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One Day at a Time

It's only almost been 3 weeks since I decided to shave and I can tell I've lost more since then. At first I was just going to shave it with a HeadBlade but 'my' girl talked me into the guide. To be honest there was a sense of relief in being able to use a guide. I was still able to have visible red hair and it masked the thinning fairly well. It's not masking as well anymore. I'm guessing by the end of the summer I will be either shaving guide free or shaving with a razor.

While I found… Continue

Added by Jess on May 12, 2009 at 9:43pm — No Comments

do i have alopecia

my hair is thick and long in the back and half top. i dont have hair around the temple. its to where i mostly wear wigs. so do i have alopecia?

Added by margaret smith on May 12, 2009 at 5:23pm — 2 Comments

What do you think about hats?

When I first started loosing my hair, I was a typical 14 year old California boy from the suburbs of Los Angeles. I was a HUGE sports fan. We have so many teams out here. The Angels, the Ducks, the Kings, the Lakers, the Clippers, the Dodgers, Chivas USA, LA Galaxy, the LA Avengers, the USC Trojans, the UCLA Bruins (Strangely enough still no NFL team though). I must've had a couple dozen hats. When I started loosing my hair, the hat was a sense of comfort. It was a way I masked my flaw, my… Continue

Added by baldmatt55 on May 12, 2009 at 1:03pm — 9 Comments

Parent with a 9 year old girl with AT

Hello my name is Mary Alice and I have a daughter who has been recently diagnosed with AT /AU maybe. Doctors are not to sure yet. She has lost all of her hair on her head, she no longer has any eyelashes or eyebrows. She used to feel comfortable around us without her wig on but now she wants to wear the wig all the time. I don't really know what to say to her. I tell her she is beautiful and I love her no matter what. She does not like to talk about what is going on with her. She hasn't told… Continue

Added by Brianna and Mary (mother) on May 12, 2009 at 11:12am — 9 Comments

How to get your eyebrows and eyelashes back?

I have alopecia universalis for 5 monthes now ,i've had totalis a few years and it didnt realy bother me i accepted who i am but with universalis losing my eyebrows was aful because im realy into sports and sweat from my scalp drips into my eyes and i cant see anithing.Does any body now how i can get them back?

Added by Moisuc Alexandru on May 12, 2009 at 7:22am — 3 Comments

what hasn't worked and what has

after a particularly devastating and painful period of my life, i was diagnosed with alopecia areata - almost a year ago. at the time of diagnosis, i only had two small quarter size patches. i immediately began getting injections, and continued to do so until two months ago. although i was confident in the course of treatment, i found that the injections did not seem to help me. altho some hair would grow in the center, the spots were still growing larger. and others one would start forming… Continue

Added by claudine on May 11, 2009 at 7:41pm — 4 Comments

A Good Day at the Barn with only a bandana!

Its funny to me that I used to go to school only wearing a baseball cap and play soccer with only a bandana on and that I later felt completely uncomfortable wearing just those things. Maybe it was all those teenage hormones that made me feel like I had to wear a wig 24/7, but thankfully I just don't care anymore!

On Sunday I went to the barn where I keep my horse, and generally I use my "barn hair" that is generally the oldest wig that I own that I wouldn't use for school anymore,… Continue

Added by Dielle on May 11, 2009 at 2:47pm — 1 Comment

Update on treatments so far..

My friend Brittney asked how I was doing so I thought I'd share my progress to date. Well the injections of the Kenalog Cortisone seem to be wroking nicely. I have a full brow line on the left side and a bit more blotchy brow coming in on the right.

I'd say it will be a success in about another month to 6 weeks. The hairs coming in are thick and dark just like my pre- fall out hairs were. I am feeling much more confident about my overall look and would be very grateful if I could… Continue

Added by Craig S on May 11, 2009 at 2:09pm — 1 Comment

Frustration ...

I developed Alopecia while I was pregnant with my son 17 years ago. I was 19 and had no idea why my hair was falling out. I kept telling myself that it was just from the stress of an unexpected pregnancy. I was a pre-school teacher at the time and thank God for children and their compassion and understanding. It did not seem to phase them at all that their teacher was loosing her hair. I didnt buy my first wig until my son was a couple months old and looking back, it wasnt a very good one. LOL… Continue

Added by Cara Jakobitz on May 11, 2009 at 12:14pm — 2 Comments

My First Blog Ever!

This place is such a trip for me! I had no idea that so many others deal with the same basic problems I do. My form of alopecia is different from what I've been reading from many of those who have it. While most (at least from what I've read) once had a full head of hair and then lost it, I was simply born with it. I was completely bald at birth and very, very, *very* slowly started accumulating a little bit of hair. My hair has never grown past where it is right now though - very sparse, very… Continue

Added by Kathie Nietenhoefer on May 10, 2009 at 12:49pm — No Comments

RE: Just Wondering??

Just wondering,

Is pretty much everyone that is on here (this site) bald or wears a wig or scarf as their daily routine?? Are there any members that have AA and still have hair that they can wash and wear out in public still. I was told there are people like that with AA but I have not run into any people like that on here at all. Mostly everyone is bald or wears wigs. Once you are AA are you just gonna be AT and AU for sure and it's only a matter of time?? I was told different before but… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on May 9, 2009 at 4:39pm — 8 Comments

My experience with Paul Byrom

Hi everyone! this is my first blog, so I apologise if it's a little off!

So, I just wanted to share my little experience... I don't know if anyone else knows the group Celtic Thunder, but I'm really obsessed with them! They're a group of five solo singers from Ireland and Scotland. I promise all of you, I'm going to marry the 16 year old, Damian McGinty. He hugged me twice! ...But that's off topic.. Anyway, there's a guy in the group named… Continue

Added by Heather on May 9, 2009 at 1:32am — 3 Comments

I did it!!!

I just wanted to share with all of you an extremely positive thing that has happened in my life recently. As some of you are aware, I work for McDonalds and we just had McHappy day on Wednesday May 6. As part of our fund raising I promised to shave my head (kill two birds with one stone) I have AA and it was getting to the point of wanting to shave it so that no one would see my big bald patch showing through and it was to raise money for an amazing emergency shelter for women that is right in… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on May 9, 2009 at 12:54am — 1 Comment

Alopecia at Work.

Hey guys, just a brief question. What have been your experiences as an alopecian at work? Has it prevented you from getting a job? Have things become weird at work because of your alopecia? Any advice or tips on what wigs look (and feel) comfortable and natural?
I'm new to the work force and am curious what I might be facing!

P.S. - If it makes any difference, my field will be marketing related.

Added by Alexandra on May 9, 2009 at 12:01am — 3 Comments

First Wig Experience

Just got home from a little shopping. I visited a small local store that specialized in cancer-related items, including wigs. They only had maybe 3 wigs in the store and only two catalogues of styles. This store only deals in synthetic wigs. She said that she doesn't carry human hair wigs because they don't last as long, require more maintenance and that the hairs tend to fall out, so they often need to go back in for hair to be added, which costs more money. Is what she said… Continue

Added by Tawny on May 8, 2009 at 9:49pm — 7 Comments

Haven't been around in a while...

... things have been super busy around our house. School for kids, school for hubby, school for me, volleyball for Shannon...

Shannon didn't respond to the steroid creams, and I wasn't willing to risk all the side effects of systemic steroids for the small chance of a response, so we stopped all treatment and we're going to just deal with what we have, and hope it resolves on its own when it's ready. Shannon's doing really well with all of this, I'm so proud of her.

So… Continue

Added by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on May 8, 2009 at 4:17pm — No Comments

skin lupus?

Has anyone heard of skin lupus before? I know what lupus is, but have never heard of 'skin lupus'. I just had several skin biopsies where they are looking for 'skin lupus'. Its the next thing on the list (of doctor's guesses) to rule out. Does anyone else have this??

Added by Rachel on May 8, 2009 at 4:08pm — 1 Comment


Has anyone tried Latisse for eyelash growth? I have lost most of the eyelashes on one eye. My Derm just prescribed Latisse. Insurance does not cover it and cost $125 for a 30 day supply. Since I only need it for one eye it should last for 60 days.


Added by Angela on May 8, 2009 at 7:43am — 2 Comments

That Old Chestnut Alopecia and Stress!!!!!

The debate over Alopecia and stress will go on and on and will probably never be fully resolved. Personally I don’t think stress is the cause as on the two occasions I came down with Alopecia I was not stressed any more than normal. The first time I got Alopecia I had AA and was so bad that I shaved my head. After several months I noticed that the patches had all disappeared and so I let me hair grow back. After another couple of months the patches started once more and so I shaved my head… Continue

Added by Ray on May 8, 2009 at 4:57am — 4 Comments


My daughter made a statement the other day.... she looked at a picture of herself and said "me, back when I was pretty".

Lately she has been very moody, very emotional... crying over the tiniest things, like my husband breaking her burrito in half, and she doesnt sleep well at night etc.

As her mother naturally I am thinking she is becomming depressed, or some other emotional problem is occuring that we are unaware of.

She has an appointment with her Dr.… Continue

Added by Tracy on May 7, 2009 at 8:24am — 4 Comments

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