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Alopecia Awareness Month

To help spread awareness this month, I had my work post a little about me and Alopecia on their Facebook page..please visit West Valley Pet Clinic on Facebook and like their page for supporting Alopecia Awareness Months :)

Added by jennifer on September 10, 2012 at 5:28pm — 1 Comment

Love being bald?!

Its amazing how one simple act can alter ones perceptions of everything. And who would have thought that such a act would have such an impact on someone like me. I remember distinctly how I felt before sept 3 2010. It was my greatest fear. Thinking back to 2 years ago, I can still feel that overwhelming fear. 2 years ago I was facing my second bout of actually being bald. I was once bald as a 8 year child. And it was the worse thing that I endured. I suffered from bullyings, thinking that…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 9, 2012 at 10:30pm — 20 Comments


At work (I work @ Walmart) today a customer asks to borrow a pen and a piece of paper. He writes down a youtube channel about how baking soda/powder (can't remember which, lol) cures cancer. Then a co-worker tells me a customer pulled her aside to ask "Is she sick? Is she OK? Is it contagious?" Just frustrating. Almost makes me forget the couple customers I've had tell me I'm beautiful &/or am rocking the bald look, lol or that they wish they had my courage or had done it sooner (gone…


Added by Angie on September 8, 2012 at 1:39am — 8 Comments

'Looking at my sister, I saw my loss', had an interesting article about twin, in which one had alopecia and the other did not. Below is an excerpt:

“As girls, they insisted on matching outfits, right down to the ribbons in their blonde pigtails. And as teenagers, identical twins Gwennan and Elin Thomas were inseparable, even going to the same university.

‘We were, and are, best…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 7, 2012 at 9:19pm — 6 Comments

My Life Without Hair - 30 minute documentary

Here is a link to the My Life documentary broadcast earlier this year. Detailing the children who attended the BeBold Camp 2011.

Please enjoy it is a wonderful film.

Added by The Be Bold Team on September 7, 2012 at 3:59pm — No Comments

But am I still pretty/handsome?

Early lessons in life have an impact. If you are surrounded by people, even in your own family, who put Hollywood standards of air-brushed, coiffed and "bought" physical beauty as the value of a person, then I guess you will be totally freaked out by alopecia. But if you learn a lesson early on in life, or repeatedly so it stays with you, that accidents, illness, war, or any other change can change the outside but maybe not the inner core of what makes you lovable to someone, then you will…


Added by Tallgirl on September 5, 2012 at 9:42am — 7 Comments


Hey everyone I'm wondering whether anyone who has dark hair and AA has had to shave their hair completely bald? Is it impossible to get rid of the patches of hair that are left? Im asking as i know at some stage in the future i will have to shave my head bald as im going bald naturally anyway. Has anypne ever tried hair removal cream? OR is it possible to shave it all off?

Added by tim on September 1, 2012 at 10:57pm — 4 Comments

New hair, new year, new me

Hi. I haven't been on here in the longest. So today was the day I decided to check up on what I have been missing! :) I also thought I would update on my current hairpiece and my life. *takes deep breath* So, two weeks ago, I got my new Locks Of Love hairpiece and I'm in love. I posted the picture of my new hair piece as my thumbnail and in the photo thing. It's really long and the bangs are cut almost the same way as the old one. I was sad to give up my last one because I dyed the bangs a…


Added by Jackie on September 1, 2012 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

To shave or not to shave

I am thinking about shaving what little hair I have left to buy a freedom wig. I have wore synthetics and human hair for the past 3 years but can't seem to find one that will stay in place. This is very important to me because I have small children and we are active. It is not a good feeling to be cruising through wal-mart and feel your hair slipping back from your head. If anyone has experience with the silicone cap I would love to hear from you. Does the hair hold up? My human hair wig has…


Added by Cindy on August 31, 2012 at 10:00pm — 12 Comments

When the worst thing happens at work

Hi anyone and everyone who might read this. Yesterday I went into work for the first time since I got my wig (I have a job where I can work from home if I want to). I had been dreading going in because these were the people who I knew might say something because they've known me a long time, but people I don't feel close enough to to bear my soul and all my travails with my hair. The person I was most concerned about is the guy whose office is next to mine (I'll call him Jim). He's a real…


Added by claudiaclaude on August 31, 2012 at 10:46am — 7 Comments

Kinda gross - but could this be a cure for alopecia areata?

I just saw this news story. It doesn't mention AA, but this new treatment is being tested in clinical trials on Crohn's Disease. I wonder if NAAF is aware of this. Here's the story, with the link below:

If you had a chronic and potentially debilitating condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease, and swallowing the eggs of a pig parasite could help, would you do it?

The team at Coronado Biosciences Inc is betting you would.

The Burlington, Massachusetts,…


Added by Mary on August 31, 2012 at 12:00am — No Comments

Happiness, sadness, and self esteem. Help

Recently I've been having some issues with my AU, after 4 years I still find myself upset and torn up (not all the time though). Believe me, I wouldn't change my trail and my struggle for anything, it's my story. My friends always tell me "alopecia doesn't define you" but in a way, I believe it does. Its made me who I am: strong, caring, compassionate, and very understanding. It's helped me look past a persons exterior and see into their heart. But unfortunately it hasn't exactly helped me…


Added by Brittany Peterson on August 30, 2012 at 8:22pm — 4 Comments

Starting kindergarten with alopecia

My daughter has alopecia universalis for about one and half years. At present,90% of her hair has grown back. She will start kindergarten next year and i'm not sure how much hair she will have then.

I want to know if i should talk to the prospective schools principal. What are the things i need to discuss with them, like issues with teasing/allowing her to wear hats or scarves/ any previous experience with kids having alopecia.

Should I meet with school authorities and discuss…


Added by madhu on August 30, 2012 at 10:00am — 10 Comments

Permanent makeup saved me!

I went and got permanent make up done at WakeUp MadeUp in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I couldn't be happier! I avoided swimming and exercising before because of my lack of eyebrows but now I feel a little more normal again! I can do the things I want to do without being scared.

I feel like I gained some of my confidence back and couldn't wait to share this experience with everyone. If anyone has any questions about the process, I would love to fill you in as best as I can!

Added by Baldilocks on August 30, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

Airport security check

Hi All..

I'm new to this website.. i use a wig which have metallic clips, but i understand, security check wont be a problem if i ask for privacy. but my question is, my passport have photo with wig, but what about visa? it requires recent photo.. So what do i need to do? should i give photo with wig or without? please advice.


Added by Anupam on August 29, 2012 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments

New to universalis

Hi there,

I am from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada and I was first diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at 16 years old. I had a difficult time with my newfound condition as I was at such a delicate age. I endured the cortisone injections and was pleased with the results. The spots appeared on and off for the next few years but at one point, seemed to cease.

Unfortunately, it was too good to be true. I moved away two years ago and underwent a great deal of stressful events. My hair…


Added by Baldilocks on August 29, 2012 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

My daughter

hi everyone my daaughter is 7 years old and she has alopecia and she is now waiting in her hair peice for kids she is very excited and so am i once we get the hair piece back i will load a before and after picture of her.

Added by Jennea on August 28, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments


Does anyone know of semi permanent eyelashes that you can have applied.

Added by sharon gannon on August 28, 2012 at 2:56pm — 4 Comments



Added by Latina Sethman-Benthall on August 27, 2012 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Doctor says every form of alopecia is genetic

Except for my dad who has been receding since his 30's every one else in my family seems to have their hair. In conversation with my dermatologist last week, he said my AA is genetic. He says the gene lives and has lived within me from birth. He says it's been dormant, but something triggered it. He continued to say, that in so many people that have a genetic predispositon, AA could stay dormant their whole lives, while in others in shows up in their teens...or after episodes of stress or…


Added by Sandy on August 27, 2012 at 9:30am — 16 Comments

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