Featured Blog Posts – July 2012 Archive (32)

Finally met my Mr. Right!

You know all of my posts and questions about the dating world and what to do with my wig and how do I tell him and how getting rejected really hurts....well, all of the time that I waited to find the right man has paid off.

I met Tom online and on my dating profile I listed about my alopecia because I wasn't going to hide anything. Right off the bat he was very accepting and supportive. He has been so wonderful! We have been dating just over a month and he has seen me with my wig and…


Added by Julie G on July 31, 2012 at 5:57pm — 7 Comments

Is it just a coincidence?

My dad and I both had full heads of hair until I was 13. We both started getting bald patches the same year. Mine appeared a couple months after his. Every year I would get the steroid injections and my hair would come back (until my senior year in high school). Every year my hair would stay put until fall/winter and then it would start falling out again in small patches. I would just like to hear some opinions. Do you think it's just a coincidence or is it possible that my dad and I carry a… Continue

Added by Ashley on July 31, 2012 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

My memoir "Split Ends"

It was a Tuesday. I was 15 years old, and like every Tuesday, I would go to the doctor, receive my treatment, and then go home. On that particular Tuesday, however, something different occurred. I didn’t follow my normal routine. It was a strange day for me. I had that routine memorized like the back of my hand, but that Tuesday was the day it all changed.

I sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. I had always hated the plain gray walls that began to blur when you stared at…


Added by Megan Adair on July 29, 2012 at 9:38pm — 13 Comments

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it

I hate how much it costs to look normal.

I can't go wigless, I have a combo of Trichotillomania and AA, I have HUGE patchy bald spots mostly on the top of my scalp, I'm pale white with black hair, so even when I shave my head completely down to the skin they show up, black patchy spots everywhere, and when I go out in public people look at me like I'm a leper, even go as far as to avoid standing close to me or taking the long way to walk around to avoid me.

Wigs, they are so damn…


Added by Kayla on July 29, 2012 at 2:30pm — 9 Comments

Feeling a bout of depression come on

I thought I was doing ok with my great bonded on hair system and all, but the last couple of days I have been feeling worse and worse. I went to this nail place to fix a wonky nail that is probably caused by alopecia in some way for all I know, and while I was there they told me that they could fix my uneven eyelashes with their individual lash extensions, and I was so excited. I have one eye with full, long thick lashes and another one that is extremely sparse. I don't know why they took my…


Added by Dominique Cleopatra on July 29, 2012 at 4:00am — 7 Comments

First time alopecia blogger... Just want to share my story

My father and I both were diagnosed with alopecia when I was 13 years old. He found a small spot on his face and chalked it up to shaving too close. Then he got another on his face and one on his head and it just spread from there. Within 3 months, I found a small bald patch on the back of my head. My mother somehow managed to get us both to Dr. Vera Price in San Francisco where both my dad and I underwent our first steroid injection treatment. My dad got injections in his eyebrows whereas I… Continue

Added by Ashley on July 27, 2012 at 5:58am — 11 Comments

Understanding each other on AW

I read this online today in preparing Olympic watchers for travel in England (Google this headline if the link doesn't pop up here):

The nation explained for visitors to the Olympic Games

Each 212-word section covered things like accents, trains, pub rounds, etc. But the parts about bad puns, even in serious newspapers, or self-deprecating humor as part of the national culture brought to mind some…


Added by Tallgirl on July 26, 2012 at 11:00pm — 17 Comments

Just want to be normal

Depression is settling in once again...

I've never wondered "Why Me?" Until now.

I don't know why, but this condition is bothering me more than ever before. I've dealt with it since I was born. I'm 18 now and still nothing has change. I have 2 younger sisters, they both have a full head of hair, everyone in my family does. So some thinking has gotten me to the point to ask "Why me?"

I know I shouldn't be all sad about this because there are other people out there probably…


Added by Julie on July 24, 2012 at 5:30pm — 7 Comments

Giving up on treatment

I've had AA pretty much my entire life. When I was little I had a patches of hair that just never grew. That went into remission for a few years then came back when I was in high school. I've been doing scalp injections for the last decade probably. It keeps the AA in check, but I never have had full re-growth. My AA has always been pretty easy to cover up, until the last six months when I developed a patch towards the top of my head. My hair is noticably thinner (to me anyway) and I'm…


Added by AshleyK on July 24, 2012 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

My parental struggle to accept my son's AU

My son has only been recently diagnosed with AU. It was quick too. in a few months he was completely hairless.

I know he is healthy and i thank god he is, but it breaks my heart knowing he is different, and he knows he's different. And after being upset about that i feel guilty that i should embrace his bald headed cuteness! I am not ashamed of him in any sense of the meaning i just fear for him, growing up in a smaller town, people are cruel and ignorant. I am mad at the world for…


Added by Jordan's Mom on July 24, 2012 at 12:00pm — 25 Comments

"I'm gonna miss this place"

This past weekend, I attended the NAAF Conference in Washington, DC. It was my first conference as an ‘adult.’ I have been to about 10 other conferences since 1994, but I was always in the kids’ camp. I loved every minute of that camp: I met a ton of people and was able to hang out with all of the friends I have made over the years. This year was different, though. I was able to go to meetings and talk about how having alopecia affects me. That was a rude awakening in itself. It was so nice…


Added by Alex on July 23, 2012 at 6:30pm — 24 Comments

Still don't know how to handle work

So I just got a new job a few weeks ago and a probable diagnosis from my doctor (waiting to see my dermatologist) but all the tests so far support her conclusions.

Still this is very new to me and my hair gets worse every day. I will probably not wear a wig around family or friends but I've been fitted for one just in case I feel I need it.

The issue is now how do I tell people/boss at work, do I tell them. I don't want them to jump to conlusions about my health but I also feel…


Added by Marinetta on July 23, 2012 at 8:00am — 11 Comments

New to alopecia

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself here. I'm Jennifer and I recently developed alopecia areata a couple months ago. I joined this site because it looks like a great support group. I'm only 17, about to go into my senior year of high school. I'm most nervous about going back to school because I left school not having alopecia, but will be going back with now noticeable patches on the back and top of my head. I'm also on a dance team in the fall seasons, and am nervous…


Added by Jennifer on July 22, 2012 at 10:30pm — 6 Comments

Isn't it weird how when it happens to you it's everywhere

I saw a girl with alopecia yesterday, and a guy the other week on the bus (probably, you never know). Göteborg is pretty small in comparison so for me this was huge. Made my day!

And without my alopecia I wouldn't even have noticed. Or I might have noticed and wondered why they didn't have hair.

I'm just sorry if I stared at the guy on the bus I was so elated. But of course I didn't ask him, I didn't want to bother him, I should have instead of staring as if I was the the…


Added by Marinetta on July 19, 2012 at 3:21am — 12 Comments


Just this past Saturday I had gone for a nap as I was quite tired, my hubby stayed up to prepare dinner then decided to watch a movie.As I woke up came downstairs my husband was walking into the kitchen and this commercial came on about hair or lipstick whatever it was i stood just at the ramp of the stairs and watched as my husband came out of the kitchen stared with an onion in his hand.I continued coming downstairs and naturally I confronted him and said you must find this girl quite…


Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 16, 2012 at 4:00am — 13 Comments

Ok I'm at work and I haven't been wearing my wigs

This ignorant jerk that comes in to get his haircut just asked on of the girls I work with why I shaved my head and she said I didnt and he said oh what does she have cancer and she responded no she has alopecia and it just fell out and he said sounds like cancer to me. When he left she told us what he had said and the other girls I work with almost got as pissed as I did like if I did have cancer that would be really rude and since I don't makes it even more rude what the hell is wrong with… Continue

Added by Sheena Tha Cody on July 12, 2012 at 2:23pm — 12 Comments

Alopecia areata and going natural

In an effort to be authentically me, I began a process of going natural with my hair about five years ago. This means that I no longer get my relaxed. Initially it was great because my alopecia was in remission (if that's a correct term). Now that my alopecia areata has reared its ugly head again, going natural isn't as carefree. Alot of the hairstyles make me self conscious or don't turn out right because I am missing a significant amount of hair in certain areas. I have dabbled in wigs,…


Added by Jasmine Harrell on July 12, 2012 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Alopecia and silicone breast implants


I read several posts about Alopecia related to Breast Implants and I think that my story is relevant on this subject:

When I was 29 I decided to get silicone breast implants and everything went very well with the operation and esthetic results. However, one week after the operation, I noticed a bald patch on the side of my head. I had always had long and nice hair until then and never once experienced alopecia before. I asked the surgeon who performed the operation if it…


Added by Florence on July 11, 2012 at 7:00am — 4 Comments

What treatments?

Hi all, I was wondering what type of treatments, if any you guys have tried. I have only had thesteroid injections to no avail. What else is out there that you've tried?

Added by Marieca on July 10, 2012 at 2:30am — 6 Comments

New to this site and new to alopecia

As luck would have it my mother owns a beauty supply that specializes in wigs and hairgoods in Orlando, FL. Ever since I can remember I have been around hair salons, beauty supplies and hair goods.

I have seen many cases of hair loss among men and women. So when I saw a bald spot in the back of my scalp 2 weeks ago, I knew exactly what it was. I was bewildered to the why I had alopecia areata suddenly, since I am in my 50's and have no family history of it. However as far as my immune…


Added by Sandy on July 9, 2012 at 11:00pm — 6 Comments

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