
Ypsilanti Public Library
229 West Michigan Avenue
Ypsilanti, MI 48197


Added by Caitlin Riley on January 7, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Folliculitis decalvans

Does anyone have more info for this form of Alopecia? Doctors who did a recent biopsy on me determined that i have it. i feel like its the wrong diagnosis considering that i have hair loss in places other then my head. I tried to look it up on Wikipedia, but it only gave me a brief paragraph. There was no elaboration what so ever. My derm told me it is rare so im assuming that's why there's barely any info about it... If ANYONE can help me out i would truly appreciates it.

Added by Jamar on January 6, 2013 at 9:24pm — 1 Comment

Wig advice

Hello, I am a 35 YO female that has alopecia. I first suffered with this at the age of 3 with a few minor spots. I now have about 1/3 or more of my head that has lost hair. I have made an appointment at Joseph Paris' establishment in NYC and wanted to see what feedback others had with this. I am very active with running and swimming 6 days per week and wanted to see thoughts on using a piece as well as insurance reimbursement. Thanks in advance.

Added by SAC on January 5, 2013 at 4:53pm — 3 Comments


Hello everyone,

I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rick Matthews and live in Virginia. By day I'm a computer technician, and when I'm not at my normal job or with my kids, I am a volunteer firefighter.

My fight with Alopecia started in February of 2012. I was at work and my manager pointed out that I was going bald; I shook it off as if he was messing with me, but he insisted that I had a bald spot on the back of my head. Well when I got home that evening I looked…


Added by Rick Matthews on January 5, 2013 at 12:31pm — 1 Comment

Losing my hair

I think loosing my hair has been one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. At 54 and always having beautiful long healthy hair and now it's all gone in the matter of 10 weeks. I think it was the medication I was put on has anyone had this happen due to meds.

Added by Annette on January 5, 2013 at 12:00am — No Comments

What now? Maygen's turning 18 in October

Today Maygen went to The Kids Hair Club in Dallas and basically let us know that next Christmas we will be paying $4000 for her hair systems. I had no idea it was so expensive. Maygen will also start college shortly after we start paying for the wigs. My husband and I want to provide Maygen a quality wig but also be able to pay for her college without going into financial ruin. Are there other wigs that are less expensive but up to the same level of quality?

Added by Maygensmom on January 3, 2013 at 11:31pm — 1 Comment

Bullies in school

I have a 5 year old. And she is a bully. She does have a big heart... but she picks on me about not having hair. I can take it because I am pushing 40. But there are too many kids that didn't have the blessing of growing up "normal".

I would like to bring in some people for show and tell to explain the difference to her. I live in southwest Michigan. She doesn't understand that she has alopecia too.

I just want to stop her from being the bully that she is and realize that her…


Added by Vintino on January 3, 2013 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

Not alone

A girl stares into her bathroom mirror and doesn't recognize the face she sees. Putting up her hood she hopes that the covering will bring back some form of recognition. Next she tries a hat followed by jewelry, make-up, a scarf. Nothing she places in the reflection can help her to give the girl in the mirror a name. Who is this girl? When did she lose the ability to recognize herself? Is that girl in the mirror really her? She watched tears slowly run the the cheeks of that girl, the one in…


Added by Natasha Gehrke on January 3, 2013 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

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