I have been bald since August 29, 2010. I shaved everything and stopped shaving in October, no new growth. My oldest son will be start Kindergarten in the fall, he has done really well with my hair loss and even talks to his friends about it. I have decided to get a wig for him though, so that he wont have to answer so many questions. I dont think it is fair for him. I have done fine going bald and mostly scarf and hat less most of the time but I do get the "how far into treatment are you"…
Added by Julia S on February 28, 2011 at 11:09am —
So I have been bald since 09/02/10 and haven't worn a wig (except on Halloween) and I don't wear scarves. I have random strangers coming up to me telling me how beautiful I am and how well I pull off my "haircut". Well last night my step father says to me "Maybe you should buy a wig to wear when you go out with Jeremy (my boyfriend). He might feel uncomfortable being out with you without your hair, you should really think about his feelings." First off, I have NO idea where that came from. My…
Added by Tamara on February 28, 2011 at 9:11am —
I am excited for it to be one week from today. I'll have been "bald" for a full 24-hours by then. Its funny that its been two weeks or so since I noticed my spots got so bad that its time for me to take down what's left of my hair. I decided to go back to my hometown, New York City to my hairdresser of over twenty years to buzz my hair off. It may seem like I'm making a big deal or ritual of all this, but, it is a big deal. I was diagnosed with alopecia areata 18 years ago. Its been slow going.…
Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on February 27, 2011 at 5:15pm —
There have been a number of blogs / discussions recently regarding various aspects of being openly bald. I thought it would be opportune to re-post a blog I posted on another site a while ago. This provoked a furious reaction from a Marlene Dietrich fan. So please bear in mind that I am a fan of Marlene Dietrich myself, and this is in no way meant to be an insult to her memory. You can find copies of her performing the original version of the song on Youtube, and it is highly…
Added by David B327 on February 27, 2011 at 4:45am —
Just went to try on wigs with my husband in tow. He liked what he saw unfortunately, the stylist had sold the particular wig I wanted to try on and show my husband!!! She will order one and we will go back next week.
Funny thing is, after all that and a trip out to dinner, I was walking my dogs when a gentleman complemented me on my hair (what little I have still have). So I think I will keep what I have, and wear a wig when I want a change of style or need more cover-up. Feeling…
Added by Anne Williams on February 26, 2011 at 8:54pm —
No Comments
Hi, My name is Patricia & I am a 30 year old married women with 2 beautiful children aged 2 & 4.
Ok, well this all started out as one tiny little patch that fell out back in 2000. I would say it fell out when my parents separated. Grew back fell out. Thats was the cycle, but I had no concern as it was 20cent piece in size and it was at the back. With long hair it wasnt visible. 5 years later I was getting married & again I discovered another patch appearing to the side over my…
Added by Patricia on February 26, 2011 at 7:19pm —
Im finding this harder the longer it goes on
Im sick of the looks i get,
Im sick of doctors telling that my problem is in my head and that other people dont notice,
im sick of having to not draw attention to myself
" " " not having confidence
having to explain that its not cancer
sweating,ie my hair on my head used to absorb it, now if im doing any sort of work or if someone asks an awkward question which makes me fluster and get hot under the collar the sweat…
Added by pat j madden on February 26, 2011 at 5:19pm —
I had AU when I was first got this, eons ago, but now I have AA (fuzzy regrowth at the back meaning i have to shave it every few days) - and more importantly, eyebrows.
I am so damn glad I have eyebrows and long eyelashes. really.
But now my AA is changing. I can feel bits of my regrowth shrinking over the last couple of weeks. I had a sideburn type thing down near my left ear which is now gone and there's an empty spot right at the crown of my head. Now my patches have…
Added by Georgia Gardner on February 25, 2011 at 7:36pm —
hey everyone!! just wanted everyone's opinion on something--real quick!! there is a modeling scouting event going on next month ( around the end of the month, details aren't clear yet) and I was wondering, should i go bald or wear a wig?? I'm not sure how they will respond to my err 'baldness' lol...so what do you all think??
Added by Alexis on February 24, 2011 at 12:00pm —
I just saw an article in my local San Diego newspaper about a jazz singer, and recent Grammy winner, Dee Dee Bridgewater, and the accompanying photo shows a beautiful bald woman! (And, wonderfully, the article didn't say a word about her being bald!) I immediately looked her up online and found this one of many YouTubes:
And here's her website with lots of photos showing…
Added by Mary on February 24, 2011 at 11:14am —
I just found out that my insurance policy will not cover wigs even if the hair loss is caused by a medical condition which is covered! How crazy is that????? Oh well, at least I am not going to buy an expensive, custom made human hair wig!
AW Links: Other discussions on Insurance and Wigs on Alopecia World
Added by Anne Williams on February 23, 2011 at 3:00pm —
1 Comment
Well, in anticipation of getting what's left of my hair "buzzed" I ordered two wigs. Both synthetic, one monofilament. I tried to match the color I'd been wearing for a few years now.
I didn't think I'd like it and prepared myself for this. I'm in shock that I actually
like the wig(s). Its been a long time that I felt a full head of hair on my head. I may return the shorter hair wig cause I like this one so much. May just get a second one in a different color, same style as…
Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on February 23, 2011 at 2:30pm —
I'm just wondering who is attending the NAAF Conference in L.A this summer?!
I'm going to be a counselor there & I am SUPER excited about it again!!:) Hope to meet some of you guys out there!
Added by Lindsay Walter on February 23, 2011 at 1:19pm —
Hello Everyone,
I know its been awhile since I last blogged. It has been a hectic year. I just wanted to share something Amanda asked me awhile ago. She has had a full head of hair for about a full year now. It grew back on its own with no treatment. I havent had a chance to put some new pics up but will soon. Amanda was browsing Alopecia World and she heard me ask my husband to put up some new pics of her and she got scared and asked me if she will be kicked off AW since she has hair now.…
Added by Tracy and Amanda on February 20, 2011 at 11:57pm —
Things have been going so well. All the hair has grown back in my bald spots over the past few months with the help of cortisone injections and a tapered oral prednisone treatment. I'm all the way down to 5mg prednisone every other day. I have a derm appointment on Friday and I really thought it would be my last for a long time.
But yesterday, I looked at one of my former bald spots, just to check out the regrowth. . . and I'm pretty sure I've discovered a new spot :.(. I can't…
Added by Julie R on February 20, 2011 at 9:30pm —
I have lived with Alopicia all my life I did not loose all my hair till I was 15 and always looked on the positive of the condition;
1. never had to shave/wax my legs
2. naturally smooth arms
3. will never go grey unless I choose to
3. change my hair style when ever I choose
4. not have to worry about loosing my hair anymore
5. don't have to worry about plucking/waxing eyebrows I choose there shape every morning I do my make up
However as positive as I am…
Added by Lesley Hughes on February 20, 2011 at 7:08pm —
I have had AA for 25 years, and in the last 9 years it has progressed to varying forms of AT and AU. I have always had a life with Alopecia, it has NEVER ruled my life, until now. I am in a rutt, I worry nonstop about the effect that it has on my husband, my kids and my life. My husband came back from his second deployment in Dec 10' I had enough hair to cover, a little hair glue here....a little hair spray there.... you know I was making it work. After Christmas I gave up on…
Added by Tamera on February 20, 2011 at 3:00pm —
I just started rocking my bald head this past summer and 'm still not as comfatable with it. This seems to be the biggest thing to get used too. I still pass mirrors and double back saying is this really me? I get so many stares that it has made me feel like something is wrong wiht me. I try to tell myself I'm not defined by my hair or should I say the lack of my hair but it has really taken a toll on my self esteem. Will I ever get over this??
Added by Annette Burrus on February 19, 2011 at 10:25pm —
"The only thing holding myself back from my dreams was myself."
I came into this world expecting to be just like anyone else, and I never thought something so small, such as having alopecia areata could even for a moment make me think all of my dreams weren’t possible. At the beginning of my journey this seemed mountainous, and something I never thought I would ever be able to overcome. I let it hold me back in life, by making me believe that I would never be married, have a…
Added by Lindsay Walter on February 19, 2011 at 8:30pm —
So after a lengthy delay, I got my hair buzzed last night. The non-bald portions had gotten way too long, so my fro was full of "dents". {Yes, it was kind of hilarious to see.} I asked her to take it as low as possible fully aware that I had the bald spots. I assured her it was okay. She really didn't want to do it until I told her I had a wig on standby. I also told her that I'm eventually going to shave it all anyway because the bald part isn't growing back. She asked why ... I told her…
Added by Angie P on February 19, 2011 at 2:25pm —