Featured Blog Posts – December 2009 Archive (45)

A new year and the end of a decade

Year 2000 i graduated high school and this coming year i start college lol a little late but ohwell :O) the emotional rollercoaster i have gone thru over hair is amazing but i have found this site and it helps knowing i'm not the only one.

The reason for my post is to hope that everyone who either is new to alopecia or has had it for years can finally if you havent already move even closer to acceptance not from those around us but self acceptance. We will have our bad days even… Continue

Added by Tiffany P on December 31, 2009 at 2:26pm — 1 Comment

Post pregnancy - and it looks like my hair is going to fall out again! I can't stop crying!

I was AA universalis. When I got pregnant, my hair regrew around the 23rd week of my pregnancy. My daughter is 5 and a half months old now and I can go without a wig.

I look horrible though. My hair is still very short, darker than it used to be and not as blond anymore. On addition to that I'm still so overweight due to my pregnancy. Nevertheless I totally enjoy not to put these aweful plastic wigs on and I've been without a wig now for 3 weeks. Now I'm realizing that my eyelashes… Continue

Added by Zoe on December 29, 2009 at 5:39pm — 8 Comments

Dermatologist Results

So... I went to the Dermatologist for a checkup.

Nothing New. The cortizone shots caused a crop circle in the back of my head though. It looks like a smiley face. I only have to go back if I have any questions, or if I just want to say hello.

It's weird, but I have spots in the back of my head, with little tufts of hair here and there. I asked my mom if I could shave them off, but she laughed and said no. Ho-hum. The hair is really dumb though.

I cant wait for another… Continue

Added by Leah Turlo on December 28, 2009 at 4:11pm — No Comments

Round 2 is harder than expected

And it seems to be Round 2 of Alopecia. It seems harder this time than the first time around. Everyone keeps saying that it is easy this time because I know what to expect and I already have wigs. But, for some reason, I'm having a harder time with it and don't feel like I can tell anyone that I am having a harder time. Is that stupid?

Well, heres where I stand as of now. I started noticing it coming out in the shower about a week and a half ago....…


Added by Rachel on December 28, 2009 at 2:28am — 6 Comments

Regrowth Follow-up

Hi!! Its been a really long time since I've updated on here. I wanted to let you know what things look like on my head. First of all, my eyebrows and eyelashes fully recovered....

I even got a haircut and have a little hair style...

And even my own ponytail...

See the next blog for the next part of the… Continue

Added by Rachel on December 27, 2009 at 11:58pm — 3 Comments

My new wig

On Tuesday Pick Me Up magazine paid for me to go to London to have a wig chosen and then cut by Trevor Sorbie (who does loads of great things for people with hairloss). I chose a human hair wig from Trendco very close to my natural colour and then he cut it after looking at a pic of my old hair and I love it. This wig is amazing. Not only is it cut really well but its actually real hair. I loved my synthetic wigs but then I got this one and its sounds silly but I love the way it goes wavy in… Continue

Added by Lyndsey Pitchford on December 24, 2009 at 3:20pm — 9 Comments

The Movie Grey Gardens/Alopecia

Has anyone seen the movie Grey Garden's starring Drew Barrymore? She portrays a character that deals with alopecia. The movie is quite interesting it is based of a true story of Jackie Kennedy's relatives. I think it is the first movie I've seen that shows a character that has alopecia. It was touching to see it portrayed on screen because Drew really captures what it is like to lose your hair; and how she learns to deal and doesn't lose her spirit. Just wanted to let you guys know, don't know… Continue

Added by Francie on December 24, 2009 at 1:57pm — 9 Comments

Screenwriting 410

Just a little update. Thanks for all of your support with my screenplay. I was picked to move onto the next level!! Which is Screenwriting II or SAC 410 at U of M. It is a very competitive program and in my class on 17 only 5 students were picked to move onto the next class and I was lucky enough to get picked. Thanks for all of your support and maybe someday my script with make it to the big screen and let the world know a little more about Alopecia. <3 -

Added by Kelci on December 24, 2009 at 1:45am — 1 Comment

Gail Porter in recent news stories - what a role model!

This is a nice interview with Gail from Nov. 5, 2009, with a lot of positive comments about dealing with alopecia areata:


This link has a bunch of nice photos of Gail at a fashion/benefit event in October, with other events also:…


Added by Mary on December 22, 2009 at 4:24pm — 5 Comments

Derm update today

I went back to the dermatologist today for a follow up after my first round of steroid shots 8 weeks ago. She said she does see a little bit of regrowth! Although it's just a little, and the other hairs are still coming out like crazy, I'm still going to go ahead and shave/buzz it all off on NY Eve. I figure it's a good way to ring in the new year, which I can't wait for. 2009 hasn't been kind to me, with a bad breakup after 9 years, the passing of my Grandfather, after his short, but hard… Continue

Added by Callie on December 22, 2009 at 10:26am — 6 Comments

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone. I have not written in a while. All is well. Some days are better than others. I am still dealing with the alopecia one day at a time. It is so amazing how much hair defines a person. I try not to think about it but it's there...Like the big pink elephant in the middle of the room...

Added by Diane Holland on December 21, 2009 at 11:20pm — 1 Comment

Thank You, Locks of Love!!

A big snuggly thank you goes to our friends at Locks of Love for making Jordyn's xmas a little more special this year..I got the call today from Rhonda at LOL and Jordyn's real hair suction cup wig is all finished..I told her tonight and she was sooooo excited..now to tell her it will be here before xmas...should I..She has been waiting for this since we sent off the mold...Im so happy that this makes my little girl so happy to have flowing locks..now to see if she wears it..lol!!

Added by Jess (Jordyn's Mom) on December 21, 2009 at 9:37pm — 1 Comment

It's genetic afterall!

I have been doing a daily blog on another website lately but this is totally alopecia related and I'm kind of excited about this new information I thought I'd share it with my Alopecia World family! Over the last year or so I've come into contact with my biological family, I was adopted at birth and my aunt just told me the coolest thing today. Apparently I look and act very much like my grandmother in certain ways who has unfortunately passed away now but the coolest part is is that she too… Continue

Added by Carol on December 19, 2009 at 4:17pm — 4 Comments

Wigs, redux

My wigs are trimmed and styled (and in one case resized; much easier than I had anticipated and much assisted by the support and advice of Meg and Thea - thank you so much!) and ready to go!

Can't say I was overly impressed with the hairdresser who did them, though. I was left waiting for 25 minutes - for which she didn't apologise - and then she was just a bit, well, offhand with me. I had expected someone who could empathise with hairloss, maybe be a bit supportive. But it was just… Continue

Added by Cal on December 18, 2009 at 5:17pm — 8 Comments


Well, here's another blog, this one is going to be a little bit shorter I guess.

A month or so ago I got my wig, which already mentioned in other blogs, and I still got my real hair beneath it.

A week after I got my wig I got a feeling that I would feel even better if I would shave my hair.

So I told my dad, and he got a trimmer the next day. That evening we just trimmed it.

I must say it wasn't too easy to see all the hair I had falling before my eyes. But I… Continue

Added by Lionel on December 18, 2009 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

Head Tatoo

I was just wondering if it hurts any worse than anywhere else on your body to get a tatoo on your head? Anyone had one. I have a very small butterfly on my thigh with was a little painful, but want to pursue one on my head.

Added by Deanna on December 18, 2009 at 12:58pm — 3 Comments

To wig or not to wig

Hey everyone,

Thanks for the warm welcome. This site is great even though I haven't posted until now, I've been checking the site out and it has been a valuable support and learning tool.

I was just diagnosed with AA at the end of August. Since last month I've kept my head shaved as there's not enough hair left to do anything with. I am really not used to or digging the bald look yet, especially since my hair is dark and my skin is white. Regardless of how close I shave, It… Continue

Added by Victor on December 17, 2009 at 7:10pm — 4 Comments

Things Alopecians Like #13

Making fun of your boyfriend because he's going bald.

Added by Jill on December 17, 2009 at 7:56am — No Comments

The 12 Days of Alopecia

Okay I know we did this last year but by popular demand it's back.
You can view my past Blog(s) to see how it went last time.

So here goes...I'll start. Everyone join in and have fun!

On the first day of Alopecia Areata I recieved...
My first little bald patch on me

On the second day of Alopecia Areata I recieved...

Added by JeffreySF on December 14, 2009 at 7:30pm — 13 Comments

Beauty is...

It is said beauty is only skin deep; I disagree.

Beauty in its truest form is what you find just below the surface, in fact.

In all beings, beauty is a light that shines from within, casting a soft glow on all who are in its presence. With each layer revealed the light grows stronger, warmer, and more radiant. I believe beauty is not skin deep, but rather resides in humble purity at the very core of the soul.

Love yourself today, and shine your beauty on all who surround… Continue

Added by Seadra on December 14, 2009 at 2:11pm — 1 Comment

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