All Blog Posts (5,825)

So where does this leave me.....?

I'm 25 and was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata 1 week ago, guess I'm just going to use this to think about how I feel about all this, my fears, my worries, my amazing friends, brilliant family and ever so supportive boyfriend. The first experience I had of Alopecia was when I was around 16, my cousin introduced me to her boyfriend, and explained to me, why he had no eyelashes and no eyebrows etc, I remember thinking to myself, WOW He's so brave! I also remember thinking about how I would feel if… Continue

Added by Natalie on February 17, 2009 at 4:35am — 5 Comments

Gail Porter story

Just finished watching the videos on the website - thank you for putting these on.... I too was caught off guard for this very candid and honest account of Gail's experience with Alopecia. I guess 8 years on for me and watching someone else dealing with the "process" nearly reduced me to tears on a number of occassions - however it also showed me how far I have come. I was saddened with the what the Dermatologist told her (thankful that he was honest) - my situation is very similiar to hers -… Continue

Added by Angela Jackman on February 16, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Full lace Wig Search...Very frustrating and discouraging... :-(

I am having a very lets say hard time finding a full lace wig that i can afford. I'm a second year college student whose only source of income at the point is work study and undependable refund checks. I don't want to bother my mother with it because she's getting married in 3 months so all her time and energy has went into paying for her wedding. I mean every site i visit just makes me get more discouraged. I kind of wanted a full lace wig before my 20th birthday which is in 4 weeks but… Continue

Added by Montoya Grant on February 16, 2009 at 9:47pm — 3 Comments

Gail Porter's video caught me off guard

I just finished watching the Gail Porter documentary "Laid Bare", and must say that I found myself unexpectedly vulnerable. This video really touched a deep place in me. So, I felt a need to get my feelings out.

I was watching her facial expressions, reactions, body language, and it mirrored a lot of thing that I have felt during my journey.

I remember, playing it “strong” and then the…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on February 16, 2009 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

Watch Gail Porter documentary on

You can now watch BBC's entire documentary about Gail Porter and her bout with alopecia here on

This poignant documentary follows her life as she comes to terms with living with alopecia universalis (total loss of all body hair).

To see all five parts, simple go to the "Video" section of Alopecia World or click this link.


Added by rj, Co-founder on February 16, 2009 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Life After (or WITH) Alopecia? (Please respond!)

Hi everyone!

I'm handling my female pattern baldness a lot better than I used to handle it. I believe once again that I'm worthy of love and fun. But every now and so often I catch myself thinking "I better enjoy this while I can. If I am ever bald, I won't have this." This is mostly true of dates and relationships with guys. I know my girl friends are there for me and with me no matter what. They think wigs are cool, so this would only be an "exciting" condition to them. Guys, on the… Continue

Added by Alexandra on February 15, 2009 at 9:38pm — 6 Comments

VERY FRUSTRATED!! Maybe someone can help.

Ok here's the deal....

I found a great hair piece that really feels comfortable and looks great...BUT... it was very, very, very expensive! Since I am a single mom and have hardly any money, this was a big deal!

I am trying soooo hard to keep this hair piece in good condition cause it will be awhile before i can get a new one.

So here's the problem......My lifestyle wasn't designed to have a wig on my head. I love to go hiking, bike riding, swimming, to… Continue

Added by Laura on February 15, 2009 at 9:27pm — 7 Comments

My bitter-sweet valentine: Is this bitter or sweet?

Sweet: Got to train with a Muey Thai "master" if that's the title you give to the top teacher of Muey Thai, I'm an MMA guy and have ventured into Muey Thai as much yet. Also, I'm newly single, threw an all singles kickback. Only invited a few people, ended up having more people there than I thought. All of the extra people were ladies though. We just drank and hung out. It was cool.

Bitter: Got harrassed over the phone all night from my ex fiance', the one I'm newly single from right… Continue

Added by baldmatt55 on February 15, 2009 at 1:12pm — 3 Comments

Lack of Emotion

I shave my head now and then. I let my hair get about half an inch long and then save it mainly because I’m lazy. Well, I have noticed that a little patch of hair is growing in. I have been deciding between shaving it off or seeing what the little hairs will do. You’d think that would make me happy but I don’t really have any emotions about it. That started me soul searching about it. I came up with 3 reasons for my lack of emotion. Number one would be that it would be silly for me to get… Continue

Added by Donna Evans on February 15, 2009 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

The waiting game is over, woooosh thank heavens

I got the call a couple days son does NOT have a pituitary tumor or any abnormal brain anything. I feel like a huge weight has been taken out of my belly (its where i hold my Dr said we are to come in in 2 weeks for more blood labs since they were all lost from out last apmnt. Arguh. We are still trying to find out what is causing the Hypothyroidism since it seems to look like secondary hypothroidism. Could be a number of things, but at least his treatment for his… Continue

Added by Kelly on February 15, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

Teen Magazine

My daughter subscribes to a teen magazine for girls called Justine. I was so pleased to see a special section for a young lady who has Alopecia Areata. She also has a music video on YouTube, "I Could Be Great" that tells a story of a young girl teased and bullied at school. Her goal is to educate others about Alopecia. What an inspiration! Oh by the way her name is Olivia Rusk.

Added by Heather Marie Brown on February 13, 2009 at 8:09pm — 1 Comment

Can You Help?

I'm looking for someone who may know a GOOD wig shop in the Seattle, WA area. I will be heading over soon and I would like to check it out.

Added by Donna Evans on February 13, 2009 at 1:28pm — No Comments

Highs and Lows

Back in January we went back to childrens hospital for our checkup. At that time they said about Bradyn making amzing progress with her treatment course. So well infact that after 3 short months of treatment we were discharged for the time being and told we could stop the Olux foam, as she was getting hair in places she shouldnt. Here eyebrows which have always been bushy got even more so and the hair on her upper back...poor kiddo when shes older. This was the high

Two nights ago… Continue

Added by Mandy ( Bradyn's Mom) on February 12, 2009 at 9:47pm — No Comments

Humbled by reality: when Alopecia is the only sense of normality

Growing up, I had everything: friends, sports, a family, and or course, hair. Then one day life took a down spiral out of nowhere. I went from having a close family to having many relatives die, my parents go through a bitter divorce, and going into a depression in which I isolated all of my friends away from me. Then I lost my hair. I felt the end was near. I didn't know what I had, I just knew that one more thing in life was leaving me beyond my control. A few years pass, I'm a 2 sport… Continue

Added by baldmatt55 on February 12, 2009 at 12:50pm — 2 Comments

White Fuzz and Such

My spot in the back has a whole bunch of white fuzz...finally. I know this is the beginning of growth, because this is what my 1st spot did before it started sprouting some hair :-) I can't see it, and I just started working the 3pm-3am shift at work so my husband hasn't had a chance to tell me what's goin on back there, but I can feel it. Feels fluffy, and it itches like HELL. So this is good. Bad news for my body...I am winning the war against myself...haha.

No new spots. 1st spot… Continue

Added by Amy on February 12, 2009 at 11:23am — No Comments

What to do????

My second bout of alopecia is developing in quite an interesting way. I have shaved my head as I did with my first experience of alopecia but this time my eyebrows are thinning and I now have patches on my body. The first time I had alopecia the painful stage of seeing hairs in the shower stopped as soon as I shaved my head. This time I have shaved my head but there are still hairs in the shower that clearly are coming out of my body. My body hair, beard and one set of eyelashes have changed… Continue

Added by Ray on February 12, 2009 at 5:40am — No Comments


Does anyone have any information on alopecia and heredity/genetics? Is this something that can be passed on from mother to child or father to child? I can't seem to find any reliable information on the subject.

Added by Laura on February 11, 2009 at 11:44pm — 3 Comments

Alopecia World According to Jeffrey

The question has been asked. Why do I love Alopecia World?

Turn your calendar back to March, 2008.

I was into my 8th month of my Alopecia Journey and feeling kinda, well... you know...blah.

I had been searching the web for information, and lo and behold it's Alopecia World!

I joined immediatly and created a profile, put up the wallpaper, put up some pictures, added some music and started inviting people over to chat and get to know one another.

Turn the page… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on February 11, 2009 at 10:25pm — 5 Comments

There's LOVE In Belonging...

I love Alopecia World because there’s nothing like belonging… I’ve been given the power to take back my life by interacting with the strong and caring people on this site. There aren’t words that are adequate enough to describe how important AW has been to me. Thank you alopecia family and Happy Valentine's Day!

Added by Galena on February 11, 2009 at 11:47am — 5 Comments

What Does God Do For Me Daily?

What Has God Done For Me Lately?

11 Feb 2009

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

Is the glass half full or half empty? Is it partly sunny or partly cloudy? Perspective makes all the difference.

Even for strong Christians who are grounded in their faith, discouragement can easily sneak its way into hearts and minds as life deals us chaos. As we struggle with the challenges and difficulties of everyday life,… Continue

Added by Lori Black on February 11, 2009 at 10:41am — No Comments

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