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hey everyone! I haven't been on the site in a looooong time! I graduated from undergrad, moved back home, started another degree, and started working full time. Currently, I'm working full-time and going to school full-time. Its not an easy task! I find myself having little to no time for anything! I was recently accepted into a graduate program for speech pathology at Nazareth in Rochester, NY. Now, I'm trying to find time to make sure I find a place to live, get my course schedule straight,… Continue

Added by Stacie Duda on November 17, 2009 at 11:46am — No Comments

Does anyone hair stop falling out for a while then start up again?

ok...I have lost about 50% of my hair since May. Its seems to have stopped in the past month...does this ever happen to anyone, then it start up again and loose the rest of it??

Added by Casee on November 17, 2009 at 11:01am — 1 Comment

DES Is anyone else out there a DES child?? I'm wondering if this has anything to do with my health issues.I have hypothyroidism ,AA and vitalogo None else in my family has these issues except one aunt with hypothyriod.

Added by linda carraway on November 17, 2009 at 8:10am — 2 Comments

Be gentle -I'm a "blog Virgin"

Hello Everybody

Well this is assuming anybody will want to read my "Blog". I have never done one before so here goes. Just updated my profile so spent time wandering about the site.

Being fellow Alopecians, we all must have intresting/funny things happen to us.

I was reading Cal,s blog and it made me think about doinag a short one myself. She was speaking about reactions to going out bald. I have noticed that I get different reactions depending where are am, for instance, I… Continue

Added by Gill on November 17, 2009 at 4:20am — 4 Comments

How long?

Apparently a new doctor is supposed to be coming back in January after many seminars etc. with new knowledge about new treatments. I had an appointment on Oct. 14; they just called and told me when my appointment with him is; it's March 12, 2010; 5 months from now, 6 months from that appointment!

Because of this mega-long delay I finally called and made an appointment to see a Chinese Medicine doctor. Guess when I see him? This Wednesday. So I have 5 months to try out Chinese… Continue

Added by Brandy Snap on November 16, 2009 at 4:40pm — 3 Comments


So it's been a while since my last blog: just about 6 months. A lot has changed since then. I graduated from high school, which pretty much cut me off from anyone I talked to there (not that I care too much). I went and got myself a job over the summer. I worked 5 days a week from 7am-6pm. They were pretty long days, but money is money and I am in some pretty deep debt from my college loans. Then after an extremely quick few months, I was off to college. I moved out of my house to go… Continue

Added by Alex on November 16, 2009 at 3:23pm — 4 Comments

A very reaction-y kind of day today

I've been going out bald in public for ooh, about three weeks now and have had a variety of responses from strangers. Going out for dinner in a very arty venue - nobody bats an eyelid. Sitting behind a small child on the bus - slack jawed staring, although in a very innocent, curious way. Walking through town with a friend on a Saturday night - being told by an utterly plastered man than he admired my individuality. Wandering through Primark - people looking and then trying not to look and… Continue

Added by Cal on November 16, 2009 at 1:55pm — 11 Comments

Hair Care OCD?

So I was in the shower and thought about this as I was scrubbing my hair. Have you become a bit obsessive about your hair/scalp care?

On days divisible by 4 I wash my hair with a coal tar based shampoo. I've been using it for over 10 years because I have dandruff from hell. I've had it since I was born and had no hair back then either ;-) I really scrub it to because I figure a healthy, stimulated scalp has a better chance of regrowth. If I lose all my hair I will still scrub the… Continue

Added by Andrea on November 16, 2009 at 12:57pm — 3 Comments

I hate alopecia

why does this have to happen all over again. i have been having regrowth for 6 months, now is happening all over again. i have my hope up too high for this condition. i also hate the fact that people are blaming me for causing my hair loss. i am soooooooo devastating now.

Added by Carol Yuen on November 16, 2009 at 5:38am — 7 Comments


I was wondering if any one has tried stentech. Apparantly it is working. please let me know your oppinion.

Added by Jacquie C on November 15, 2009 at 10:29pm — 3 Comments

Trying It On For Size

I've been working in my current job for about a month now (a part-time, temporary position) and wearing my wig everyday. I'm really starting to remember why I never wanted to do this to myself again. I look in the mirror and I can't see myself anymore. I see this person trying to pretend to be something she's not. I think the main problem for me is that the wig just looks so completely fake. I feel like I should be going out trick-or-treating when I wear it. I've just spent the past couple of… Continue

Added by Kathie Nietenhoefer on November 15, 2009 at 9:02am — 3 Comments

Wanting a child but just diagnosed with AA, is it hereditary?

Hi Everyone, my husband and I were hoping to have another child but I was just diagnosed with Alopecia in July 2009. Does anyone by any chance know if having Alopecia effect the baby? I've heard some talk that it might be hereditary. Any of you out there with Alopecia have children and did your child have Alopecia, if so at what age? Any information or input would be super helpful. Even to tell me that you have Alopecia and your children do not have AA would even be better :)

Thanks… Continue

Added by M. Luk on November 14, 2009 at 9:19am — 18 Comments

When I got alopecia areata

I had Alopecia Areata since I was 2 years old. I loved it ever since and no one has ever made fun of me because of it. It is a common diease and it is not cancer. I make many friends with it and they know about it. I have many friends on Alopecia World but they are much older than me. I wear knitted hats, Bandanas, wigs and speaking of wigs I have a new one comeing right now and it is made of real hair that people donated to a founation!! I saw the movie and people love to donate thier hair for… Continue

Added by Jordyn Charthern on November 13, 2009 at 9:07pm — 7 Comments


Hey all,

I am having a very difficult time right now. As alot of you know...I was diagnosed as having hypothyroidism march 08 by a doctor that considers normal range lower than most for whatever reason. At the time, I had no symptoms of thyroid problems but went on the medication per his recommendations. Nine months later, hell begin so to speak....major hair loss, severe muscles aches, freezing cold all the time and frequent infections. I went to an acupuncturist and herbal therapist… Continue

Added by Donna DeHoog on November 13, 2009 at 5:36pm — 12 Comments

Here Goes

OMG where do I start. I am a fifty four year old African America woman. All my life I have been under the impression that a woman’s hair is her glory. My hair lost started several years ago. I got a biopsy and found out I had alopecia but was in denial. I and have worn braids (extensions) for 17 years. Prior to that I had perms straight and curly. I have also worn wigs when I had bad hair days. The onset of my hair loss started with my scalp becoming tender and the hair in the crown of my head… Continue

Added by Diane Holland on November 13, 2009 at 3:29pm — 2 Comments

To Good to Be True

It's been a while since i posted my last blog regarding my regrowth. I've waited patiently and was excited about every little progress made. My eyelashed grew back- YAY! My eyebrows are back-Yes! My head of hair-Ugh! It was up to about 70% regrowth and now I'm sorry to say it's all starting to fall out again. I knew in my mind this probably was not going to be long term, but somehow I was hoping it would be. Although I am a dissapointed I understand this is what to expect with this condition.… Continue

Added by Marisol on November 13, 2009 at 3:11pm — 2 Comments


I am not even going to say it.

The "D" Word is for Defeat, Denial, Defiance.

To think this way or wishing this way is not the way out.

In's the "END"

Giving up is no Accomplishment!

I will not Drag Negative Energy Out and Feed off it!

We shall strive to use the "D" Word as Discovery, Determination, Deliverance.

Life has…

Added by MiNAH on November 13, 2009 at 9:18am — 6 Comments

New shedding

Definitely losing quite a bit of hair again. I knew it was coming out as I've been picking it off my clothes etc and feeling that I might be exposing naked scalp during the day but looking at the pictures I posted a few months back, I can see how much I have been losing. Eek - I hope it slows down soon because I haven't got myself sorted for a new prescription yet and I don't want to hit the Christmas party season with a whole load of hair missing and wigs that are a bit passed their… Continue

Added by Erica on November 13, 2009 at 5:24am — 3 Comments

Haven't posted in a bit

Well I'm happy to say that Jordyn has a Alopecia World page add her as your friend. She is on here also looking for girls her age that she can relate too. We are happy to say she is soo excited and cannot wait for the arrival of her LOL wig. We are also looking for girls or boys in our area that have alopecia. This seems to be a difficult feat. I have yet to find anyone close to our area. I work at the hospital here and I met a mom not too long ago, she brought her son in for labwork… Continue

Added by Jess (Jordyn's Mom) on November 12, 2009 at 10:07am — 1 Comment

Life sure has gotten busy!

Hello all!

So sorry it has been such a long time since I've written, and wanted to say hello!

Life has gotten really busy as of late, but that is no excuse....Will try harder to drop a few lines from time to time!

In August, wow what a busy time......We moved into our new home, I started back to school, and went back to work...was a bit overwhelmed for a bit.

I have decided to go back to school full time, better late then never I suppose. I am currently getting my Assoc. in… Continue

Added by Theresa on November 12, 2009 at 9:32am — No Comments

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