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I started it!

I went for all the tests as suggested by Susan the waiting begins, and secretly I'm hoping they find something least then I can start exploring treatments and possibly regain!!

Will keep you updated!


Added by Saskia Fourie on July 21, 2009 at 9:44am — No Comments

The British summer!!!!!!

What is so wonderful about British weather is that it changes so much and so often. Only a few weeks ago we were all basking in a glorious hot summer spell. The sun was warming my bald head whenever I went outside and it was wonderful. Today as I walk along my head is drenched and the rain is running off my head and down into my unprotected eyes. On an appearance basis my lack of eyebrows is not a problem as I quite like the total hairless image but they did serve a purpose in that they did… Continue

Added by Ray on July 21, 2009 at 4:30am — No Comments

My First Anniversary with Alopecia & My First Blog...Fast Forward Second Anniversary

Hello Friends,

It has been a wonderful year indeed. Unexpected and unpredictable.

It was an unusually warm and clear summer night in San Francisco. A night full of laughter and celebration with friends. It was July 4th 2007.

After the smoke and embers cleared I awoke and went off to work. But there was a suprise waiting for me. Something different. A small circle on my head appeared before me. I thought what is this? Had an ember of my Independence fallen upon… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on July 20, 2009 at 8:00pm — 14 Comments

coeliac, underactive thyroid and alopecia

hi i am new to this blog but i was wondering if anyone out there has alopecia areata, coeliac disease and underactive thyroid disease too as well as psorisis of the scalp. It burns and itches, two patches one bigger than the other, tried 2 lots of scalp injections they did not work. i have had this for about 18 months now, is there any hope for me to be normal again.

Added by jean wolvey on July 20, 2009 at 4:57pm — 5 Comments

starting over...

my dad works construction for a company called arcon. arcon is going to go into dept soon so they are quitting. that means no work for my dad, no money and worst of all no health insurance. i have been stressing out a lot and also losing hair, again i cry a lot these days i dont want to go through it again . but of course i am. im trying not to stress out but its not helping. i dont know what to do...

Added by Nikki Mans on July 20, 2009 at 4:17pm — 2 Comments

My first visit to the dermatologist

I went to the dermatologist today and here's what happened...

He asked where and when my hair loss patches occurred

He asked if there was any family history of:-

- alopecia - my mum had an issue for a short period of time when she was 16 (50+ years ago) but full regrowth occurred after it was treated with some cream and has never reoccurred

- thyroid problems - none that I'm aware of and I'm sure that I was tested for this by my GP and there was no… Continue

Added by Robert on July 20, 2009 at 8:30am — 9 Comments

Helped out by 2 very special people today

After finding 2 new spots over the weekend, I decided to contact the hospital to see if there was any news on when my appointment with the dermatologist would come through (thanks for the suggestion Jeffrey!) I expected to be told that it would be at least another 8-9 weeks. To my surprise, after speaking to the most helpful receptionist EVER, she managed to get me an appointment for later this morning. They had just received a last minute cancellation and wouldn't have had time to contact… Continue

Added by Robert on July 20, 2009 at 5:40am — 1 Comment

Found another patch... vent alert!

My wife found another bald patch on the back of my head so that's now 3 on my head and one on my beard. This is so difficult to deal with, and I've got at least another 8 weeks until I get an appointment with a dermatologist. I really really hate that I'm losing my hair and that it just seems to be getting worse.

Added by Robert on July 19, 2009 at 6:20am — 4 Comments


does anyone have any ideas where i can find some cute hats on the internet for Molly she is 13 and it seems i can not find any hats for her age and her hair is getting alot worse. Any ideas?

Added by kim trivett on July 18, 2009 at 11:52pm — 3 Comments

"My Head Looks Like a Boy"

So we were driving in the car a month ago when my 3 year old daughter asks me if she is a boy. "Do you want to be a boy?" I ask her not cueing in right away. "My head looks like a boy," she says. Ah ha. People often confuse her for a boy as her hair is short, she doesn't like bows, and because she hates getting her hair cut except by me, and the best I could do turned out to be a boyish cut. I haven't had to cut it in months as it is not growing very fast now, despite the flax seed oil I give… Continue

Added by margaret and nicole on July 18, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

to survive alopecia

Hi everyone, thought I’d share the following with you...some words of wisdom I found on the internet not about alopecia particularly but it applies just the same.

“What does it mean to survive? The word itself is a combination of sur+vive. These words have French roots meaning sur (on) and vive (life). The word literally means to "get on with life".

What does it mean to "get on with life"? To me it does not mean to simply exist. Merely existing does not convey living… Continue

Added by Pat on July 18, 2009 at 2:03am — 2 Comments

Having a bad day....

I am almost at the point where there is nothing left on my head, and my eybrows are starting to go as well. I know that this disease is unpredictable and no-one can tell me what will happen. I guess I am just looking for someone to tell me that they had regrowth even after AT/AU???? I know that I should learn to accept this and be okay with it...I am just not there yet.

Added by Kathleen on July 17, 2009 at 9:43am — 4 Comments

My Daughter's Emergency Surgery!

On Saturday June 11th in the evening, my 13 year old daughter Monica started to complain that she wasn't feeling well and her belly was hurting on the lower left side. She took a tylenol and didn't say anything else about the pain for the rest of the evening.

On Sunday morning she was again complaining of the same pain on the lower left side of her belly again. She went to next door to my grandmother's house for lunch (this happens every Sunday) but she came back within 30 minutes, telling… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on July 17, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Just downright lonely

Many things have changed in my life over the last month been trying to take it all in stride. Picked up the synthetic wig I ordered yesterday & was very disappointed. When I put it on, it looks totally fake...want nothing to do with it, just want my hair back. Can talk to my husband, close friends and family yet they will never completely understand although they try...

On top of all the above, I'm really ready to make some positive changes in my life. Chill out on drinking, eat… Continue

Added by Dana on July 17, 2009 at 1:08am — 5 Comments

Oily head??

Can anyone help , the last couple of weeks my head has been really oily under my wig , is strange!

Added by Kirstie on July 16, 2009 at 7:13pm — 2 Comments

Everyone is beautiful today, absolutely stunning!

Lately everywhere I go someone has given me a compliment on how beautiful I look bald. It’s a nice unexpected change. I believe that it is because I made a choice to walk out the door with a smile on my face every day. I haven’t been asked if I had cancer for some time now and I definitely believe that it is because I wear my bald head and I don’t let it wear me. If you catch my drift? I own it! And today when I went out to lunch I had 2 women come up to me separately and tell me that I was… Continue

Added by Camille Reinecker on July 16, 2009 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

hello everyone

hello fellow friends, how ru all? im new to th alopecia world, but am lookin forward to making alot of new friends. i have had areata since the sixth grade nd through the years i have grown to pretty much no hair whatsoever. its not a bad thing at all. i pretty much just think that people with hair look funny lol.

Added by michael louis pearson on July 16, 2009 at 5:42pm — 2 Comments

Urr...not quite!

Cockatiel head is back but now it looks like something else...i don't know what. And it's back to not laying flat again...grrrrr....

Added by Sarah H on July 16, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments


Hello to all my friends out there in Alopecia World!

It's been AGES since I've last been logged on, and I'm feeling rather ashamed that I haven't been in touch with you wonderful people as I should have been (darn Facebook vortex...). So, to make amends for my absence, I've transferred my Facebook Blog over to my Alopecia World page. It's the way I keep in touch, and hopefully, if you find it entertaining and a worthwhile read, it will give you a little glimpse into my life as a… Continue

Added by Janna on July 16, 2009 at 3:26pm — No Comments


Something to cross off the things to do before I die list....I jumped out of a plane! And I did it bald - you can check it out some photos on my page. I was kind of nervous about wearing nothing on my head, as I was with a group of people some of whom I had never met before, but who all work at the same hotel. But I am so glad I did, because guess what?! No one cared at all or even seemed to notice! And it was so great for me, because i didn't have to worry about my wig, or whatever else I… Continue

Added by Karina Louise on July 16, 2009 at 1:44pm — No Comments

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