All Blog Posts (5,825)

It's times like these...

I dont really blog but i wanted to share this experience because its one of those things that make you put things in perspective.

I work in a hospital and see sick people all the time and it kinda keeps me balanced with my hair situation, Well the other day i was hooking a heart monitor to a young lady of 25 with beautiful thick hair and i noticed she had no breast due to breast cancer and she noticed my head scarf and asked why i wore one. I answered that i was losing my hair and… Continue

Added by Tiffany P on August 19, 2010 at 2:03pm — 10 Comments

Time is the essence

...... yeah so the dr. says the cause of my hair falling out is because of the stress in my life , that i believe ; All my life ive gone through "Hell" ..... well in better choice of words " THE SHITER" my life has always been a rollercoaster , more downs than ups . This year that my hair began to fall out all ive been trying to be is positive although its not the easiest thing to do, But it is what it is , my kids keep me sane and at times drive me insane ha!!! motherhood, its the best ;that i… Continue

Added by Maria on August 19, 2010 at 11:40am — 1 Comment

Rude people

I don't understand why people have to be so rude,

My poor ego :(

I was feeling down, (it's really hard to feel like you look good when you're eight months pregnant) but something got me even more down.

I recently bought a wig online, Seeing as how there are no wig stores in flagstaff that was my option.

I've been wearing it for about a month now and as most of you know, Synthetic wigs tend to wear out fast, especially if they aren't the best quality.

A… Continue

Added by Kayla on August 18, 2010 at 9:30pm — 15 Comments

Facebook January 15, 2010

So this is word for word what I wrote on my facebook earlier this year..... It wasn't a complete "coming out" so-to-speak about my alopecia because not everyone reads every post by their 5 billion friends on facebook, but it was definitely a start. Also, I included some of the responses I got.

"*Disclaimer- This may be too much information for some people, so if learning something really big about me is uncomfortable for you, I suggest you stop… Continue

Added by Jessica Alvarez on August 18, 2010 at 9:00am — 7 Comments

Teens with Alopecia: Then and Now

There are a million stories out there about parents who contributed to angst, but I would like to hear what are the BEST things your parents did for you as a young person with alopecia, aside from medical appointments and wig purchases. How did your folks secretly get you out of a funk about hair loss?

Mine let me quit piano lessons and enroll in a special summer drawing class (I am really a visual artist) at Cranbrook Institute. They let me go to all the summer camps and weekend… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on August 18, 2010 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Intro to me (first blog evar)

I have had alopecia since I was about 8 yrs old. Not knowing what was happening and always being a very shy kid in the first place i remember being devastated. My mom and doctors just kept saying it was stress. And in order to help my mom got me my first and only wig. And in my memories it just seemed to speed up the hair loss because for i knew it I was completely bald. Going to school was awful. Everyone knew, ( how could they not noticed.....thin balding hair to full hair) plus my little… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on August 17, 2010 at 9:18pm — 2 Comments

Getting started

Hello all.

Well I'm just getting started on this Alopecia world site. I have no idea how any of it all works. I do some freelance writing & I just love to write about my life with Alopecia. For now because I cannot figure out how to work anything I would like to share with you my blog. From time to time I share a "Story from the bald vault". Most of the time my blog is just my day to day boring life. I'm excited to figure out how this site works because right now I'm… Continue

Added by Sarah y. Clingman on August 17, 2010 at 8:52pm — 2 Comments

NuBrow and Eyelashes!

My mom has been thinking about getting my eyebrows tattoed. The fact is I am only 11 and a half and not quite ready for that. So my mom and I found a product called NuBrow that sounds interesting. Before my mom purchases it I would like to know if anyone know about it and has tried it. I am also interested in what young girls who have used false eyelashes have to say. I am looking foward hearing from all my Alopecians! - Nicky :)

Added by Nicky on August 17, 2010 at 5:22pm — 3 Comments

What do you consider female pattern baldness?

What do you consider your female pattern baldness? Is it a disease? A condition? A genetic abnormality? A cosmetic inconvenience? A simple fact of life?

I am struggling to decide how I view it. On one hand, for those of us with androgenic alopecia, I am not sure our hair loss can qualify as a disease. We have female pattern balding, and as much as it sucks, is it an illness? I would never consider a balding man to be sick. So is a balding woman ill?

And in thinking about… Continue

Added by Kate on August 17, 2010 at 12:21am — 2 Comments

Ketoconazole 2% and Corticosteroid Betamethasone

Me again with another question! I was prescribed by my dermatologist the 2 above treatments for my itchy scalp and sensitivity. He always said my scalp looked healthy on previous visits and I called him today and told him my head was itching severely with tiny white balls of gunk... He prescribed me these two things without even looking at my scalp. He is about an hour drive away...

Have any of you ever used either of these? I am very nervous about using them. I know the steroid… Continue

Added by Julie Koch on August 16, 2010 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

I shaved my head! : )

I did it ! I shaved my head ! On August 15 , 2010 @ 11: 25 ? pm . : D

I feel good ! I was planning on doing it in September but, I changed my mind . lol

Earlier I was crying in my room upset because the day I planned on shaving my head was so far away .

I couldn't take it anymore ! I was so tired of seeing my hair fall out . I hated to take a shower & wash my hair because hair would be all over my hands . I hated seeing hair on my pillows & floor . So I went to talk… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on August 16, 2010 at 2:15am — 12 Comments

Venting is good for the head (ha ha)

I am glad I found this site to talk about this family all basically just has the opinion of "we are so glad it is just hair loss" and not something worse...of course I am too...BUT....sometime HAIRLOSS FEELS devastating at times and I sometimes want to cry or yell or say yeah, easy for you all to say YOU HAVE YOUR HAIR, EYELASHES, EYEBROWS ECT.....and then other days I could care less....I guess the one thing I am glad about is that this happend to me at this age and not when I… Continue

Added by Marisa on August 16, 2010 at 12:16am — 5 Comments

I can't deal with this scalp pain anymore...want to die.

I don't know what to do.. I have been suffering from this severe scalp pain and burning, itching, sensitivity, etc... for almost 7 months and am mentally and physically exhausted. Doctor after doctor and no diagnosis. I am sick of hearing that it is anxiety and worrying about my hair. The pain and hair loss go hand in hand so how can they not find something physically wrong? I am loosing my grip on reality and fear that my doctors are ready to send me to the psychiatric unit for therapy. Could… Continue

Added by Julie Koch on August 15, 2010 at 9:17pm — 14 Comments


It's been almost two weeks since I got an integration system. I don't even know how to describe how I feel. Free sums it up pretty nicely, though.

I find myself forgetting that I even have alopecia, which is a pretty big deal for someone who has thought about nearly nothing else for the past five years. It looks like my own hair, it feels like a thicker, less-damaged version of my own hair, it's pretty much the hair I always wish I had. I just wore it on vacation and I was amazed at all… Continue

Added by Andrea on August 15, 2010 at 7:21pm — 6 Comments

Time to heal

This monday I got off of work and decided to take a shower. As I went to brush my hair I noticed a bald spot on the right side of my head about the size of my hand underneath the top portion of my hair. The only thought in my head was that my boyfriend decided to shave my head while I was sleeping as a joke. Believe me when I tell you that I came unglued and yelled at him.

Of course he did no such thing. I immediatley went to the doctor who tested for Lupas and did a full blood… Continue

Added by Sarah Schripsema on August 15, 2010 at 2:36pm — 7 Comments

Wanted to share...

Here is an article I came across during the course of my reading. Thought I would share it with the group.

Added by Karen Grevious on August 15, 2010 at 10:04am — No Comments

Experimenting with hairlessness in public

Last night I went out to dinner with my husband and a friend with my head completely wrapped up in a scarf, as though I might not have any hair on my head.

Except, of course, I do still have hair on my head. So maybe it was weird to go public with my head wrapped?

Weird or not, I am glad I did. I have been wrapping my head up at home over the past few weeks, both as a means to cover my hair so I stop trying to look at it all the time in every reflective surface, and also… Continue

Added by Kate on August 14, 2010 at 2:05pm — 1 Comment

Healing Haiku

Hello Family!

In the spirit of TallGirl’s excellent blog on the power of the internet in the creation of our home here at Alopecia World; I would like to launch a blog for creative expression. For those of you who are not familiar with haiku, there are many forms, but the basic format is a small poem that comprises of three lines with a specific structure. The first line of a haiku has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. And the last line has 5 syllables. As you compose your… Continue

Added by Galena on August 14, 2010 at 1:05pm — 55 Comments


Hello all! I am now nine months pregnant and have about three to four inches of new growth on my bald spots. These past few days have noticed my scalp tingling. I did some research and found that I am most likely going to lose my hair again about three months after baby is born. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and if anyone has heard of Dr Gonens hair up treatment and if it works or not? Thanks!

Added by jackie on August 14, 2010 at 2:23am — 3 Comments

The BeBold Alopecia Camp 2010

On Friday 30th July 2010 Cowboys and Indians from across the UK decided it was time to meet together at the first ever Childrens’ Alopecia Camp. Some travelling day and night to get there, everybody was pleased to return home to our roots in Scarborough’s Wild West, Pinewood Holiday Park.

The view was wonderful and it was amazing to see how life has changed with a lovely camp site now filled with Cowboy Shacks and Indian Tipis… Continue

Added by The Be Bold Team on August 13, 2010 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

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