October 2015 Blog Posts (15)

Feeling torn

I have not blogged in a really long time. I just need to vent. Back in August of 2013 I cut/shaved all my hair off for the second time. My hair was very thin and my bald spots were growing. I was sick of losing hair and was ready to take control of my alopecia. It was a good thing I did because in December of that year I had a large bald spot on the top of my head. I wore wigs from 2013 til May/ June of this year. Back in April/ May I noticed I had very few bald spots and decided to try to…


Added by Mackenzie on October 29, 2015 at 12:30am — 4 Comments


That moment when you decide to be Rapunzel for Halloween. I'll update how this goes... A bald Rapunzel, who woulda thunk?

Added by Jessica Hoschouer on October 27, 2015 at 7:16pm — 1 Comment

How alopecia has turned me into a coward

Hi Everyone,

First and Foremost im kind of glad(and sad in another way) to have found and be a part of platform full of Humans who think,feel,behave and have suffered the same way as i did..

Im Santhosh a 25 Year Old Graduate from India and I've been Suffering from Alopecia for Nearly 15 Years now,Ive lost my Eye Brows & Eye Lashes(Albeit not Completely but there are Circular Patches plenty of them infact) and Has Started to Lose Hair in Patches on My Scalp off…


Added by Santhosh on October 25, 2015 at 2:00am — 7 Comments

Revelations of an Alopecian (a journey into self-acceptance)

I wrote this blog post on my art website about a year ago, and having just discovered the Alopecia World website, have decided to share it here for fellow alopecians.  Any comments are welcome.

This post is a departure for me, in that I normally limit my musings to those directly related to the subject of art or teaching. But to some extent, my art has always…


Added by Dreambird on October 23, 2015 at 4:35pm — 3 Comments

What are the safest wig tapes?

Dear Alopeciaworld members,

I started wearing a hair system just one month ago. My dad was horrified when I told him as he is worried about the long term health effects of wearing adhesive on my scalp on a daily basis. I have also become concerned, and have started doing research.

I came across some postings and other websites and have taken notes on what chemicals and brands to avoid. Since many of you have done tons of research, can you please tell me what tapes you…


Added by Kasia on October 18, 2015 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

First Experience

For the first time in the 15 years that I have had Alopecia Universalis I started to grow hair. It started a few months ago in July, I noticed a little stubble here and there on my head I kept an eye on it not wanting to get too excited because I do have a condition that refuses to let hair grow. A few weeks passed and it kept growing in to these "fuzzies" , so I decided to take pictures of its progress. Now more weeks have passed and the once stubble had turned into short strands of hair in…


Added by McKenzie Anne on October 17, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments

The Bulls at the School

So here I am upset at a situation.  Upset at peoples reactions.  My daughter who is in 5th grade and just entered the middle school and age of hormones has just faced the cruelty of people.  My daughter was diagnosed with Alopecia 3 years ago.  She did not let it make her frown.   She did not let it make her think she was anything less.  The way she explained her condition was "my hair is allergic to my head".  Positive and confident she was until today....

  Lunch time comes.  A few…


Added by alohagirl on October 14, 2015 at 11:35pm — 11 Comments

Bald is Beautiful

My daughter is working on her Gold Award in Girl Scouts. Her topic is Bald is Beautiful. She chose this because her cousin (my niece) has Alopecia. She developed it when she was 2 and is now 8 years old.

Does anyone here live in the Somerset County NJ area?

She could use some input on support groups in the area.

Thank you in advance.

Added by doreenann on October 12, 2015 at 11:40am — No Comments


It seems a bit crazy to be excited by one, tiny, half inch long brown hair, a hair so inconspicuous that I thought at first it must have come from our new kitten, but there it is among the white hairs. And as I stared at the top of my head, losing and then refinding that minuscule hair, I realized that the sides are undeniably filling in more. I know it is a bit far fetched at this point, but I can almost imagine getting a hair cut, a short, close to the head hair cut. And the funny thing…


Added by GardenJess on October 9, 2015 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Spots painful?

are the spots in alopecia areata supposed to be pink inflamed and painful? mine hurts when I move my hair... is that normal?

Added by michellelc23 on October 7, 2015 at 7:26pm — 3 Comments

Are there any answers?

OK, so the doctors I have talked to are as mystified as I am. My hairline has receded and there is a band of hairless white skin from above my ears (no hair around my ears). ear to ear. I lost my eyebrows and body hair first, then my hairline thinned and receded. There has been no inflammation or scarring. Yes, I am postmenapausal and have been on HRT but I'm not alone in my family. My 91 year old aunt has the same pattern baldness. So, you would think it's just an age thing (I'm 66)…


Added by Maz on October 6, 2015 at 9:14am — 13 Comments

Tough breakup

I found out I had female pattern baldness last year, at age 19. I had been losing here for years and could not figure out why. I struggled a lot with finding out that there was nothing I could do to fix this when I was diagnosed last year. As time went on I was reassured by my boyfriend that he would love me no matter what and that consoled me. I started to think about it less because I knew my family and him would accept me regardless. Now, after 4 and a half years with him, he has broken…


Added by Emily on October 4, 2015 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Waiting in Kitchener

Hi all - I was wondering if anyone was from the KW area - I am just experiencing my first bald patches that are fairly hidden for now - not even sure when to expect more - or if this is it. My GP was useless - read my diagnosis from a book and gave me steroid cream. My naturopath is adjusting my vitamins  - indications this is probably thyroid issues? I just want to connect with someone who is going through this - as I think that would be the best resource.

I have excepted this can…


Added by Red on October 4, 2015 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Calling all Alopecians—Help Sasha secure a spot in the Once Upon a Tutu calendar

Sasha mother wrote me and said:

"This is my gorgeous girl sasha aged 4, the way she handles her alopecia is inspiring and brave and makes me so proud to be her mummy.

My wee girlie is currently in a competition to be Once Upon a Tutu calendar girl on Facebook I am hoping people could please vote for my gorgeous girl.

To vote go to…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on October 3, 2015 at 1:30am — No Comments

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