Featured Blog Posts – September 2012 Archive (23)

My AA Story

I was pretty young when I found out I had AA. My mom noticed a small spot of hair missing on my head when I was 11 years old but didn't think too much of it. We started to notice that my hair continued to fall out and we went to see my doctor, who thought I was intentionally pulling out my hair. We went to numerous dermatologists who tried treatment after treatment for two years until I had decided I couldn't take it anymore. I was sick of spending two hours of my time every day having…


Added by Jessica on September 29, 2012 at 2:21pm — 3 Comments

To live in a cold country and have alopecia

I have alopecia and I just recently accepted my situation.
I'm feeling beautiful without my hair, but it's cold in my country so I never go out without anything on my head.
In the beginning I was extremely tired and sad that I lost my hair, but during the summer it changed.
My family is very supportive and so is my work friends to.
I hope to continue to write on the blog here.
Love from Sweden

Added by Renée on September 29, 2012 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Getting positive comments and feeling better about myself

So an update of what's going on with me. My hair is still falling out, though I have hair growth growing in patches.

I got my first wig in July 12, only a few people know about my alopecia.

This week I have had some amazing comments.

I went back to the lady who I purchased my HH wig, she was happy to see that I have been taking care of the piece and that it suits me.

I wanted her to trim her a bit and take some of the heaviness out which she did.

Today I went…


Added by Blue tulip on September 28, 2012 at 7:56am — 4 Comments

I'm back

So it's been a long time since I've been on here, at least been active on here. I was diagnosed with AAU last October. My hair was falling out so fast I didn't think I would have any hair by December.

Around Thanksgiving I went in for a "cute boy cut" (I was tired of my son pulling hair out of his mouth everyday) and the lady who cut my hair took a number 8 razor and shaved my head! I was so not ready for that but it was actually a blessing in disguise because it forced me to face the…


Added by aggiewife22 on September 27, 2012 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments


I started at Everest College yesterday. I had a blast yesterday and today :D haha I'm learning in a Massage Therapy Program. So far I'm enjoying it and can't wait to go back. haha My friends think it's weird that I'm enjoying school, but then again some are still in high school. I'm the youngest one in my class of 7 people for now, there's mostly older adults. I'm really liking it and hopefully I make some new friends through out the months.

Speaking of college does anyone know some…


Added by Julie on September 26, 2012 at 6:29pm — 3 Comments

Where can I donate my hair??

I was going to post in a group this question but i don't know what group to post in!

But i want to donate my hair in Canada and I was wondering if there is any organization that i should be looking into? I got about 10-12 inches to spare... I would love to Help as i am a parent fo AN AU Child.

Added by Jordan's Mom on September 24, 2012 at 4:00pm — 6 Comments

Wiggin out

Since my hair is beginning to fall out even more now, I reluctantly went into my bathroom closet and pulled out one of my wigs that I had retired. As I fought with my inner self about wearing this wig, I just simply had no choice. No matter how much I try to fight AA, it always seems that AA gets the best of me. The day that I had to pull out my wig was also a day that I was going out with friends. I noticed that they kept staring and trying to figure out if it was my hair or not. The…


Added by Jasmine Harrell on September 24, 2012 at 9:00am — 8 Comments


I went out with no wig and went to my yoga class. I even went to put gas in my car and it w as liberating.

Added by pauline vargas on September 23, 2012 at 3:58am — 7 Comments

My life

Hi my name is Rose. I have had Alopecia for almost my whole life. It started in 3rd grade. My parents found a great Dr who put me on a steroid and it all grew back. I only started out with 2 spots on the top of my head. The worst episode I had was when I was a freshman in high school I almost lost all my hair, I used to cry myself to sleep. Again my Dr put me back on the same steroid and it worked he never used shots. It wasn't way after I got married and had my first baby that I noticed my…


Added by Rose on September 21, 2012 at 2:03pm — 7 Comments

When something wonderful this way comes :)

I could not wait to return home & share what happened to me over this past weekend with my fellow alopecian sister's & brother's.

This January will mark the 5th year since loseing my hair to AAU, it was during my search for answers in those first painful weeks that I would read Leslie Ann Butler's book "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing" which in turn would lead me to AW, my saving grace.

It is here I would find not only answers; but also,friends who were & are in the…


Added by Pamela Rosse on September 21, 2012 at 12:30am — 17 Comments

Here we go again

So my hair has been doing pretty well at least so I thought. I still have a lot of patches, however I have been able to conceal it with my own hair. I went to get my hair done by a stylist who claimed that he specializes in working with clients who have alopecia (I am convinced that those people don't exist). He used some Brazilian technique to put some tracks in to cover my patches. That was a huge mistake. It was so uncomfortable not to mention I had just gotten injections the day before.…


Added by Jasmine Harrell on September 20, 2012 at 1:30am — 5 Comments

Letting people know what happened

Until June 2011, to me the word Alopecia simply meant thinning hair. Well, was I ever wrong! In June 2011, my own hair started to thin and within three weeks I had practically no head hair. At first, it was all like a bad dream. You look in the mirror and for a moment you don’t recognise the person looking back at you. Then you recognise yourself but your scalp feels different. Your head feels cold even though you know there is no reason for the cold, except of course that there are large…


Added by Paddy on September 19, 2012 at 3:00pm — 9 Comments

Gaining confidence

I've had alopecia for 8 years now. First, it was come and go areta alopecia. Then it went universalis. The eyelashes were the worst. I would look in the mirror and say, "I look like a lizard." My mom used to say I was as mean as a snake when I was little and got in trouble, so it shouldn't have come as any surprise. The hair loss was hard, but the self-esteem loss was devastating.

The first time I went to buy a wig, I made sure I was the last scheduled appointment. I went alone, in…


Added by Bonnie on September 19, 2012 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Getting this off my chest

Its crazy how losing my hair never crossed my mind before and now is only thing on my mind now. I think other People think its a VAIN worry. Thats because their not going through it.Your hair is apart of you and its a hard thing to lose, especially for women!Its part of our femininity. Its what you and your girlfriends do at sleep overs, its what you let your nieces play with when they want to give you a make-over.

I just dont think people see the…


Added by Trisha on September 16, 2012 at 8:00pm — 5 Comments

New to alopecia areata

Hello, my name is Trisha im 21 and have recentely been diagnosed with AA. This is the most current picture. I first noticed a spot a in april that was a quater of this size. Its been very difficult for me considering i do not have health insurance AND my hair was my favorite physical feature about myself. Any words of wisdom would be great, advice, stories. Also, my biggest question is......Will i lose all my hair? does AA always spread? how long would it usually take for all to fall out...?…


Added by Trisha on September 16, 2012 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments

Aaah help me please!

I am 14 and i have alopecia areata, my real hair is very thin now and i have to wear a wig...i have told everyone at school that its just a few extensions. I am worried they will find out, say if i went to a sleepover or something. so do i tell them or not? and if i do then how?! please help me, thankyou xx

Added by ☆Emily☆ on September 15, 2012 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Bald Fashion Fair model

I was at the mall last night looking for some MAC lip glass and I noticed a bald model on the Fashion Fair billboard. Of course I was delighted to see a bald woman. The clerk told me the woman was discovered sitting in Starbucks and offered to model for Fashion Fair. I could not hold back my 2 part emotion; beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but also being in the right place at the right time.

Here is the link for you to see this beautiful model…


Added by kymkym on September 15, 2012 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

My alopecia story in pictures (Part 1)

I am not a regular blogger. In fact, I have never blogged about anything. When I started losing my hair I looked to other people's stories for comfort, guidance and to help prepare me for what was still yet to come. I wanted to see real pictures - not text book pics. I write this so maybe someone like me can get the information I was looking for. Some of the pictures will not be pretty but I always try to remember it could be so much worse.

May 2008 - "pre" alopecia…


Added by ASRN on September 15, 2012 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Love being bald?!

Its amazing how one simple act can alter ones perceptions of everything. And who would have thought that such a act would have such an impact on someone like me. I remember distinctly how I felt before sept 3 2010. It was my greatest fear. Thinking back to 2 years ago, I can still feel that overwhelming fear. 2 years ago I was facing my second bout of actually being bald. I was once bald as a 8 year child. And it was the worse thing that I endured. I suffered from bullyings, thinking that…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 9, 2012 at 10:30pm — 20 Comments


At work (I work @ Walmart) today a customer asks to borrow a pen and a piece of paper. He writes down a youtube channel about how baking soda/powder (can't remember which, lol) cures cancer. Then a co-worker tells me a customer pulled her aside to ask "Is she sick? Is she OK? Is it contagious?" Just frustrating. Almost makes me forget the couple customers I've had tell me I'm beautiful &/or am rocking the bald look, lol or that they wish they had my courage or had done it sooner (gone…


Added by Angie on September 8, 2012 at 1:39am — 8 Comments

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