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RE: Has anyone tried any natural anti-inflammatory


I found this looking around on the rnet about herbs that are used for anti-inflammatory,

"In addition to medical drugs, many herbs have anti-inflammatory qualities, including hyssop, ginger, Turmeric, Arnica montana which contains helenalin, a sesquiterpene lactone, and willow bark, which contains salicylic acid, a substance related to the active ingredient in aspirin. Cannabichromene, one of the many cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, has been shown to… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on August 17, 2008 at 11:09pm — 2 Comments

What I know about alopecia (technical) and treatment

Well like the majority of us on the website the first thing I did was research. I learnt the alopecia is an autoimmune disease that can be brought about by stress and it is something that has a possible genetic link. If stress alone caused alopecia then the Mcanns looking for their missing child madeline would be going through totalis by now. Stress effects us in different ways and with some of us it can unfortunately cause alopecia.

Obviously, the psychological effects it can have… Continue

Added by carl on August 17, 2008 at 9:12am — 4 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on August 17, 2008 at 12:15am — 1 Comment

Has this ever happend to you?

I play soccer and i wear a bandana when I play ,im not completly bald because if i was then i wouldnt have really thought much of it i have like two sections of hair on top of my head so it looks like i have more hair than i actually have. So today we played a scrimage game agansted Hope christrian school .So anyway I was playing defense and the girl who i was trying to get the ball from pushed me or something that made me do this werid flip type thing and landed on my head/neck (now my neck… Continue

Added by lauren on August 16, 2008 at 7:48pm — 5 Comments

Re: How long did it take before everyone decided to shave their heads?

(For ALL MEMBERS reading this on the site that would like to share their experience), how long did it take after being diagnosed did everyone decide to just shave all of their hair off? It seems like everyone got to that point after looking at most of the members stories. I thought a lot of people (at least 50%) keep most of their hair and can conceal their hair loss fairly well and eventually grow it back. I know that it can happen again though. I asked my doctors nurse if they thought I would… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on August 16, 2008 at 1:37pm — 5 Comments

hiatus almost over...

Sorry I've been absent from the site for awhile...But by the end of this weekend I'll be done with summer school and will get back to blogging, commenting, participating in forums, etc.

Hope you're all enjoying the summer still (and the Olympics too!)...

Added by traci on August 16, 2008 at 3:46am — No Comments


My chronicle of Alopecia Areata the emmoitional effects, depression, anger, love, acceptance to live on with alopecia, the acceptance from socitety, acceptance from with in. the up and the downs the up-hill battles, and long trem affects.

When I received my 4 doctors opinion (Derm. Dept. OF Johns Hopkins Baltimore, MD) I cried because i was more pissed of at my self wondering why I did go sooner intsead of waiting for a year and half? Dr. Sauder She was just awesome her comforting… Continue

Added by KATHLEEN WEIBE BROWN on August 16, 2008 at 3:00am — No Comments

I am 24 years old and was just diagnosed with AA. I knew someone in high school that had AA totalis but other than that, didn't really know much about it AA. I went to the doctor because I noticed a …

I am 24 years old and was just diagnosed with AA. I knew someone in high school that had AA totalis but other than that, didn't really know much about it AA. I went to the doctor because I noticed a bald patch on my head in a picture. I don't usually see the back-under side of my head so I didn't notice before. In the past few weeks, I've been losing alot of hair. I wake up to hair all over my pillow. I lose GOBS of hair in the shower. I lose hair when I'm just sitting at my desk working. You… Continue

Added by Rachel on August 15, 2008 at 6:08pm — 7 Comments

Letting go of the anger and why alopecia makes us sad...

Since I have some time on my hands before i get better and get a real job (just book keep and do shopping and stuff for parents business- a residential home). I can post a brighter more positive blog than the last one. I did debate whether to put that up because its the sad side of what alopecia can do to you; but if somebody reads it and realises to get help if you feel down then it was worth it.

I did have a bit of anger built up towards my parents because of alopecia and felt like… Continue

Added by carl on August 15, 2008 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

The wig saga continues...

To continue on my storyline about my search/experience for a new wig. Last time I wrote about how I had learned that I am allergic to the adhesives used in my (thought to be) perfect new lace front wig. Then I wrote about how I had learned that I am hooped and instead of sharing my alopecia with the world of people I work with, I opted for some bright red extensions. I did this to divert attention from the fact that one day I had longer brown hair and then the next I came back with my old hair… Continue

Added by amanda~ on August 15, 2008 at 11:09am — 3 Comments

Who's up for the happy dance???

It’s Friday…who’s up for the happy dance? My day starting off on the right foot around 3 AM. Bounced out of the rack for whatever reason despite the early hour, ready to take on the world and it just keeps getting better.

Business casual at work which means comfortable jeans. I usually reach for a pair of generously cut jeans to accommodate the extra weight I put on over the last year. This morning, I mistakenly grabbed a pair from a time when I was in better shape. As Gomer Pyle… Continue

Added by Tony on August 15, 2008 at 8:03am — 3 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on August 14, 2008 at 5:05pm — No Comments

San Francisco Venting

I spent the last six days in SF. My husband grew up there and we had an ... alright time. I felt like we spent hours just driving around and trying to make other people happy. I didn't notice anyone with alopecia. I did notice that not a single person gave me a sideways look. The whole time I wished we were back in SLO, but his mother cried and then we ended up there. For a six day holiday it wasn't bad though really the only thing that sucked was his mom throwing a fit that the kids and I were… Continue

Added by Carmella on August 14, 2008 at 2:41pm — 3 Comments

I'm not Charlie Brown

“It looks good…you have a nice round head.” A nice round head? What the heck is that suppose to mean? My mind immediately equates my appearance to that of Charlie Brown, the round headed bald kid from the comic strip. Sigh…tell me I look handsome, tell me that the style suits me, tell me that I could be a male model…OK, the last one is a stretch but please, please don’t compare me with some inept, always depressed, bald headed kid with low self esteem.

My own acceptance of the… Continue

Added by Tony on August 14, 2008 at 12:02pm — 1 Comment

Got the new hair!!!

I named this one Cassie...cuz she's a little bit sassy. ;o) It's a Jon Renau synthetic mono top. I'm IN LOVE with this wig!

Added by Mandy on August 13, 2008 at 5:32pm — 9 Comments

Right to Know...

Why do people think they have the right to know what happened to your hair? I mean, I understand family members and close friends, but not people you see while walking down the street or shopping or going to a movie. Why do people think they can come right up and demand "what happened to your hair"? Concern is one thing, nosey is another. It's like they stare, then they walk right up and ask, when you give them a flippant answer they are hurt. They never think about how embarassing it may be… Continue

Added by Linda on August 13, 2008 at 3:46pm — 14 Comments

It just feels so hopless..

Everywhere I read about alopecia everyone has lost all their hair and started to wear a wig or a scarf around their head.

I don't want that,I wanna keep my hair, I wan't it to grow back.
I can't see a future without my own hair, it might sound silly, but for me it's not.

I just wanna crawl in to bed and cry right now.
I'm having a hard time facing the throuth.

Added by Pamira Jakobsson on August 12, 2008 at 4:51pm — 4 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on August 11, 2008 at 12:37am — No Comments

Gail Porter's hair growing back

Gail Porter's hair growing back TV presenter Gail Porter says her hair is starting to grow back, three years after she developed alopecia.

"I have brows and lashes again, after so long," she told the Sunday Mirror. "Isn't it fantastic?"

"I've just been on holiday and I feel wonderful," she added. "I was so relaxed they started to grow back."

The 37-year-old lost almost all of her blonde, glossy hair overnight in…


Added by rj, Co-founder on August 10, 2008 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

"Sad" Mother

Hi all.

My mother is not taking my hair loss well. To be perfectly honest, she's an emotional wreck over it. It is not enough for her to know that I've adjusted to the fact that some day I might be bald and wearing a wig. It is not enough for her to know that I've managed to overcome my sadness. She says that she's proud of how well I'm taking it, but sometimes she finds it hard to believe that I can truly be as accepting of it as I claim to be. The truth is, I was depressed at first. When… Continue

Added by Alexandra on August 10, 2008 at 5:22pm — 2 Comments

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