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...The girlfriend thing...

The last time I had a really close BFF was back when I was twelve years old (just before AU took over my life). I miss having a good friend so much.

The problem is this:

I have issues...issues that people don't understand. Issues that I can't just "Get over". Some days are fine...but other days - especially a BWD (bad wig day) -- oh God!! Those days I could just build a cave under my blanket and hibernate for the whole season.

The phone rings, and instead of… Continue

Added by Jackie on May 18, 2009 at 11:07pm — 6 Comments

Alopecia later in life

Im wondering about getting alopecia later in life, i had just turned 30 when i found my first patch and I read a lot how people have had it most of there lives.
I would like to talk to anyone who has got it later in life and has had positive results with the hair growing back. (hey, I can live in hope that my hair will grow back and not fall out again!).

So, were you older when you got alopecia, I would love to chat.
Bel :)

Added by Bel on May 18, 2009 at 10:50pm — 5 Comments

thank you, friends

I joined up here less than a week ago and have been blessed to get to know that there are so many wonderful people out there who belong to our "hidden society" who can give me some comfort, some ideas, some advice....because up until last week, I have felt so totally alone, scared, embarrassed, and sad, not really having anyone to confide in who really understands what I am going through. I only wish that I can also contribute the same to all of you in the future. Thankyou. bk

Added by brenda kay on May 18, 2009 at 10:27pm — 2 Comments

Biogetica and Alopecia

Has anyone heard of this treatment before?

Another member here told me about it and said it is making his hair grow.


Added by JeffreySF on May 18, 2009 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

People sent from heaven

On 15th May 2009, it was exactly the day two years ago when I reached the United States the for first time by boarding a plane with a flight ticket bought by a person (including her wonderful friends & family) that at the end proclaimed that it was a gift from God to her.

Eversince, this question of thought was raised in me "What did I do to deserve such kind and generous treatment?", its been years when I started pondering deeply on the question. I thought from the east to the… Continue

Added by Joshua on May 18, 2009 at 12:09am — No Comments

upsetting morning

came to my little sister's house (49 yrs. old, not so little) to of course, do my bushy haired niece's hair.....i was wearing a new wig....much shorter and spikey, got good feedback at work and from friends. Upon seeing my new "do" sister gasped and put on such a theatrical scene of how she hated it and i looked like Farrah Fawcett on chemo.....she kept on telling me that she couldnt look at me and to get away from her......I couldn't believe how she carried on, i still had to stay and do… Continue

Added by brenda kay on May 17, 2009 at 5:55pm — 6 Comments

Update on my Mom 5/17/09

Well, it's been almost 2 months now since my mom had her stoke, and all I can say is GOD IS GOOD! She came home on 4/29/09 with a walker and a leg brace, and while she has been cooperating with her physical therapy, she has also been chomping at the bit to jump back into her normal routine. She finally got tired of waiting for someone to take her everywhere she wanted to go on Wednesday, so to prove the point, she got a step ladder and her walker and politely climbed into her 15-passenger van… Continue

Added by kastababy on May 17, 2009 at 12:21pm — 1 Comment

I need help

I'm struggling with Trichotillomania,

I don't mind wearing wigs, i'm used to it... but I'm so tired of having to shave my head.

I'm still a teenager, and people are very cruel about these things, Ripping off my wigs in public... I'm not ashamed that I'm bald, but I often find myself lying about my actual condition out of fear that they will think i'm crazy for pulling my own hair out...

I'm starting to feel that way myself, It's gotten so bad, I had to shave my head again… Continue

Added by Kayla on May 17, 2009 at 5:45am — 3 Comments

Crocheted Wiggies Cap

I have a pattern for a very cute cap know as a wiggie. It's very cute and really soft and comfortable to wear. You just use fun fur in any colour of your liking. I made a nice one in copper for around the house (my head gets chilly in the winter), and if you combine the fun fur with a satin yarn of similar shade (and make it longer for a fold up brim) you have a lovely fuzzy, soft and warm hat for the winter.

Here's a pic of a wiggie:…


Added by Brandy Snap on May 16, 2009 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

Being Honest

Hello, this is very strange to me first of all. I am not one who socializes at all, especially on the internet. Today is my birthday. I am 27 years old. Alopecia has been running my life for the last 20 years. Yesterday, I took some time to think about everything I have missed out on because I was afraid. I have always felt that I wasn't good enough period. I think it comes from all of the teasing and hurtful comments over the years. I have never had a real relationship with anyone. I have… Continue

Added by Anastasia on May 16, 2009 at 4:00pm — 8 Comments

The Alopecian Closet...Are you in or out?

Hello Alopecia World,

I wish there was a poll section on this site for such a question.

I am writing tonight in support of National Bald (now called International Alopecia Day).

This is an event for women with alopecia. The objective is to raise awareness and acceptance for bald women in society. What is asked of you is to organize, join or support a group of local alopecians…


Added by JeffreySF on May 16, 2009 at 1:30am — 12 Comments

wats happened so far!!!!!!

well hello, i am 27 and ive only just lost my hair, it all started a few wks bak wen i first took an allergic reaction to the sun, i was covered in blisters but after a few days of usin strong cream i was gettin better, then less than a week later i noticed a bald patch on my head the size of a 50p piece, wat a fright i got, but there on after it was fallen out rapidly, i would be sittin still and my hair was just comin away from me, i now only have strands left which i might now just shave off… Continue

Added by lynne on May 15, 2009 at 11:54am — 3 Comments


well i am new too this but here i go. I have alopecia universalis and i have had it since i was 12 years old. i am 29 years old now and i cant seem to make it out outside without my wig. I really cant afford them and my friend that i am close to on here is trying to get me to go with out my wig but i still cant seem to do it. since all this has happend i have all kinds of health problems now. with all the stress i am under i now have panic attacks cause i am afraid of what people think of me.… Continue

Added by clair on May 15, 2009 at 10:38am — 3 Comments

Stressing about the weekend.

So to everyone else ths sounds weird. But I know you all will understand. Like mentoned in my last post I am pregnant and lke my past pregnancies my hair has been growing back more and more as time goes on. It has been coming in so nicely that about a month ago I decideed to stop shaving it and let it grow back. Which is very exciting because so far it looks like I might actually have enough to cover my head! The only issue is obviously I can no longer wear my vaccum wig. The problem now is we… Continue

Added by Bigmama on May 14, 2009 at 8:18pm — No Comments

Wearing It

I found some t-shirts on cafepress I think I'm going to order and wear to the gym since that seems to be where I get the most looks. Usually as I enter or exit the ladies room. I guess the make up and breasts aren't enough to prove my femaleness. *shrug* I am fighting the temptation to always wear a head scarf when I go out. I don't want to hide it. It's part of who I am whether I like it or not. The majority of the time I'm fine with it so why does it matter that other people have an issue… Continue

Added by Jess on May 14, 2009 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

And the stress keeps coming

So since the last time i wrote on here i was starting to deal with all my insecurities of my alopecia. Since then I have met a wonderful guy named John and we started dating each other. I still have not showed him my shaved head and i sleep with my wig on which can be annoying at some times. He knows about my condition and said when i am ready to show him he will be there for me. I just need some more time.

About 2 weeks into our relationship he started complaining about back pains.… Continue

Added by Danielle on May 13, 2009 at 11:16pm — No Comments

My First Blog Post

Funny thing, I have an adorable Pomeranian, now 9 years old, who also has alopecia. Poor thing was almost completely bare except for his head, legs and spine (called him Spike for awhile), but his hair grew back. He just has a little bit left to fill in on his butt (his longish fur covers it up; talk about comb overs) It was probably due to changing his diet a bit. No more wet dog food for dinner, he usually got a scrambled egg (lots of vitamins & protein) on most days (with his dry… Continue

Added by Brandy Snap on May 13, 2009 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

There is hope!

I thought I would give everyone an update on the AA progress....

Since I stopped using the clobetasol hair has started to grow back. I started out with 16 patches...and am now left with 2 - one of which is very small on the back of my head, and the other is the very first patch that started. It grew to a lovely 4 inches...and is now about the size of a canadian nickel. I have had complete hair regrowth in all other patches. I have hair growing in the last two patches - some of… Continue

Added by Christie on May 13, 2009 at 5:42pm — 1 Comment

Still Worried

You'd think after all these years of living with alopecia, I'd be used to it by now. In a lot of ways, I actually am. I've come to accept that I'll never know what it's like to have long hair blowing in the wind, never understand the literal meaning of a "bad hair day", nor will I ever feel like I'm completely normal (whatever that is). I'm just glad that I've found this place. Now, at least, I can feel like I belong somewhere.

I've chosen to live without wearing wigs for my entire… Continue

Added by Kathie Nietenhoefer on May 13, 2009 at 12:58pm — 4 Comments

Follow-Up Visit

I had a follow-up visit with my doctor today. She's just great and I am always encouraged after seeing her. I noticed the first signs of regrowth in March (I'm talking microscopic here), by April it was a wee bit more visible though I was really quite bald. Had about 20% of my hair still hanging on for dear life. Throughout April it really came in and now I have a good bit of coverage. Still a little sparse on top but I am hopeful that if it continues at this rate it will fill in… Continue

Added by Paula on May 12, 2009 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

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