All Blog Posts (5,825)

My journey with AA

Hi all. I have decided to keep a journal about my AA journey - as much for myself as anything eles as things always seem less of a issue when I've got them written down. Please feel free to add your thoughts and ideas because I feel that this journey is going to be just as much about the people I encounter as the issues I face. Anyways here goes.

Friday 24th Oct 08 - After a few weeks of losing hair by the bucket load and putting it down to summer shedding, my shampoo and what ever… Continue

Added by Karen on November 6, 2008 at 10:06pm — 3 Comments

i mean really whats the point

grrrrrrrr i think im just going to hang it up and quit trying to date or meet some one. i think i meet some one who does not care about me being hairless and they dont really as friends. it seems like when im talking to girls and looking in there eyes all i can think about is what i look like thro theirs. thought i was over the confidence issues or being self consious i am just not with women it seems......i feel alone and depressed this sucks

Added by brian kirchman on November 6, 2008 at 10:51am — 5 Comments

Nicky's new school

Nick started his new school today. He goes to a private Christian school a stone throw from my work. We just could not get him adjusted in his last school. His self esteem had gotten better, but some teasing still persisted and the staff just wouldn't deal with that in a effective manner. Which I truley believed caused Nicky to be a "class clown", thus causing some of his negative behavior.

He went into his new classroom today, which was 14 other children from the ages of 8-16, they… Continue

Added by Carrie & Nicky Johnson on November 6, 2008 at 8:29am — 1 Comment

Egyptian Goddess??

Things have been quite interesting at work lately as far as my alopecia is concerned. Last week I finally spoke to the store manager about not wearing my wig to work anymore and she has no problems with this at all but we agreed I whould wear a scarf at least so that the public won't feel uncomfortable - I understand this and although it isn't completely fair, it is a customer service job and I can't let discomfort stand in the way of my own progress.

So, on Halloween I wore my bright red… Continue

Added by Carol on November 5, 2008 at 10:14pm — 8 Comments

Not A Good Day

So as I said in my previous blog, im starting to lose my eyelashes..

I looked closely Im loosing more hair on one eye than the other. GREAT. What am I supposed to do when I have no eyelashes on one eye and some on the other? I hate this. I hate that Im going through this. My hair is falling out in clumps, which it's never really done before, the process of me losing my hair has been pretty slow. What am i doing to do? How do I live life like this?

I dont understand how one day I have… Continue

Added by Chelsea McGee on November 5, 2008 at 9:51pm — 7 Comments

I Really Need Some Kind Words, Alopecians and Non-Alopecians. Please.

I'm tired of this. I'm sick and tired of having my optimism and hope driven into the dirt by my mother. Every time I talk to her on the phone, I end up in tears. I resent her for making me feel insecure about something that I have no control over. She makes me feel like I'm not doing enough when in reality I've done so much. I feel that if I try one more procedure or method and bring her (and myself) false hopes that it'll just be wasted money and it will wear me out even more. I am still a… Continue

Added by Alexandra on November 5, 2008 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

Cool way to tell others about Alopecia World! :-)

Did you know that Alopecia World has several cool “badges” that you can add to your personal website or blog?

You can also add these cool badges to your Facebook or MySpace page or your page on another social networking site!

Simply login to your Alopecia World account, go to this page,…


Added by Alopecia World on November 5, 2008 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Response to Karen

A week or so ago, Karen posted the following on my wall:


I have been reading your page for the past few months and have wanted to message you to ask a few questions. If you read my page you would see that I have a daughter who is turning five in three weeks and she has alopecia. She is now in the shedding phase and what will happen....who knows...

I have come to terms with the fact that she may have to live with this for the rest of her life and now I am… Continue

Added by Dominique on November 5, 2008 at 4:09am — 5 Comments


im still not over tommy :( it feels like ill never be. im just so sad all the time. can anyone cheer me up?

Added by Courtney on November 4, 2008 at 9:02pm — 3 Comments

Having a Bad Day :(

Oh, I HATE how this sadness and anger sneaks-up on me!! Is it PMS? Maybe? Is it normal? Maybe? Does it drive me INSANE .. You BET!! Because I have REALLY REALLY been trying to be happy! To Accept this! To be OKAY! But since Saturday night, it's not working out so well!! First I was pissy cause wearing my wig out all afternoon gave me a HUGE headache!! Then I wasn't comfortable enough to ride in my own car with nothing on my head ... You know, afraid to be JUDGED by complete strangers! Sunday I… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on November 4, 2008 at 3:44pm — 7 Comments

No use crying over spilt milk ..

hello,my new friends here...

this mornign, quite early, i was having a quite sad,

depressive time... i stood up, went to the bathroom,

and looked at myself, in the mirror.

first, i thought, oh-god, what a "monster" you are..

i looked at my head, which was shaved nearly-clean then,

and thought, again, who will ever find you sweet or attractive..?

i felt tears running down my cheeks.. and, though i felt that-depressive,

i took the razor and began removing… Continue

Added by Hannah Sylberstein on November 4, 2008 at 9:56am — 3 Comments


I am getting so fed up with my head....and I feel selfish because I havent even lost all of my hair yet. The spots just keep getting bigger, and the hair keeps coming out. I am getting sick of wearing it one way to hide the baldness, but its so hard to just throw your hair the way you want and screw the spots, but then people look and ask and make jokes.....or tell you what you should do to fix it. "dont be so stressed" is what i hear most often....I AM NOT STRESSED!! Its hard to explain… Continue

Added by May on November 3, 2008 at 4:57pm — 5 Comments

no more treatments!

well, i have a doctor's apt tomorrow and i called and cxled it. i decided that i am done with everything that i have been doing to keep my hair. i am not taking injections anymore, or using foams, or creams on my scalp. i am losing more hair and it comes and goes. it seems that i am losing and growing hair and that it has nothing to do with the treatments. plus i am gaining weight from all of the steriods and that doens't help my state of mind at all either. i stopped the zoloft as well. i… Continue

Added by Jenn on November 3, 2008 at 1:12pm — 10 Comments

off with my hair - finally....

hi, my new friends here...

after several months, nearly one-and-a-half

years of suffering from loosing my hair at the

middle-upper-back-part of my head, with

more hair dropping on the floor, continuously,

i dedided, finally, to have my head shaved..

now, after i did it (not me, a friend of mine

did it, instead of celebrating "helloween" together..),

no-one would notice, i had suffered from hair-loss..

it´s a drastic change - but, at the moment, i… Continue

Added by Hannah Sylberstein on November 3, 2008 at 9:40am — 10 Comments

feeling a split personality kinda thing

hi .. i also want to lighten my heart with all of you....

i have very small family n frnd cirle ..... i have only my mother as only family member to talk , no sister n brother, n no discussion with father..he just want me to talk only "important things" ....... i have 3,4 four good frnds(no girlfrnd). ...

i saw many alopecians seems to enjoying their lives very well ..... i have accepted the condiiton .... when i am outside my home ... like in office ...i m normal ... well… Continue

Added by nrja on November 3, 2008 at 7:34am — 1 Comment


a while back, i went to a genetics doctor, cant remember what they call them.

i wanted to know more about alopecia and my dna.

i guess you could say i'm a special case, i have an identical twin sister who doesnt have alopecia.

she is also really scared about getting it! i am scared she will get it, one,because she isnt as strong as me.

and two because i like being the only one!!! haha

so the Dr said she has a 55% chance of getting it.

also i wanted to know what… Continue

Added by Alison on November 3, 2008 at 7:13am — 5 Comments

We are all Pretty and Sexy!

We just have to keep a good actitude towards life, I guess that's the key.
We can have different wigs, and wear different styles, we will still look pretty and hot.
You just have to remember, Don't let your hair make you, YOU MAKE YOUR HAIR. Even if you buy it :-)

Added by Grace on November 2, 2008 at 2:18am — 1 Comment

So Mad I didn't go as a Jack O Lantern for Halloween

What was I not getting about Halloween.....

Duh....Next year you can call me Pumpkinhead....

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.


Go ahead and say it....Typical Cheesey American. LOL

Added by JeffreySF on November 1, 2008 at 12:20am — 2 Comments

Are we in Control ???

Yesterday, while rummaging through my closet looking for Winter shoes I wondered is Alopecia my burden or had I let it burden me? I thought I was lucky I learned to take this negative and turn it into a positive. While there are definately days when I would rather be quote "normal" I have done all the things that I wanted to do. I thought does everyone on this site now that this is not a reason to wallow in shame but to accept the challenge and continue to fight. I think are we not all… Continue

Added by Trina on October 31, 2008 at 9:05am — 5 Comments

What's playing on your page?

I’ve discovered some addictive music playlists while surfing Alopecia World. I’d like to not only thank you all for such wonderful listening experiences, but also invite you to tell us in your reply to this blog what’s currently playing on your profile. Perhaps some other members would enjoy listening in. If you don’t have a playlist, go to and get one like my… Continue

Added by rj, Co-founder on October 30, 2008 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

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