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intracellular bacterium,cause autoimmune illness and change over 900 genes within body

There is research relating autoimune disease, inflamation, and vitamin D deficiencies may all be related and infact a direct result of small intracellular bacteria that are thought to be the root cause of autoimmune illness.the cliff notes version is small intracellular bacterium invade the nuclei of many of the bodies cells over time

causing inflammation and chronic other words the invading bacteria stop the body from being able to properly regulate the vitamin d which in its… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 26, 2010 at 11:03pm — 4 Comments


well today i meet a girl with alopecia and her names alicia shes 12 and shes gonna go to the same school as me she dont like wearin wigs and she lives just up the street from me i thjought it was soooo kool that their was someone like me thats goin to the same school as me... she thinks my moms wierd tho cuz my mom was goin past her house and seen her and stopd her car in the street and was like do u have alopecia and alicia was like ya and so my mom pulld in her driveway! and startd to talk to… Continue

Added by lex on July 26, 2010 at 9:36pm — 6 Comments

Music Therapy

Seems to me we need to come up with some uplifting songs as therapy. Some of you have found great ones for your profile pages, but there isn't one place to collect them all. I wonder if we can list some of the songs that saved us, gave us hope, reassured us, etc. and see if rj and Cheryl can come up with a way to click on them as we do with photos and videos. If not, we can always Google the You-Tube videos or recordings.

I'll start with six:

Don't Let the Sun Catch You… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on July 25, 2010 at 10:00pm — 45 Comments

weak immune system causes AA

Infection,or genetic deffect what ever you want to call it we got it right, ok docs say our own immune system is attacking our own hair follicles right, well why is are own immune system attacking our own hair follicles? docs say they dont know why. Excuse me while I state the's because we are not functioning the same as before were not in balance anymore, we have a desease, when people get a desease they stop functioning the same as before they function abnormaly out of balance,… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 25, 2010 at 11:00am — 9 Comments

Is long white hair a good thing?

ok I found a long white hair on one of my spots everything is so new to me is this a good thing??? Im excited i found it but i dnt wanna get my hopes up but....I cant help it :). Other than that nothings really been going on. My moms bday was yesterday and I was depressed cause I miss her so much but Im good now. I wish she was here with me so I can let her hold me and tell me everything will be ok. My mom passed away 6 yrs ago and I miss her so much!!! :(

Added by amy on July 25, 2010 at 10:13am — 1 Comment

Lots of questions about doctors

Here you go...

For those of you who go the natural route - how did you find a homeopathic doctor? If I know of someone with a good reputation - is it worth traveling for? How often do you go? Do these doctor's treat children?

Has anyone ever gone to an immunologist - any luck there?

What about a gastroenterologist? All of these things that come up - leaky gut, candida/yeast... can these actually be diagnosed by tests?? Does it require a… Continue

Added by Cari on July 25, 2010 at 3:17am — 4 Comments

Hair is growing and we did NOTHING!

So as some of you may know Mikey started his hair loss journey on oct 16th 2009. By feb 10 he had lost most of it by mid april '10 he had lost all of his long beautiful hair with the exception of his giraffe patch which he still has. Some of you may recall we only did topical steroid ointment for no more than 2 months then decided to let alopecia runs its course. now all of a sudden beginning in mid june he started to grow hair. It isnt alot but hell its growing!! yes its patchy and some is… Continue

Added by jackie estrada on July 25, 2010 at 1:43am — 1 Comment

Einstien was A clock maker?

First, thanks for your thoughtful words of encouragement, they help drive me forward. I will continue because its working, see the way I see it , no matter what the reason, whether it be infection and a immune system too weak to properly dispose of the infection, which intern causes hovok within our bodies as the root cause as I believe. Or whether you believe dormant cells/genes and too much protien machanisms within our genes are the cause, the one fact still remains, our immune system is out… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 24, 2010 at 10:23am — 3 Comments

I hate but I can't help but love

i hate it when kids stare at me.

i hate it when they ask their parents whats wrong with me.

i hate it when they ask me whats wrong with me.

i hate it when people assume i have cancer.

i hate all the blank stares.

i hate the snickers.

i hate the pointing.

i hate not being accepted.

i hate not having hair.

i love my friends who never notice im bald.

i love my family who never snicker or point.

i love my dad who has alopecia… Continue

Added by whitney rose on July 24, 2010 at 5:27am — 6 Comments

15 years, 27th birthday...I didn't think it would be this hard

It's been over 2 years since I've wrote my first and only blog on this site. It's also now on very rare occasions, that I'm actually active on this site. But right now, I didn't know where else to go. This month marks 15 years. 15 years ago, at age 12 I lost my hair for the first time. 7 years ago, this month, I noticed my hair falling out again after having had my own hair for a little over 2 years. Here I am 5 days from my 27th birthday and I can't seem to do anything but cry. I cry over my… Continue

Added by Alexandra on July 23, 2010 at 9:38pm — 5 Comments

You Go Crystal!!

Typically, I like to write about hair loss but I just saw an article that caught my attention. Crystal Renn is making a name for plus size models and I think it is WONDERFUL! You go Crystal!! has an artice about her because some photos were recently retouched of her that she did not approve. I think it is so great what she is doing! It seems to me that lately, I have seen more and more articles or pictures of Crystal. Someone in magazines needs to be a positive role model for young… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 23, 2010 at 2:33pm — 5 Comments

A few questions

Hi ive had alopecia areata for nearly a year now a couple patches have grown back while others are spreading. I have noticed a patch missing from my wrist but unsure whether its alopecia or not. I'm really worried that i may develop universalis. Just wondering of the people who have universalis how fast did your hair fall out or did it take a long time? Did you start with scalp hair loss, than patches on your body or does it normally go from scalp to facial loss eg eyebrows etc? Did the hair… Continue

Added by tim on July 23, 2010 at 8:12am — 4 Comments

weak immune systems are the cause of Alopecia...peroid end of story

First I would like to say praise be to a good and all loving all nipotent God, "God is good " good All the time. Some people with alopecia Areata believe God has it out for them, why them? what did they do that was so bad to deserve this desease or why is God mad at me? or if God is so good why did he allow this to happen to me? So many questions, I had, as the big O,Oprah winfrey would say I had A AHA! moment while pondering those very questions one day.Dr.s boast there is no cure to AA and… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on July 23, 2010 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

Identity crisis

I just recently moved to a new area and it has been my goal to be more open about my Alopecia - wearing my wig less, not worrying about having my wig on when I step into the yard, wearing bandanas/scarves more often, etc. I want people to see the "real" me, but that's where the identity crisis comes in... Who am I, really? Do I want people to know me as the person I really would be if I had my own hair (meaning they would see my wig as my real hair)? Am I just trying to fool people by wearing a… Continue

Added by Amber W. on July 22, 2010 at 6:48pm — 8 Comments

Running into an alopecian

I was just vaguely reminiscing in the old days at my old workplace.. I was a customer service associate (cashier) at a tech store. During those days I was at my worst. Wearing a wig everyday to work and claiming I'd gotten extensions, meanwhile more and more of my hair fell out. Anyways, one day I noticed a man and his aunt? mom? He wore a baseball cap.

He looked a little like my history teacher who had lost hair prematurely and shaved his head. But it seemed like he didn't have any… Continue

Added by Sofia on July 22, 2010 at 5:49pm — 2 Comments

Did anyone record Kayla Martell on Wendy Williams this past Monday?

Am trying to get a copy of it or have it posted to youtube.

I Love the Pictures Posted of everyone scrolling at the top!!


Added by Rhonda on July 22, 2010 at 3:06pm — No Comments

ok im feeling better today!! :) It comes and goes but today im ok. I miss my red hair but im getting better at accepting it more a little at a time i guess huh?? Anyway I have my health and thats wha…

ok im feeling better today!! :) It comes and goes but today im ok. I miss my red hair but im getting better at accepting it more a little at a time i guess huh?? Anyway I have my health and thats what matters im still the same Amy just with less hair lol!!!! Continue

Added by amy on July 22, 2010 at 12:34pm — 2 Comments

Supportive Mom

Let me start by saying that I love my Mom to death and she is wonderful to me. She always listens but in this one area, it has taken time for the support that I needed. When I first started having hair loss problems, I had to go see a hair specialist in another city. I really wanted for my Mom to take me, but my grandmother ended up taking me. I started using Rogaine immediately. My hair loss didn't start to really bother me until a few years later when I felt like it was becoming more and more… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 22, 2010 at 11:46am — 13 Comments

Thought for today

None of my friends have Alopecia, yet all do have one thing in common: SELF-DOUBT. It occurred to me that we worry about how the world will respond to our hairless heads, while they are worrying about their big bums, pimples, blotchy skin, etc etc. We have a unique condition but the problem we have - namely, self-doubt - is common to all.

Here was my advice to her, and it applies to us Alopecians too:

Think of yourself as an amazing gift to the world. Think of what you are… Continue

Added by Michelle L on July 22, 2010 at 7:26am — 10 Comments

Starting a "support" group...

Hey Everyone!

So I'm going to try and set up a GATHERING, or a Meet & Greet of the Alopecians in my home town! I have wanted to do this for awhile now, and I'm READY! BUT! I was hoping I could get some ideas on home to get it started...I have a few but wanted to draw from anyone who has done this already in their home! I have started a flyer to advertise it, and get the word out. i was going to drop it off at doctor's offices, other medical offices and few places around town.… Continue

Added by Becka on July 22, 2010 at 12:34am — 11 Comments

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