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I finally have a diagnosis after 11 doctors

Hi everyone. Well it took me seeing 11 different medical professionals including 4 dermatologists, endocrinologist, internal medicine specialists, allergist and the dermatologist I saw today.

The only dermatologists that I had been able to get into see up until today were all male. I found the experience of seeing them intimidating and not very helpful because they couldn't understand the emotional stress I felt being a female. They all believed it was in my head and told me that I… Continue

Added by Julie Koch on September 7, 2010 at 5:34pm — 9 Comments

Down in the dumps

I shaved my head just over two weeks ago and I was doing really well with the decision for the first week and a half but now I'm not so sure I'm happy about it. I think my ears stick out to far, I dont like the looks I got when I went out scarfless for the first time in public over the weekend. It has me really down about my decision. I mean I know it was the right one but I guess it just sucks today to have no hair. To top it off I started losing more eye lashes then my normal 1 or 2 a week,… Continue

Added by Julia S on September 7, 2010 at 2:04pm — 5 Comments

Stepping out bald

So I shaved my head thursday night after a rather large clump of hair fell out and I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Friday I went out, and wore a scarf, and got looks, and a really sweaty head. Friday night my boyfriend got into town (he lives 4 hours south) and he had also shaved his head (such the sweetie). On saturday we decided to go out and he told me "Don't wear the scarf for me or anyone else. I love you for you, and I think you look beautiful the way you are." (Hes WAY to sweet,… Continue

Added by Tamara on September 7, 2010 at 11:26am — 6 Comments


Well I haven't posted for a while.

Good news:

The patch on the back of my head has grown back pretty well - hair is quite short and thin still but its better than the glaring white patch of head that was there before, easier to hide now.

I went for my fitting at another wig salon through the NHS (so I'm paying £158 instead of the £400 I paid for the first piece) and got all measurements taken etc but it won't be ready until end of October probably (after my… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 6, 2010 at 3:08pm — 1 Comment

Putting off romance

So, you find yourself putting off going out (to where the opposite sex is), flirting, dates, expression of love, sex, engagement, marriage (hey, my order may be off for some of you...sorry...) until some assumed date that hair will miraculously all grow back? How many great ones did you let get away while doing so? How many Practice People did you waste time with or experiment revealing to, just to "get the experience" before The Real One? Most importantly, however...what do you… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on September 6, 2010 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

What if we had a Alopecia party line.

yes! or Not!

Added by NORMAN ABBOTT on September 5, 2010 at 12:18am — 5 Comments

Voluntary hairloss

Nothing warms my heart more than someone wanting to shave their head to support people with medical hairloss. I was thinking of a simple enough event I could hold in honour of alopecia awareness month. Needless to say my time is running short for planning an event but if not in September, it will be done at least in time for me to fundraise for my missionary venture to Guatemala in February. My issue comes not from planning an event but from an extraordinary request from my 9 year old daughter.… Continue

Added by Carol on September 4, 2010 at 10:26pm — 15 Comments


Well tonight I took the plunge and grab the clippers. After my mom and I went wig shopping and wearing it all day, I got home and took it off and looked in the mirror and decided enough is enough. I cant continue to see myself in a negative light. So when I went to the barn to do the night feed for the horses, I grabbed the clippers. I was shocked to see how much hair I actually have lost from the alopecia and it definitely brought to light how much I was hurting myself by trying desperately to… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 3, 2010 at 11:56pm — 3 Comments

The old lady in Walgreens

Today I went into walgreens & was headed to the bathroom when I met this old lady . The bathroom door is locked where you have to have a code to get in . ( which I think is stupid , especially when you feel like you're going to pee your pants . lol ) But anyways , I met her & she didn't know how to get in , so I went and got the code . We got in ( this sounds like some kind of top- secret mission . ) & we were talking and when I was getting ready to leave , she asked me if I was… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on September 3, 2010 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Life in the bald lane

Well, it's been a while since I've shaved and I've been out about it for most of that time (can't wear wigs in this heat!!). Mostly I'm just bald (I only wear hats/bandannas when I'm in the sun or I'm cold). Friends and family have been supportive and wonderful, but I keep having dreams about my hair falling out, or my wig having no hair... stuff like that - I suppose I'm grieving subconsciously... for the loss of my hair, and the feeling that no matter how good I might look otherwise,… Continue

Added by Amy on September 3, 2010 at 8:57am — 8 Comments

Shaved my head!

So I was going to wait until saturday, but last night I was in the bathroom brushing my hair and a HUGE glob fell out. I just couldnt deal with it anymore. So I grabbed the clippers, and now Im bald!! My mom came and helped me with it, to make sure I didnt miss anything. When it was all gone, I couldnt help but smile! I havent cried once and I dont think I will. Im more than OK with the fact that Im bald! Jeremy (my boyfriend) shaved his head last night too, so I cant wait till he gets here… Continue

Added by Tamara on September 3, 2010 at 8:14am — 9 Comments


So... I can admit to myself and will now admit to someone else, that my focus on the treatment, triggers, diet for my daughter is in part, just a way for me to push the emotion out of it. As I sit here by myself with the rest of the family in bed, I feel so stupid for crying but lately, I can't make the feeling go away. I don't want to mess it up. I really don't.

I'm just so afraid. Afraid that my unconditional love won't be enough. Afraid that I'm going to do the wrong thing or say… Continue

Added by Cari on September 2, 2010 at 12:07am — 3 Comments

Hair today - gone tomorrow!

Well, ALL of Troy's hair has grown back in! Next problem? Well everybody has to comment -reinforcing that hair is SO important. It is always nice to give a compliment-dont get me wrong. But some people just dont get it and go "over the top" gushing about his regrowth. You think they would learn after watching the cycle. They have seen it time and again but, still they treat him like he has done "something good, or amazing" by growing his hair back-somehting he has no control over- so when his… Continue

Added by Tanya Reid on September 1, 2010 at 10:53pm — 8 Comments

Hair regrowth in my daughter

Just wanted to give you an update on what is going on with my daughter. We have her appointment with the dermatologist on September 14th, I have noticed a lot of regrowth in her bald spots. She used to have about 15 to 16 spots and one of the biggest one was very visible, but now it is growing hair and all the other spots are growing also. I don't want to get all my hopes up,or say oh she doesn't have alopecia. As I have already accepted that their is a possibility that she can have alopecia. I… Continue

Added by Marissa L. on September 1, 2010 at 10:48pm — No Comments


Even if we each feel like the odd duck out sometimes, we must admit that there are places, people and situations we love that make us forget we even HAVE alopecia. Family cabin around the fire? Reunion at an old favorite hang-out with familiar childhood pals? Coming home to a cozy evening with music known-by-heart, and singing like on stage? Sleeping in and then yakking on the phone Saturday morning? Coffee shop with newspaper? Eating homemade pies with aunts? Fess up. Where, what, whom is HOME… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on September 1, 2010 at 9:58pm — 4 Comments

I want to get a new tattoo

I was thinking about getting a new tattoo, something about this new phase in my life. I have come up with, Bald and Beautiful Woman in Italian, Donna Calva e Bella. Now to decide where I want it placed.

Added by Julia S on September 1, 2010 at 5:23pm — 5 Comments

Alopecia Awareness Month

I did it... I posted a status on my Facebook telling every one of my friends on there that I have Alopecia. It said:

"In support of Alopecia Awareness Month, I am coming forward to say that I have a form of Alopecia. I want to spread awareness about this as much as I can. maybe one day when another young girl gets diagnosed, she will know she isn't alone. I'd like to say thank you to the people close to me who have given me support over the years! Thank you to the women that have… Continue

Added by Alliegator on September 1, 2010 at 2:23pm — 12 Comments

"Hello Everyone"

Hi all, just joined and so happy i found this site. Have you ever wondered what or where your life would be like if we had hair and not gone thru some changes to get to where we are today?

Added by Babycakes101 on August 31, 2010 at 9:09pm — 6 Comments


well hello to all its been a while since i've ben on here but things are looking up and thought i would come on and share with you all.

i have now got all my eyelashes bak :) which has made me feel brilliant altho the eyelashes seem different since they've come back in, lol

eyebrows are still tryin to make there way in but have quite a bit on the left and my right is starting to get quite a few strands in now :)

and best of all i have been getting dark hair growing in on my head… Continue

Added by lynne on August 31, 2010 at 3:56pm — 2 Comments

Big steps and baby steps

Well I feel like Im doing abit of a dance step lately. This week I have an appointment to buy a wig, but still hesitant about shaving what is left of my hair. I know I cant continue watching my hair fall out, and clean it up off the floor and toss it in the garbage. Next week I have my appointment for the tatt that Im getting on the back of my neck. Something that I have been thinking about for so long and excited about getting. Even tho I know there will be no hiding it and it will definitely… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on August 31, 2010 at 12:15pm — 5 Comments

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