Featured Blog Posts – July 2008 Archive (30)

It is done.

I couldn't wait any longer. The house was quiet, children and husband asleep. . . so i decided to shave my head. I'm glad I took the time to do it alone. It was little more difficult (emotionally) than I thought it would be. My main concern how my daughter will react when she wakes in the morning. I already told her i was going to do it and she was upset, mostly b/c she liked to play hair dresser with what was left me my hair :) Anyway, how liberating. With the last clump of hair inthe middle… Continue

Added by Bigmama on July 31, 2008 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Sigh of relief

So, i did it. today i met with my director and told her about my AA and my plan to shave my head. Like i said before i knew she would be supportive but not knowing how she and my c0-workers would react still made me very nervous. She was fantastic!!! She told me i can do whatever i need to do to make myself confortable- hats, wigs, bald- anything. What a relief. With that under my belt I then found myself having lunch with some of closest work peeps and made a little announcement then. That too… Continue

Added by Bigmama on July 29, 2008 at 9:49pm — 6 Comments

Alopecia & Dating

I`ve become an expert at dating :P.I flirt, tease and know how to look sexy.Most times I manage to attract a guy`s attention then on to some action, the usual stuff but touching my hair"wig" is out of bounds and obviosly the guy would not know why my behaviour is so weird.Anyways I find it hard to take it on to the next level(deeper level) ie to be honest about my condition and open up,so i spent most of my teenage years avoiding relationships... until recently I knew I had to face my fears.I… Continue

Added by baldiegirl on July 29, 2008 at 5:55pm — 9 Comments

I need a friend

I don't know anyone else who has alopecia. I have dealt with alopecia outbreaks since I was about 5 years old and it has always been something that I have silently struggled with. I'm 23 years old now, and am currently dealing with it yet again. I really need someone who can understand what I'm going thru, just to talk to. I guess this is the perfect place to find that... I hope.

Added by Danielle on July 29, 2008 at 2:41am — 9 Comments

It's time.

I have been battling my AA since high school. At one point 4 years ago I even got to the point that I shaved my head and wore a wig. It did grow back with treatment but I now find myself making the desicion once again whether or not to shave my head. I have enough hair to cover the back of my head. I wear a thick headband like a uniform. After about a year with these damn headbands I have had enough. I'm sick of pulling hairs off myself all day, the clumps in the drain and constantly making… Continue

Added by Bigmama on July 28, 2008 at 9:50pm — 1 Comment

to shave or not to shave...

As I took off my wig last night and stared in the mirror, I realized that my hair has started to grow back a lot more thicker than I can remember in years. Not to say that it's a full head of hair, it's far from it--about maybe 5% of my original hair. For the most part, my hair usually grows back in two or three chunks from the top of my head before it falls out again, but the hair is actually staying in place this time.

I was washing my wig earlier and it occurred to me that I don't… Continue

Added by traci on July 28, 2008 at 12:33am — 4 Comments

Back from Big Sky Country

Just returned from a two week National Outdoor Leadership School course in the Wind River Wilderness Range in Wyoming. What an amazing trip... for so many reasons, not te least of which was going wig free for two weeks in front of 14 strangers. It was so liberating. When we got back in town I even went out with my group without my wig on an flew home without my wig on. Huge risks for me but with amazing pay off... feel so much more confident.

Added by Maidie on July 27, 2008 at 10:27pm — 2 Comments

shear genius.

What a coincidence that the other day as I was combing my new wig, I was wondering what would happen if the contestants on Shear Genius had to cut and style wigs for alopecia and cancer patients and voila! This past Wednesday night on Shear Genius, eight women with alopecia were on the show, spreading awareness and having wigs styled for the episode's challenge.

Good for you, Bravo, for using this fabulously addicting reality show (I've been a fan since season one!) to… Continue

Added by traci on July 26, 2008 at 2:30am — 4 Comments

Somebody has to be the hero...

You know when your relationship starts to slip a little. You can feel the distance between you growing and tension rising. It's not like nobody notices, but rather that no one is doing anything about it. I'm tired, I feel like I'm all on my own and I've been playing the hero for too long.

Added by Carmella on July 22, 2008 at 10:37am — 6 Comments

Surrendering to your circumstances

With alopecia I still believe that the struggle is internal and the only way to rise above it is to overcome it internally.

At one time or another in everybody lives we are going to meet up with a situation that we can not control. At that point we have 2 choices, to either keep fighting a fight that we can not ultimately win or we can choose to surrender.

Most people think of surrender as a negative, a weakness or giving up. But I see surrender as learning to…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 21, 2008 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Am I ready for this ???

I have had aleopecia universalis since I was 15 yrs old. I remember the day my hair truly fell out. It's been 15 yrs and it sometimes still feels like just yesterday. I cannot belive that it took me so long to find this website and others living with, dealing with and surviving life with aleopecia. I guess it's possible I just wasn't ready to.

I have been wearing wigs since I was 15. I started out with the experience of going into a store where an older woman basically sat me in… Continue

Added by amanda~ on July 20, 2008 at 9:00pm — 13 Comments

writings of a philosophy student #1

(September 9, 2005)

The Bhagavad Gita is the account of Prince Arjuna's despair. He is told to fight and kill his relatives who stand on the opposing side even though he does not want to. He is angry about life and about what he is told he has to do. Arjuna is upset over the unfairness in life, so he lays down his weapons and starts to wail over the injustice presented before him. As much as he does not want to kill, he must. There is nothing he can do to change… Continue

Added by traci on July 20, 2008 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Learning to Lose...

Before alopecia invaded my life, I was a happy young lady. I excelled in my studies, had a bunch of nice, caring friends, loving family and did pretty well in my career. At that time, I always think that god is so kind to me, He grants most of my wishes and it makes me feels like a WINNER.

All of a sudden, my sweet dreams turned into nightmares when I started to lose hair. Immediately, my confidence level dropped drastically. Worst of all, I was fired for poor performance and it hit… Continue

Added by 3mee on July 20, 2008 at 6:04am — 7 Comments

exploring beauty in america: contemplating. creating. challenging.

"The warped utopia that the modeling industry presents is a false representation of the 'average beauty.' Too often, young girls are internalizing the looks we see in magazines as 'what is beautiful' and, as a result, are endangering their health and lowering self-esteem. Despite attempts to 'change the modeling industry' the truth stands that what we define as 'beautiful' are the extreme looks represented by supermodels. There is no objective point of view on beauty in America, yet there… Continue

Added by traci on July 18, 2008 at 7:45pm — 1 Comment

Why should we be ashamed??

I don't write here very often. But I read form time to time. I was born in the uS but I live in Italy now. The thing that is bugging me lately is that here people seem less "open" about Alopecia. It is considered something to be ashamed of, someting to hide. I know lots of women who don't even show their head to their husbands or parent's. How could this be?

Is it mentality? Not enough information? Who knows...

Added by J on July 18, 2008 at 10:31am — 6 Comments

Im so Proud of Myself

hey everyone! i just put up my first pictures of me with no hair! i feel so much better! check em out!!

Added by Amanda on July 17, 2008 at 5:03pm — 8 Comments

Being Bald is Bliss...I'm so free!

So, it's been a week and 5 days since I shaved my head and I feel great! Check my "Independence Day" blog, I should have done this long ago...I've lived over 40 years with AA, trying medicine, injections, wearing wigs and weave, hairpieces, extensions, etc. and now I'm truly free to be me. Shaving my head was a celebration for my 4 daughters, my son, my grand girls, my man and other family members. My children and grand girls all participated in shaving my head and my man keeps it manicured (it… Continue

Added by Linda on July 17, 2008 at 12:01pm — 8 Comments

A Fresh Start

This summer I'm sorting myself out. Getting back on good terms with God,trying to get into shape and most importantly,trying to sort out my thoughts and feelings about alopecia.That's the reason why I've joined here.To try and find some friends and support that will help me when I'm going through bad times so I don't have to get to this stage of feeling totally lost again.

It's only been a year and a half since I was diagnosed and I suppose in the grand scheme of things that's not a… Continue

Added by Megan on July 16, 2008 at 7:35pm — 4 Comments

a master of procrastination.

So I've finally decided to update and add to my profile here at Alopecia World. Time has been so scarce for me lately - I'm a master at procrastination despite the two jobs I'm working and summer school. Moving back down to Irvine the past couple of weeks has taken a toll on me too. Who knew college would become increasingly more stressful as time moves forward?

The week before I moved I went out to SF to see Miss Peggy again to order a new wig. Time for a change, and not to mention… Continue

Added by traci on July 16, 2008 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

Hair Growth During Pregnancy

I was just wondering if anyone had any idea why during my pregnancy, my hair grew back in nice and thick, with very few spots. I thought it was due to the prenatel pills, however I am continuing to take the prenatel after my daughters birth, but my hair is falling out in massive amounts. Within a month and a half after her birth I went from thick hair to almost no hair at all! Why?

Added by Jaime on July 15, 2008 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

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