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Heartbroken...just noticed I'm loosing my new baby hair

I have to allow myself to be this sad for just a day or two. I been so strong since I got diagnosed with AA 5,5 months ago. But i dont want to be strong right now. I want to cry and scream and be mad.

9 months ago, i was a Beautiful bride, marrying my best friend. As happy as could be. Unfortunately, my best friend happen to be American so 1,5 year ago I also left my family and my home country Sweden to live with him. It was so hard for me the first year, but Life was finally turining…


Added by Malin on August 9, 2014 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

The job interview and the wig!

On Friday I have a job interview, you would think I would be nervous but I'm not well I am but not because its an interview that I'm going to get asked them dreaded interview questions and be worrying that I'm going to slip up and say the wrong things and not be successful. It's because on Friday I'm going to give this wig I've got a go.

I've had it for well over two years now and its been shoved under my bed.. Well after a while of thinking about it, I got it out and gave it some TLC…


Added by Natasha on August 6, 2014 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

After shaving

Things have been great since I "came out," as it were. I've shaved my head, and retired my wig. I've felt better than I have the past four years. I thought I'd be self-conscious, but the only fear I've felt was in the moments before I hit "post" on the lengthy Facebook status that would tell everyone my secret. That itself was scary enough for a lifetime, and the only way I could do it at all was to blast Frozen's "Let It Go," loudly sing along, and in the perfect adrenaline-fueled moment,…


Added by Double on August 6, 2014 at 1:19am — 4 Comments


I was with my family at an amusement park today and while on a roller coaster my wig came off.  I was lucky enough to be able to feel it happen and hold it against my head until the ride ended, but I was so frustrated!  

I don't want to change my life because of AA.  It seems like every time I feel like I have accepted and am ok and even moving ahead something happens that shakes it all up again!  But after going to the bathroom and crying a bit I put my chin up and decided that this…


Added by Stephanie on August 5, 2014 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

I just want answers!

Found yet another bald spot yesterday. This one happens to be right above my left ear. My spots are becoming larger and larger and harder to conceal. I hate being so emotional. I was diagnosed with AA but am worried it may be AT. :( My lashes and brows are starting to thin. They say don't stress, but how can I not stress!?! I've already cut my hair shorter than its ever been in my life hoping that the less strain would help it from falling out, but I'm still getting new spots. This is so…


Added by MamaDavis on August 5, 2014 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

Tomorrow is the day

It has been a while since I have posted on here.  Been dealing with the hair loss in circular patches that sometimes group themselves or just singularly for 7 years.  The last couple of years rewarded me with a patch up front which prompted a severe part on the opposite side to cover it up.  That patch took a very long time to respond to injections and the hair has only grown in white.  Those white hairs accept nothing -- no hair color or henna -- ok, the henna slightly worked but the yellow…


Added by Georgie on August 4, 2014 at 2:12pm — No Comments

I want my freaking hair back!

Living in with Alopecia has it's good and bad days. For me, it's mostly good thank God. Today and probably the last few days though, I have really been missing my hair. :( I always try to stay positive about it and normally it doesn't bother me idk what's going on.

I just feel like crying about it. I feel like complaining about it. Wigs have seemed extra itchy and hot lately. They can get expensive and I can't always afford them. I sweat in my head mainly and am outside fairly often…


Added by Marieca on August 1, 2014 at 7:00pm — 7 Comments

How I knew about alopecia , how I knew I had it

when I noticed my first bald spot about 2-3cm behind my bangs was about 2 months ago. Two months after I had my ovaries removed do to severe endomitriosis. I knew I had it because I saw a special on it on 20/20 about a few months before. My hair cutter from when I was little said yup you have it. When I went to a new dermatologist I couldn't belive her when she said it. I was in denial until my head just starting burning all the time i just wear hats to dull the pain,



Added by Missellewoods on August 1, 2014 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Control what you can

So...if control over your hair (are you God?) is your beef, and control is your thing, then find control another way: via the arts, weight loss, make-over, new wardrobe, rearranged furnishings, painted walls, mastery of a garden/career/family/trip/business/education, menu, spiritual path, etc. There are SOOOOOOOOOO many choices in the world and aspects of self possible. I decided to lose 55 pounds. 45 more to go...…


Added by Tallgirl on August 1, 2014 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

Your presence may mean far more than you think

Recently, a mother whose beautiful young daughter has alopecia said to me, "I always tell my daughter that you are her twin. I tell her when she grows up, she's going to look like you."

The emotions that statement elicited in me were very strong: I was honored and extremely humbled.

Our reach as alopecians is far beyond us. We may be just living our lives and, at the same time, encouraging a neighbor, a person on our morning commute, or perhaps someone we least…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 31, 2014 at 12:00pm — 10 Comments

Fluctuating between sinking & drowning

I'm battling a lot at the moment, things that are near and dear to my heart.

There is a lot to take in, but then add my hair falling out and it just all seems too much.

Yesterday I made the leap and returned to the dermatologist.

In 2009 I had my AA treated (with amazing success) with cortisone injections. In 2012, along with a host of natural remedies I returned to the dermatologist, the success was less than amazing…but I always knew that could be the case. I had…


Added by Overwhelmed on July 30, 2014 at 5:30am — 3 Comments

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your sweet hair…so she did, and it all fell out

Gosh I don't even know where to start. Crying won't do anything so I may as well just start with the facts.

29, AA, currently experiencing my 3rd AA outbreak... My first was in 2009; patches in the back & sides. 2011 small patches in the front, 2014 shedding mostly from my fringe, crown @ receding from my temple area.

I've been emotional, but pragmatic.

I've created a spreadsheet of my blood work over the last 7 years. Interestingly I can find correlation between…


Added by Overwhelmed on July 30, 2014 at 5:30am — 1 Comment

DCP treatment

My name is Richard and I've been dealing with AA since Nov 2012.  My story begins with  my barber noticing a small bald spot when cutting my hair.  I ignored it until there were 3 spots, and then started growing from there.  I've been reading people's blogs and noone has mentioned much about Diphencyprone (DCP) as a treatment lately.  All the posts have been prior to 2014.

Is it because it's been discussed to death already? Or are people generally unaware? DCP treatment is a solution…


Added by Richard on July 29, 2014 at 9:30pm — 7 Comments

Thoughts on being a bald science fiction icon at Comic-Con

I want to share my thoughts about wearing my Ilia costume at Comic-Con. Attached is a photo of the original character, played by Persis Khambatta in 1979's Star Trek - The Movie.

For my two days in the costume, when people looked at me, they DIDN'T see a woman with cancer, or a masculine-looking female. They saw me as normal and healthy - more than that, they saw me as beautiful and sexy! (I apologize if this sounds boastful, but the character is much-loved and I nailed the…


Added by Mary on July 28, 2014 at 1:30pm — 28 Comments


I just want to warn people to be very careful when buying a wig online.  A month ago I entered a search online for petite wigs.  A lot of wig sites popped up but I chose a site that had a great return policy.  I placed my order, paid using American Express via paypal and received an order confimation.  When the wig arrived I did not know it was coming  China.  The packaging had no return address.  I went to the site and emailed customer service to let them know I wanted to return the wig…


Added by Frances on July 28, 2014 at 1:19pm — No Comments

The ups and downs of alopecia

When I first began to have alopecia at the age of 23, I constantly asked myself, how will I ever learn to live with this thing. In the first 3-5 years I became extremely focused on my spots, and I was almost certain that people would either laugh or talk about my spots behind my back. In a few years I had developed a 'constant acute awareness' of other people's behaviour, and it was almost like being a 'human-radar'. Everything out of 'the ordinary' I would pick up and process.



Added by Tommy on July 28, 2014 at 6:00am — 4 Comments

Is anyone else struggling with the cost of having alopecia?

I am not ready to go wigless, but cannot afford nice looking wigs anymore. I have been paying $150-$250 for synthetic wigs that look good. These are the cheapest ones I can find that look decent. The problem is that they don't last long. I have to buy at least 3 a year. As a mom of 3 and a teacher I do not make enough to keep buying nice wigs. Is there any support out there for the financial burden of being bald?

Added by Jackie on July 27, 2014 at 7:49pm — 5 Comments

Ayurvedic treatment

Hello All

My wife is 29 years now and her hair is becoming very week and density is also becoming very less in overall the scalp. We are worried as this may be alopecia or female pattern baldness.

Will the ayurvedic treatment helps her to improve the hair condition, do any one have got treatment from Dr. Rohit's Herbal Treatment for this problem [], will this help, can you please share you experience with his treatment. 

Thanks., Raju

Added by ssraju on July 27, 2014 at 12:39pm — No Comments

Need advice

Married 3 months ago and never let my husband saw my baldness head without wig . Even when I sleep I use it, it's not comfortable but I can't show my problem to the closest Pearson to me ,
Or talk about it to the people !!
And hate the questions !!
I want to feel fine And live in peace inside and can work with all confidence !!
Also I fear if my husband saw my head without hair ... How he will feel .??

Added by Amouna on July 25, 2014 at 8:33pm — 8 Comments

My insurance covers a wig

I called my health insurance to see how it works for them to pay for a wig for me. They said I make an appointment and the doctor prescribes me a wig. Does anyone know if there is like a specific list of places I can choose from or can I get it from anywhere? If I can get it from anywhere, I'd like to get the best wig possible. I do have hair that's like 1/2 inch thick so any suction wigs will probably not work.

Added by Jennie on July 24, 2014 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

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