I have rarely considered myself a man of few words. But in this case I will. I have had alopecia totalis for over 40 yrs; no hair anywhere. And even though I have grown up, much of the world has not. I know that if I had to do it all over, I would probably made a much better go of my life, despite my condition. But no man is an island. We are all social beings and what people say to us, both to our face, and behind our back, when they think we cannot hear, permeates into us and our…
ContinueAdded by Mark S. Hansen on October 31, 2012 at 4:00pm — 14 Comments
I have been struggling with AA since I was 14 I just turned 18 in July. Before I went to get shots I shaved my head to a quarter inch so if the shots worked my hair would be about the same length. I've been going to get shots for three months now for AA. I had lost about 80% of my hair, my left eyebrow was 90% gone and my bottom left eyelash was gone. Since the shots I've only really only got one "spot" left on the left side of my head above my ear it seems to be stubborn but looks to have…
ContinueAdded by Ryan on October 31, 2012 at 1:26pm — 2 Comments
I've been extremely honest with my friends, sometimes even pushed myself a little bit too hard. I push myself to be ok with this and most days I can accept it or forget about it. But I'm never happy about it. Sometimes I realise I don't have any hair or catch a glints of myself in the mirror and I get sad. Most days its fine but once in a while as I said I get sad.
I walk around like I have a full head of hair, not pretending that I do but like its the most natural thing in the world…
ContinueAdded by Marinetta on October 31, 2012 at 5:39am — 3 Comments
It's getting colder. The wind is blowing, not every where you go has the heat on yet and while I struggle with the bald head I love it at the same time.
This will be my first winter without hair and it doesn't look like it will come back anytime soon, so daily I struggle with the thought of buying a wig.
What have other people done to make sure they get the right one? Online shopping? In store searches?
Does a wig ever feel like it is the right thing or like a great…
ContinueAdded by HilEspi on October 30, 2012 at 7:16pm — 7 Comments
I am having a wonderful Halloween weekend here at college. I was able to do so many fun things with my hair! :) I have to admit, I am extremely nervous for my doctor's appointment on Friday. I have to decide whether or not I want to continue prednisone or if I want to quit again. They want to do shots in my head but last time those were very painful and only helped on the small spots, not on the large one on the side of my head. I guess you could say it's decision time but really there…
ContinueAdded by Megan Bry on October 28, 2012 at 11:58pm — No Comments
alright ladies and gents... I've been dealing with this for 15 years. I'm a survivor. Don't have any hair, but don't need it! let's fill my page with positivity. Let's get some stories on here about loving yourself and surviving!It doesn't matter if you're bald, not, or in between. I want to hear all about loving your self!
Added by Sarah Bitar on October 28, 2012 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments
So , my hair is growing back again. I dont know if it will stay or not, but it does not matter so much any more. I hav e found out that i'm just fine either way. The funny thing is that i use to be blond, very Swedish blond, and the new hair is in different shades of gray. Its ok. It still isn't so much that I can be outside without a scarf ore a cap, its far to cold för that. My grandchildren likes to feel the hair it's very soft.The future will show what becomes of this.
Added by Renée on October 28, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments
I am very thankful for this website and for the support of my fellow members. It can be very therapeutic at times!! But, I also find it can be very depressing, so I do take long breaks from it. I hear the voices of those who have accepted their condition, no longer fight it for various reasons, and I fully understand and support their positions, but that's not where I am today. I am not ready to give up hope. While I have lost well over half of my hair and still shed, I also have good hearty…
ContinueAdded by Tracey on October 27, 2012 at 2:00pm — 46 Comments
The last couple of days I've been slacking on my anti-inflammatory diet, and it all started with some cardamom pear cupcakes someone brought into work (sigh). Then yesterday, I ate a carb and sugar laden breakfast, tried to get back on track with a healthy lunch, but ended up giving in to a butter drenched dinner with two martinis and ended the day with a mug of hot chocolate. Oh, dear. It was fun while it lasted. This morning, I awoke with a persistently itchy scalp and double the shedding…
ContinueAdded by Tracey on October 27, 2012 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments
For those who may not have seen this -
Alopecia areata may soon be getting significantly greater research funding and study. As you receive this e-news today, October 25, Jan Wolf of Vienna, Virginia has just shared her alopecia areata experiences and insights at the Food and Drug Administration’s Public Meeting on Patient-Focused Drug Development. She was accompanied by Ashley Zink, 15, of Mount Airy, Maryland, as we wish to emphasize how often alopecia areata strikes children. FDA…
ContinueAdded by Chris on October 26, 2012 at 8:00am — 2 Comments
Hi Everyone.
I have alopecia universalis.I am checking for the possibilities of inplanting biofibre for eyebrows. Anyone has any information about this ? I tried to search but cant really get information specific to eyebrows.
I have seen possibilities of tatoo eyebrows but I dont like it. It does not look good on men.
Anyone has any information please let me know.
Added by Chetan Patil on October 23, 2012 at 4:42am — 2 Comments
Just want to thank everyone for their support on this wonderful site.
I don't know anyone personally and haven't written much as yet. But have read a lot from the site. I appreciate everyone sharing their stories.
It helps so much,-- just to know someone else understands what you are going through. God bless you all!
Added by Georgia Kay Jarman on October 23, 2012 at 12:40am — No Comments
I always had brown hair but I always wished I was a red head. I colored it bright red. A year ago i shaved what little hair I had left. The patches got smaller and smaller and it quit growing. The last couple of months my hair has been growing back very slowly I am getting more and more. Its really sparse and has no color to any of it. Any color hair would be so great. I will take gray hair over no hair any day.
Added by Sheena Tha Cody on October 23, 2012 at 12:30am — 14 Comments
My granddaughter was diagnosed with AA.I have hope that her hair will come back not only in treatments but that God took upon himself on the cross her disease and by his stripes we are healed.
Added by jayden thompson on October 23, 2012 at 12:00am — No Comments
I am a freshman in college and have personally had Alopecia for almost 5 years now. I would say that it doesn't bother me anymore, but sometimes I find myself staring in the mirror and wondering what I would look like if I still had my long, brown hair. I think the hardest part of having Alopecia is that my twin sister does not and I have a constant reminder of how things should be. I know it's not her fault, but I feel like that is almost natural to feel. Fortunately, these moments of…
ContinueAdded by Megan Bry on October 22, 2012 at 12:30am — 1 Comment
hi everyone
my names nicky im 25 ive recently just been diagonosed with alopcia areta its been a few weeks now and already the bald spot on my left hand side of my head has almost doubled in size :( im dreaing wats to some in the next coming weeks. how have u all managed to cope so well which such self altering news :( is there anything i can do to help slow down the process or help get my hair back or should i just accept the new me ???? worried confused me i would love hearing any…
Added by Nicky Hall on October 20, 2012 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments
So last night I went to this awesome fundraiser event: DCLAW - arm wrestling for Miriam's Kitchen!
Sporkticus was Miriam's Kitchen's entry into the competition and of course as a former Senior Case Manager at Miriam's I was there in full support.
This morning I saw this picture. An awesomely awesome picture. But it made me flood with emotions. It was the first time that I saw the back of my head.
I knew that there wasn't hair back there but I didn't know about the crazy…
ContinueAdded by HilEspi on October 20, 2012 at 2:33pm — No Comments
Hello everyone,
My name is Emily i have had alopecia totalis since kindergarten and am now in year 12. i have a subject that i am doing for my high school certificate the subject is community and family studies and i have to do an independent research project and i am going to do it on alopecia and as a part of this project i need to interview over the internet and or a question air if you would like to take part in this please message me and it is up to you if you won't your own name…
Added by emily5 on October 17, 2012 at 10:58pm — 11 Comments
Added by Elaine on October 17, 2012 at 10:04pm — 9 Comments
I had an appointment to get my regularly scheduled cortisone injections at the end of the month last month and just decided I was not going to put myself through it anymore. It hurts like hell, I am an emotional wreck, and its sore afterwards. I am firm believer that continuously putting any chemical into your body over a long period of time causes some issues. As I touch my bald spots, I notice dents, which is a side effect. The dermatologist told me that it means my scalp is thinning due…
ContinueAdded by Jasmine Harrell on October 16, 2012 at 12:30am — 5 Comments
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