July 2010 Blog Posts (99)

Wigging out

So i wear a wig to work.
But when im walking home ill take it off my head.
How surprised someone would be to see someone taking off their hair.
Consider them lucky for experiencing that.

Im looking for alternative for my head, wigs are fine but soooo iritating.
Im heading up to a cottage, what to wear? wraps make me look sickly...

Added by tash on July 31, 2010 at 1:30am — 3 Comments

Real Housewives of NYC: Jennifer Gilbert's son diagnosed with alopecia

This week Jennifer Gilbert wrote on Twitter, "My son is diagnosed with alopecia. A strange AI that causes his hair to fall out. We are devestated. Anyone know anything about it?"

I don't know her son's age or the type of alopecia he's experiencing, but I'm calling on the entire Alopecia World family to reach out to her.

Please let her know that you heard the news on AlopeciaWorld.com and that our beloved community…


Added by rj, Co-founder on July 30, 2010 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

WIGS and trying to cover my head!

I have been trying to find a wig that I can afford that doesnt look horriable. I dont have money to spend on this kind of stuff, and Im tired of wearing bandanas and hats. My friend was going to give me one of hers but she can't find it. Any help would be great.

Added by Jeannie Terrel on July 30, 2010 at 6:14pm — 4 Comments

so will wearing hats and bandana add to the hair loss?? Am I just helping it along by covering my head all the time??? Idk just wondering.

so will wearing hats and bandana add to the hair loss?? Am I just helping it along by covering my head all the time??? Idk just wondering.

Added by amy on July 30, 2010 at 2:56am — 3 Comments

Is it time to tell everyone?

There have been waaay too many problems at my school with my wig. I've dealt with it for so long, and I'm caught between just telling my school about AU or continuing letting them point and whisper. I'm just...scared of the little monsters and what will come of me telling them. Should I?? I have asked several people, and the answer is almost always the same. "Just do whatever feels right for you." Here's the problem: Nothing feels right for me. If I tell my school, it could go 2 ways. I could… Continue

Added by Ellison Jane on July 29, 2010 at 5:31pm — 5 Comments

Three ladies, three different experiences with baldness

Yesterday I met and spoke to two women.

The first was a bald black woman in the library and when I asked if she had alopecia she responded that, no, she just liked the look. Thirteen years ago she shaved her head and continued to do so to this day. We spoke for a bit and exchanged shaving tips and our thoughts on living our lives as bald women.

Later on that even while grocery shopping a lady made eye contact with me and then asked if I have cancer. I told her about my… Continue

Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 29, 2010 at 1:30pm — 13 Comments

It's FREE - Promote your events on Alopecia World

If you know about any event that might be of interest to Alopecia World's thousands of members and visitors, please submit it here:


You may submit everything from support group meetings and special alopecia awareness projects to book signings and information about the upcoming release of documentaries and other media events.

All event listings are subject to approval…


Added by Alopecia World on July 28, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments


I'm completely frustrated and irritated w/dismissive doc.

I have sudden swollen/red/painful warm fingers and toes (weird, right?). It freaked me out a bit, so I called my doc and the nurse suggested I be seen and have blood work done. The doc didn't' order anything, and had me make an appt. in six weeks. My last blood work was in March. Since this coincided w/another big shed, silly me . . . I thought maybe they were related. I think maybe there is a "crazy" label next to my name in their… Continue

Added by Lori on July 28, 2010 at 9:25pm — 3 Comments

Mean girls/Rude boys (men)

Anyone had any one of these incidents?? I am younger than my years, or was until my hair started falling out. That was 4/08. Maybe it was because I used to go to a club on Saturday nights..my baby fine hair did nothing, so I would always wear a cool blonde wig...it made me feel better about myself..until...maybe it was the alcohol too but women would "look" at me and I would see that they were talking about me, and then their friends would "look"..it made me feel self conscious. The time when… Continue

Added by Lexi on July 28, 2010 at 5:10pm — 13 Comments

Dating with FPB

I am single and really enjoy being single! However, I haven't figured out how to navigate dating and wearing wigs. I am a member of a local dating website and I had an interesting experience a few weeks ago. I met a guy on there and we started chatting. The pictures were down on the website so we emailed each other more pictures. I accidentally sent him one of me wearing a scarf. He asked if I had cancer. I said no, and told him about my situation. He said it was no big deal. I never heard from… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 28, 2010 at 3:53pm — 5 Comments

Living with alopecia

I shared the post below at the beginning of the year on the UK Alopecia site. Was reading it again a few minutes ago. Wow, what a year it has been. 2010 has certainly been the year i finally made peace with living with Alopecia. I voluntarily left full time paid employment at the end of last year and decided i wanted to spend this year on a journey of self-inquiry, integration and rediscovery. What a journey, what a ride! I have finally learnt to love and accept myself unconditionally and…


Added by Ade on July 28, 2010 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Dreaded wig change

I changed my wig sunday. I usually change it on Sundays because I like to get feedback at church (or no feedback). I brought a bob hair style and it was long. I wore it to church I got comments like you look like your mother to just stares. SO I went home did a little cutting and it came out great. I went to work the next day and the response I got from women were “Did you do something different to your makeup, it looks great but different?” (did not change my makeup). The comments I got from… Continue

Added by Sam Sam on July 28, 2010 at 9:00am — 2 Comments


had a good few days bought some bandanas my wig is annoying lol like the bandanas alot better! My husbands 30th bday is Aug 10th ill wear it when we go celebrate but other than that im a bandana girl all the way lamo!!!! Anyways everyone have a good night and GOD BLESS!!!

Added by amy on July 28, 2010 at 1:21am — No Comments

Dont divorce yourself from your health with stress

unmanaged chronic stressfull events wether internal or external or both are enough to send your immune system into a tail spin that effects you later in life, cause and effect every action has a reaction. Your body is not unlike a marriage you dont just wake up one morning and tell your spouse i dont love you anymore and divorce him or her it takes time to get to that point of divorce, in the same way it takes time to weaken your immune system, just like in a divorce your body sends signals… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 27, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Favorite quotes about baldness :-)

Here are several of my favorite quotes and sayings about human baldness, a few of which are mine. ;-) Please share your own as well as let me know what you think of the following:

"Say it loud: I'm bald and I'm proud!"

- Anonymous

"Bald is the new black."

- Anonymous, but often attributed to Gail Porter

"They say most men are not attracted to bald women. I say most men lie."

- rj, Co-founder, Alopecia World

"Women's liberation will not be…


Added by rj, Co-founder on July 27, 2010 at 12:30pm — 13 Comments

No more eyebrows

when my hair fell out last year, i said in passing that i would have to kill myself if i ever lost my eyebrows/eyelashes. i had like really fierce eyebrows. but anyways today those eyebrows fell out. like in matter of hours they were gone. no me gusta.

Added by Ellen Chinery on July 26, 2010 at 11:36pm — 12 Comments

intracellular bacterium,cause autoimmune illness and change over 900 genes within body

There is research relating autoimune disease, inflamation, and vitamin D deficiencies may all be related and infact a direct result of small intracellular bacteria that are thought to be the root cause of autoimmune illness.the cliff notes version is small intracellular bacterium invade the nuclei of many of the bodies cells over time

causing inflammation and chronic disease.in other words the invading bacteria stop the body from being able to properly regulate the vitamin d which in its… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 26, 2010 at 11:03pm — 4 Comments


well today i meet a girl with alopecia and her names alicia shes 12 and shes gonna go to the same school as me she dont like wearin wigs and she lives just up the street from me i thjought it was soooo kool that their was someone like me thats goin to the same school as me... she thinks my moms wierd tho cuz my mom was goin past her house and seen her and stopd her car in the street and was like do u have alopecia and alicia was like ya and so my mom pulld in her driveway! and startd to talk to… Continue

Added by lex on July 26, 2010 at 9:36pm — 6 Comments

Music Therapy

Seems to me we need to come up with some uplifting songs as therapy. Some of you have found great ones for your profile pages, but there isn't one place to collect them all. I wonder if we can list some of the songs that saved us, gave us hope, reassured us, etc. and see if rj and Cheryl can come up with a way to click on them as we do with photos and videos. If not, we can always Google the You-Tube videos or recordings.

I'll start with six:

Don't Let the Sun Catch You… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on July 25, 2010 at 10:00pm — 45 Comments

weak immune system causes AA

Infection,or genetic deffect what ever you want to call it we got it right, ok docs say our own immune system is attacking our own hair follicles right, well why is are own immune system attacking our own hair follicles? docs say they dont know why. Excuse me while I state the obvious..it's because we are not functioning the same as before were not in balance anymore, we have a desease, when people get a desease they stop functioning the same as before they function abnormaly out of balance,… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 25, 2010 at 11:00am — 9 Comments

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