All Blog Posts (5,825)

doctor's visit

well i went to see the doc this morning and i got more of the injections. i have some spots that are not even attempting to put out hair and then some other spots that are growing like crazy. i have to say that i am extremely emotional today and i have started losing hair in a very private spot. that has plunged me into an extreme crazy frezy. it makes me think that this is not going to get better even though the doc says that she is very optimistic about complete regrowth. i snapped at a lady… Continue

Added by Jenn on October 7, 2008 at 12:05pm — 6 Comments

Can Hair fall more quickly when you start wearing a wig?

Hello I just have a question, I have noticed that my hair is falling quicker and the parts where I still have hair you can really see scalp, I believe that it has been happening due to my recent lace wig.. It is just a guess.. Has anybody experienced that before?

Added by Grace on October 6, 2008 at 10:00pm — 8 Comments

The Nonchalance of Dermatologists/Doctors

Is it me or is there an increasing nonchalance of dermatologists and doctors when it comes to Alopecia. I have taken my daughter to nearly a dozen dermatologists and doctors across the state of North Carolina. I have yet to meet a dermatologist/doctor who seems to be genuinely interested in her condition. They diagnose her, give her a prescription for clobetasol or protopic, and then say come back in 3 months. 3 months!!!! I pray she still has hair in 3 months! One even had the nerve to ask me… Continue

Added by Kayreyn on October 6, 2008 at 8:37pm — 9 Comments

tommy tommy tommy <3

omg i like tommy a looot more than spencer, tj, and justin. speaking of justin;i FINALLY got him back! speancer(we buddys again) punched him in the back. and we were throwing gum wrappers at each other on the bus it was funny. but then i started yelling at him for punching me [again] and alex heard and was like "wait wait wait, WHO punched u?!" and i pointed to justin and austin was like astounded [vocab word lol] and when they got off the bus they both took his head and pounded it against the… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 6, 2008 at 6:15pm — No Comments

Going through a bad"patch" in my life

At the moment I`m in one of those depressive states and I think my sense of humour and pride just help me to manage through the day. I just cannot get myself to feel better.I feel so unmotivated and this is worrying me.I always managed to find something to keep me going such as study/work or developing a new interest and those blessed affirmations used in`s just not working:(

And believe it or not I sometimes found offensive the joie de vivre and egocenticism of certain… Continue

Added by baldiegirl on October 6, 2008 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Depressing date with the dermatologist

I had hung such hopes on today... not that I thought we'd walk away with a "cure" or anything, but I thought at least we'd have a definitive diagnosis and confirmation for all the research I've done. Or find something out that I'd not even heard of... I'm one of those people with just enough medical knowledge to be truly dangerous. ;-) But I know it, and I know I'm not a doctor...

We started off with the Nurse Practitioner, since we'd have had to wait another MONTH to see the… Continue

Added by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on October 6, 2008 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

teaching and learning

Ok. So I haven't been on here in a really long time, and am feeling a) out of the loop, and b) embarrassed that I can get so wrapped up in some aspects of life that I forget about other aspects, like connecting with people here. I actually find I think about this site a lot, and about all of the amazing people who are sharing their stories, supporting one another, and celebrating their differences. Part of what's keeping me so busy these days is that I'm teaching a course for the first time in… Continue

Added by Emily on October 6, 2008 at 4:14pm — 2 Comments

UK event


Re: date for your diary 7th and 8th November 2008

No doubt that most have you have seen the BBC link and read all about the TV program and also the BBC morning news.

Well the TV program was such a great success and thank you for all the kind comments we have received.

We have noticed that a lot of our clients do not have too much contact with other people who have alopecia, some have no contact at all and have not even… Continue

Added by Heidi Worman on October 6, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Wig or not to Wig

Well, I have been talking with alyssa latley about maybe getting her a wig.. She wants one some days.. other days she doesnt want one.. she says if she had hair it would make her "FWEAT" lol..

I think she has been acting out a little bit towards her baby sister allison. She watches me comb her hair after a bath and pull it up in a pony tail holder and I see her little face and she gets that look like.. "what about me" .. it breaks my heart and latley she has been pulling hair ..… Continue

Added by April & Alyssa on October 5, 2008 at 8:29pm — 2 Comments

Hoping for a "Happy Ending" Story

Hello Alopecia World! I'm a new member and I posted this question in the children with alopecia forum section earlier. This is my first post and my first blog, just hoping to hear some response:


I'm a new member here and desperately need to hear a "happy ending" story. I am the mother of a 4 year old who was recently diagnosed with alopecia areata. It seems as though I spend every waking moment, fighting back tears, looking for an answer for her, trying to find a cure,… Continue

Added by Kayreyn on October 5, 2008 at 6:43pm — 4 Comments

Paula Young

Has anyone ordered a wig from the Paula Young catalog? If so what do you think of them? Color, texture, how long do they last...

Added by Donna Evans on October 4, 2008 at 1:26am — 4 Comments

I haven't cried this much in forever

Joe jokes with me that when I find something to obsess over, I put my heart into it. And he's probably right.

I find myself drawn to Alopecia World, eager to see what other people have to say about something I've spent most of my life trying to hide from the world. I'm OK with me and the hand I've been dealt, but such a huge part of me just wants to have hair long enough to put in a ponytail.

I look at pages in this community of beautiful, strong women so confident in… Continue

Added by Stephanie on October 4, 2008 at 12:56am — 5 Comments

Thank you,

I wanted to say thank you to all those who responded to our last post and accepted us as friends. Thank you all for your lovely comments.

Added by Carrie & Nicky Johnson on October 3, 2008 at 3:11pm — 1 Comment

Apple pies and the "Man's handbook"

Finally Friday. Yippee! Youngest DD will have her girlfriend over tonight to pick apples, then put together pies from scratch for a local apple pie contest. The night holds the promise of boisterous giggling, empty pizza boxes and soda cans…plus remnants of whatever other ‘goodies’ they gobble down…not to mention the flour and stickies on the floor, ceiling (don’t ask), counters, pets and young women present. I’m certain the conversations will wander from topic to topic…school, fashion,… Continue

Added by Tony on October 3, 2008 at 12:07pm — 1 Comment

When hair loss is not the problem

Cheryl Carvery I recently read an article that describes alopecia as "a cruel disease that leaves men and women feeling ashamed" as a result of losing their hair.

It was an article about Helen King, a wife and mother of two who has alopecia universalis, which means she has lost all the hair on her body. This happened to her after she had several bouts with alopecia areata, which is the loss of head…


Added by rj, Co-founder on October 3, 2008 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

My Alopecia Universalis and NAAF

Early in 2006, I considered myself a tough-minded businessman, having recently opened my fourth retail sports memorabilia store in the San Francisco Bay Area. My life changed drastically at the age of thirty eight, when in the span of six weeks, I lost every hair on my body. Eyebrows, eyelashes, a full head of hair - all gone. The beginnings of my experience with Alopecia Universalis sent me into a deep depression. There were many tearful moments. One such moment occurred when I looked into the… Continue

Added by Matt on October 3, 2008 at 11:00am — 6 Comments


wow! that is all i can say to this site and everyone that has contacted me. i have been reading so many of your stories and i am truely inspired. i want to be like everyone of you and i am tired of hearing myself whine about this. i know that i will have good and bad days but i just want to get to the point that my hair is the least most important thing in my world. why do i constantly have to dwell on this and what does that say about me? there are so many things that i am interested in and so… Continue

Added by Jenn on October 3, 2008 at 10:58am — 4 Comments

Who thinks it is Stress or Emocional? Do you distinguish anything out of normal after and before lossing you hair??

I have been told over the years that the main cause is Stress, and emocional problems, my derm gave up and sent me to psychiatrist cause he belives it is an existencial crisis...

I am not sure what to think to be honest, I do distiguish a Huge issue in my life back in the time when the loss started to get worse. I have been also a scary child since I can remember...

So I have never had the opportuny to ask arround people with the same problem to find out if that might be… Continue

Added by Grace on October 3, 2008 at 1:50am — 10 Comments

Telling a six year old

When I return to my hometown to see my family, I generally spend a lot of my time without my wig on. My parents live on a farm and have no air conditioning, so it's about 900 degrees hotter in the summer than anywhere else in the world.

Most people are used to seeing me without my hair and have little to say about it.

Except my oldest nephew. Ethen is at that inquisitive age where he wants to know the reason for everything. Why my eyes are grey or why Uncle Joe spikes his… Continue

Added by Stephanie on October 2, 2008 at 10:37pm — 7 Comments

i have no idea what to name this

o.m.g. i do not understand guys. ok, justin dumped me 2day. and tommy asked me out like a 1/2 hour later! 2 guys in one week! and i was walking with cole in the hall b4 7th period. and i told him tommy asked me out. so mitchel came up and cole was like "what is that now? 5 in one week?!" im like "no! just 2."

and then mtich whistles like "wow 2 boyfriends in 1 week. wow." it was funny. so i yelled at cole when he went the oposite way "shut up cole!" just teasin. so i got to 7th period and… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 2, 2008 at 5:44pm — 1 Comment

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