All Blog Posts (5,825)

Happy 1st Birthday Alopecia World

Cheers to Cheryl and RJ on Alopecia Worlds 1st Birthday!!!
You have given me a priceless gift!!!
I cant wait to see you in June!!!


PS I'm such a Dope. I thought I posted this Blog but didnt. Grrrrrr

Added by JeffreySF on March 11, 2009 at 9:08pm — 5 Comments

white hair question----

I lost almost all of my hair between last September and this January. I tried the cortizone shots for 4 months, but it would just fall out other places, so I quit in December. Now I have little "white baby" hairs on my head. I am serious when I say it looks like baby hair, it has little curls, and swirls, and sticks straight up. Have any of you had experience with this? Does it usually just fall out, or does it get darker? I have been wearing a wig for a couple months so at least it is… Continue

Added by ken on March 11, 2009 at 8:20pm — 4 Comments

Stability is a wonderful thing!!!!!!

It’s funny now that I’ve become accustomed to being AU I find it very strange if I see a hair anywhere on my body. A weeks or so ago I spotted two hairs growing on my head. They were not near to each other and they fell out quite quickly. Only this morning I happened to see a hair growing on my leg. It was very weird, a solitary little hair all alone on my leg. At one time it would have been surrounded by lots of other hairs but now it was all alone. I touched the hair and it fell out. I’m not… Continue

Added by Ray on March 11, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Haven't been on AW in a while!!

Hey everyone! It has been a while since I have been on the website. I apologize. I am trying to finish a few more tests before Spring Break! Yay! No plans besides going home for a while and spending time with my parents and my animals! Oh and then going back to College Station to my apartment to go swimming and lay out! Lol

Well anwyays, 2 things I felt like blogging about...

Okay, first one is a complaint. On my myspace webpage men keep trying to add me that only want to… Continue

Added by Brianne on March 11, 2009 at 12:25am — 4 Comments




Added by Rachel on March 10, 2009 at 7:50pm — 9 Comments

A Grandmother's Wig

I work with elementary students several times a week. Today, with the sweetest sincerity, a child told me that her grandmother has several wigs I can borrow. I told her that I preferred to not wear wigs. She asked why and I said they're itchy. She laughed and her loving smile was priceless.

Some days I do wonder why I don't wear wigs. I have no regrets for deciding not to cover the hair loss. It's just a continual process of embracing who I am. Today, I deeply value the sweetness of… Continue

Added by Jill on March 10, 2009 at 7:00pm — 8 Comments

Doritos commercial contest in Canada

Hi everyone
My daughter and I have been busy making a commercial for the Doritos unidentified flavour. My hair flies off when I taste the chip and the deadline is fast approaching. We need as many votes as possible. Please watch the video and vote for it on:

Put alopecia on TV in Canada!!!! Thanks for your vote!

Added by Carol on March 10, 2009 at 8:19am — 3 Comments

New Vacuum Wig Pics

on my page. ; ) To try to explain things a little better

Added by Lee on March 9, 2009 at 5:16pm — 1 Comment

drawing myself bald

I couldn't sleep well last night so got out my sketch book, set up my mirror, and started drawing a portrait of myself bald. At 59 let me say that with a bald head all I could see was wrinkles and sagging muscles without the benefit of hair to cover over these defects. It has given me all the proof I need NOT to bare my head in public! Am I too sensitive/vain? I don't know, but I can say that although I'm okay with being bald when I know I can wear a wig to cover up, I am pretty sure I'm not… Continue

Added by Pat on March 9, 2009 at 2:50am — 7 Comments

Breaking the Silence

Rachel has been very secretive about her condition. She has not wanted anyone to know that she has alopecia other than her family, and she has never wanted to talk about it. She has been very happy with her wig that is attached with medical grade adhesive. I think it has allowed her to just forget that she is bald and allowed her to feel like everyone else.

Then, she started losing her brows and lashes. The kids at school started asking questions which she fielded without telling… Continue

Added by Paige on March 8, 2009 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

Shall we expose the Insensitives? Educate them?

Okay...two blog posts in one weekend on rude women in stores who comment on children, and on bosses and co-workers who (doctors, yet!) exposing an alopecian in front of staff...I have to say something. These insensitive people need to be held up as poor examples so they can know what they do to others, then be educated in empathy and medical facts. Others in town need to recognize and help them in our behalf if we are shy. We would be doing them a service if we can get them to STOP hurting… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on March 8, 2009 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Shave It Off?

my hair is starting to look like a mohawk and i think if i should just shave it off? if you guys have suggestions just comment or message me because i am getting a wig and i don't know if i should just cut it short or just shave it? ow well i'll let you guys decide on that.

Added by Aja Eliazar on March 7, 2009 at 9:48pm — 6 Comments

i need a group hug

hi all,

this is my first time blogging too. so on friday i was having a very good day at work when the tables turned. we were all coming back from lunch when my boss looks at me and says in front of everyone "hey pat, do you know the first time i realized that your hair is not really yours?" so with everyone looking i stopped him dead in his next ignorant tracks. I said to him "dont you think that is a private matter and that what you said maybe embarrasing to me? And what makes you think… Continue

Added by Pat on March 7, 2009 at 8:15pm — 13 Comments

Worried Mom

Hi, this is my first time on this website. My son was diagnosed with AA when he was 3, he is now 5. It started like everyone else, patchy baldness that has progressivly spread all over his head. He seems to be on kind of a cycle, he begins losing his hair in the late fall each year and it all grows back each summer, does anyone else have this and is this normal with AA? He has very blonde hair, but he has patches in different areas of head that grow in dark brown and very course. He doesn't… Continue

Added by Traci on March 7, 2009 at 6:37pm — 1 Comment

How I feel today

This is the first time that I am posting a blog on this website. I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia and I am trying to cope with it. I have my good days where it doesn't even cross my mind and then I have my bad days where I cry. Today is a good day. I currently have three bald spots in my head (and I just noticed the third one the other day) and I think that I am going bald around the edges of my hairline. I wear wigs everyday and I think they look great. The only problem that I truly have… Continue

Added by Alicia Dickson on March 7, 2009 at 12:21pm — 3 Comments

wandering thoughts and a lil cry

every so often i have a cry

i just had a cry after thoughts of treatments came into my head

my last treatment was acupunture about 3 years ago. it didnt work

but i've had some body hair grow about 8 months ago. it hasnt fallen out, but it hasnt grown further.

i still consider myself to have AU


i was crying because i was reading the side effects of sulfasalazine which can be harsh.

i remember i've read articles about other even harsher drugs some take to… Continue

Added by Alison on March 7, 2009 at 8:22am — 3 Comments

Passing it on to a new generation.

For those of you who do not know me,I have 2 beautiful boys,Mason who is my oldest at the age of 21 months,and Porter who is my youngest at 6 weeks.This blog is about my oldest,Mason.

I was told that alopecia was not hereditary , and I had hoped for boys it wasn't.I noticed a spot on the back of Mason's head about 5 months ago.It was smooth and round,about the size of a toonie.I was sure right away.I showed it to my fiance right away.He told me it was nothing,that it was just probably just… Continue

Added by Sarah McIntosh on March 7, 2009 at 1:50am — 3 Comments


ok might be jinxed for confrence now im not sure if im going to be able to go. with my broke shoulder i wont be working for three months so money might be an issuse not so much confrene fee or traveling cuz im close by but the four days in the hotel room might be the stoper. i got a twin bed room maybe if i got a room mate i might could do it. every thing is still up in the air right now. time will tell i guess. sure do want to meet and hang out with you guys. if any one wants to room up let me… Continue

Added by brian kirchman on March 6, 2009 at 8:56pm — 2 Comments

Report and photos from my first bald scuba diving trip!

Hi everyone,

I just posted a bunch of photos on my page from my recent trip to the Cayman Islands and Florida. Please take a look. (There's also a recent one of me performing with my band, which I posted because it shows me wearing one of the Turkish scarves from my video.)

We dove on Little Cayman Island in the Caribbean for 9 days, then snorkeled with the manatees in Florida and toured the Everglades. I got some great underwater video (that's the camera I'm carrying in… Continue

Added by Mary on March 6, 2009 at 6:26pm — 5 Comments

Wig Suggestions

Hi all, I have a request. At risk of sounding stupid, I need suggestions on Human Hair Wigs. I currently wear a New Freedom Vacuum piece that needs some repairs. Since it is the only one I have, I have been searching the internet for places that have Human Hair wigs farely inexpensive. I prefer Human Hair but the dilema (sp) comes to what types of caps. I don't know one cap from another. They have lace fronts, etc. I wear mine all the time when out in public. I don't even know how to determine… Continue

Added by Mary Sarra on March 6, 2009 at 2:26pm — 2 Comments

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